Friday, March 15, 2013

Too Bad Tuface and Annie Idibia Decided to Receive the SUV

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Tuface Idibia looking on as the Akwa Ibom commissioner for Information, Aniekan Umanah, presents the state sponsored SUV keys to Annie Macauley–Idibia.

I am happy for Tuface and Annie Idibia on their marriage, any couple that decide to go into the future together deserve only well wishes. However, I am disappointed that are accepting their traditional wedding gift which is akin to going along with the Akwa Ibom governor to deplete state funds for their personal gain. I guess one can defend their action and say that's the only way ordinary Nigerians get their share of the National Cake, but at the detriment of who?

Also, Tuface is not an ordinary Nigerian, he makes millions of naira from being a musician, a lot of it from the pocket of Nigerian masses. Does he really need this state handout in the form of a jeep? Earlier, he said he was yet to decide on whether to accept the gift. I guess we now know what his decision is. But, what do I know? In the press release to justify and defend the actions of the governor, this same commissioner in the picture said;

That looking carefully at the surrounding events in perspective, Mrs. Annie Idibia, nee Macaulay is a daughter of Akwa Ibom State and the gift of a Prado SUV from her governor is only a gesture of love and goodwill. Her resolve to stand by her husband on his journey right from his days of youthful beginnings to stardom even in the face of challenges was commendable and a true attribute of the Akwa Ibom women.

Really? Really? And what about the thousands of other Akwa Ibom women who do that and more? Or those are passing through university to make a butter future of their own? Or the ones married who want to start businesses to support themselves? Have they got a Prado Jeep and N3Million from the government?

Well, maybe Tuface and Annie Idibia will pass on the car to charity :)


  1. To me, rejecting it will be a big slap on the Governor's face. There are things we just can't do to certain people in society ( some animals are more equal than others because all fingers are not equal o). Annie is a daughter of Akwa Ibom State and she did well by counselling her husband to accept the gift.

    For those saying it's Public Funds, do they mean the Governor on his own cannot afford the jeeps? come on! A wedding gift? Even if it's from President Goodluck Jonathan, I will accept and never try to embarrass him in Public.

    1. When I see comments like this, I know Nigeria is done for!!!What a shame.What a shame.Sigh!

    2. It is not wrong for the Governor to give gifts to his citizens. What is wrong here is that not many of the Akwa Ibom People get this support, making it a partial one to even a rich man when there are lots of needy people around.

  2. Not only this one(the gift to tuface);just read that He used billions(state's money)to purchase bullet proof car

  3. From the press release, we can infer that the money is from the State governor, not from the Governor's personal funds. What is rude about refusing a gift that your conscience cannot support?

    The problem we have is that very few people are willing to take the moral high ground in Nigeria and to set examples. We rationalize what is obviously blatantly wrong and then we expect the country's situation to magically transform. It is irresponsible to spend government money to send 20 people to Dubai for a wedding.

    Our problem is that we forget that a real government should operate within guidelines and a budget. So, let's reason together. How much did Akwa Ibom's 2013 budget allocate for gifts and such like? And even if it is billions, is this a wise use of the money?

    Perhaps, if we are among those people really suffering in Akwa Ibom's and who wouldn't mind if the government could implement free lunch in public schools, or give indigent people no/low-interest loans to start businesses and such like, we will understand that government money can be used for better things.

    1. I meant "we can infer that the money is from the State government..."

  4. Myne, I'm with you. They should not have accepted it. Since when did states give celebrities cars? How can he do that from the funds of the states when there are people hungry, jobless, roads not tarred.....I can go on and on. This is just ridiculous... Tuface and his wife are rich enough. I just hope they would sell it and give to charity..

  5. I am with you on this as well, the govt shouldn't have bought that gift n tu face should have refused it. That's govt fund and wrong. Awka Ibom is one of the poorest states in the world. The govt should spend time trying to look for ways to invest in the state and watch it generate revenues with pride. After all they r good groundnut seller, why shouldn't a good groundnut factory be built there for importation n all?

