Thursday, March 7, 2013

My First Baby Shower in America

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I think Baby Showers are an American construct. I never heard about it while in Nigeria and in my time in the UK, I had a few friends/colleagues who had babies, but there were no baby showers. In Nigeria, usually, the celebration is after the woman has had the baby, and there is baby powder and laughter and rejoicing.

Here in the US, the birth of the baby is heralded a few months or weeks before the ED and it helps the mother to be to keep up the excitement as she receives gifts from family and friends that help her prepare for the arrival of the new baby.

I had missed a couple of previous showers which took place while I was in Nigeria, but when a new friend, who happens to be from my village in Asaba, invited me to her baby shower, I just knew I had to be there. It was a great way to celebrate that joy with all the other women there, and to show support to my sister/friend. Now counting down the days to welcoming the new baby :)

The celebrant

Celebrant's mum and her friend

One of my favorite blog readers 

Some of the gifts

A game - match the celebrity to the wacky baby name. I actually came third, wow! I know more about pop culture than I care to admit, lol...

Lovely ladies, love the smile

Chatting with his mum while he does what babies do best, go after my jewelry :)

Discussing baby names

Food was very yummy, loved the plantain especially

Baby Shower - the party decor was both pink and blue, they're waiting till birth to know the baby's gender :)

There was a game and their team won the awesome goody bags

Pretty faces

Lovely ladies!

Yummy cake

The whole party - I think some kids were busy somewhere sha.

The celebrant with her mum, MIL and her two daughters

I didn't know what to get so I took along a gift card. Now I know Pampers and Huggies are the name of the game :)

The organizers of the shower, they did a great job!


  1. awww... lovely pictures! I can see its a whole celebration with gifts and all... so so cute.

    I have heard about this baby shower thing but haven t seen or been to any around here in Ghana. like you said, the real celebration is after the baby is born.
    Nice going...

  2. Nice! Nice!! Nice!!! Lovely faces. Wishing her a wonderful delivery.

  3. Very nice. Lol my baby came before my baby shower. Very funny. I love the pix

  4. Baby showers have started trending in Naija ooo...even bridal showers. It seems Nigerians love to copy and paste everything Americans do. I have organized bridal showers but no baby showers yet, perhaps because my friends are either not yet married or still newly married. All the same... I want a baby shower ooo....and the pictures are very clear and lovely.

  5. Nice pics. You all look lovely Myne. so, she did aso ebi for her mom and friend? #NaijaTinz.
    Praying for you Myne!

  6. Awww, you all look lovly and I thinks its a nice concept but like Adaeze said its already trending here in naija, but Here's what I don't get about baby showers... Is one still expected to give gifts after the baby is born?

  7. Make I yab you small Myne....

    Your posting these pictures was an opportunity for you to show us that beautiful first picture of yourself, na lie? :p

    Secondly, that baby wasn't going for your jewelry. That baby is still in breastfeeding age gap, so it was most likely going for something more beneficial to it, get my drift? :D

    Cheers Myne

  8. I looooooooooove baby showers. Even when i was a kid i liked them. The only thing i don't love is how much they drain my wallet lol.

  9. You look take-away and I love your hair style. Nice pictures - everybody looking lovely.. :D

  10. Being in America all these years I still do not fully grasp the whole baby shower concept. I understand what it is, but I would rather just wait till after the baby is born (about a week) to have a "welcome baby party." Maybe it's the naija in me sha. I am still trying to decide if to have a baby shower or to just wait till after the baby is born. I guess when in Rome you do as the Romans.

  11. Hmmm. Looks like a women-only zone.

  12. Serious cuteness, Myne. And your hair:) Lovely pics of the baby shower.

  13. awww, Lovely pictures...Beautiful people :)
    I like your hair here.

  14. Thank you all.

    @Anon, lol...that was what the mum said too. But the jewelry angle is my story, and I'm sticking to it :)

  15. Lovely pics ...praying for a healthy delivery.....BTW baby showers are trending now in Nigeria .


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