  6. How unrealistic to expect him to rudely reject the gift?it's in america u send "thank you notes" for a gift you havn't received not here
    U don't know what his plans for the car may be so don't judge him.he might never make public what charity he donates d car too so as not to step on the governor's toes too

  7. In all honesty, i don't see how he could have declined the gift. That's just rude. He might not have wanted it or needed it, but it's not realistic to expect him to reject the gift especially in Nigeria where respect is such a big part of our culture.

    1. And that is why the government will do it again. And again. And again. It only takes one person to take a stand against a bad action. But nobody wants to be that person. Respect? I'm really surprised. Coming from an outspoken person someone like you... In America where you are, government accountability is subject to respect? So, we should allow it in Nigeria because of our culture of respect. Obviously, you are saying when you are in Rome, you need to behave like the Romans. At least we know what some outspoken people will do if they ever return to Nigeria.

    2. Please take a seat and calm your blood down. I am being realistic. This is not a matter of right or wrong. I never told you i supported it especially if the money is coming from the state. The point i was trying to make was that it wasn't realistic to expect them to reject the gift. By the way, how do we know the money wasn't coming from the Governor's pocket? I think it was silly to give them the gift because they don't need it, but that was not the point of this post.

      Since you seem to know me so well, why are you replying anonymously? Abi, u dey fear? LOL. Oya show yourself.

    3. My dear, I only know you from reading your blog o. And you've always tried to portray yourself as an outspoken social critic. That's why i was surprised o. When you reveal your own true name, I will reveal mine. Abi, I follow una blog? I just read and comment for time to time. If anyone dey fear, na u dey fear to refuse tainted gift. Go and read the press statement very well. The money is from the state. You take a seat and come to terms with reality. Let some of us continue to be idealists.

    4. So it's on Myne's blog you will get results? How about you start a petition denouncing this gift and i promise i will be the second person to sign it after you. At least that way i can respect that you are actually DOING something instead of commenting anonymously on the internet. I am outspoken about what i believe in, whatever the issue is. I never knew it had to conform to YOUR beliefs. LOL @ you saying i try to portray myself as an outspoken social critic. Whatever you infer from reading my posts is your business. I write what i want and i don't try to PORTRAY myself as anything.

      Last time i checked, nobody has given me any gift so how am i afraid to refuse tainted gift? Should i be worried you are starting to lose your mind over this issue? My dear, so that you will not crase finish, i will humor you and take several seats. Hope you are happy now?

    5. LOL! In real life, some of us are actually doing something o, not just writing blogs. Believe me, we are. Like I said, I will not tell you my name unless you say yours and I will personally give you my name so you can Google it.

      And I no crase o. I'm actually laughing and enjoying the banter. Sorry about what I thought you portrayed. I take it back. Honestly.

    6. I did not ask for your name again nau, na by force? I am happy you are doing something, not just writing blogs (Myne, that was a sub to you o :). Nigeria needs more citizens like you. Clap for yourself, you have done well as your name appears on google.

      I'm glad we could entertain each other today. Enjoy the rest of your day, kind sir or madam.

    7. LOL! Google is not to test popularity or achievement, my dear. If you give me your name, me sef I will google. People do it to verify that somebody is who they say they are or to be sure they exist sef. That's the first port of call before you start spending money on private investigation. So, there's no need to clap for myself if I appear on Google. People's mug shots appear on Google - will they clap for themselves?

      I didn't say anything to Myne o. Na you talk that one. Enjoy the rest rest of your day too. No hard feelings.

    8. LOL....Whoever you are, i like you. Did you seriously just type all you did about google? LOL. I was being sarcastic. Anyhoodle, me and you both know you were subbing Myne. LOL ;)

      Of course, no hard feelings.

    9. Lol! These two women no serious oo. Its obvious your ogas at the top are busy while you are here cyber-lashing one another. Its nice to disagree intelligently though (there is no winner lool).BTW, talking about this issue(s) on platforms like these, is how far our LIVER can go for now. Overtime, we will have that steel spine to challenge these shenanigans. The sheer impunity was worse before now. We shall overcome..."singing"@$. Myne just kept silence enjoying her cofee whilst the cyber-fights were on lol.

  8. Let them enjoy their gift, the rich keep getting richer and the poor should work harder. Even Jesus said the poor will be with you always. So if he had donated the money to charity then what? Why all the hate? Had it been you, would you have said no thank you? As Africans we tend to be so outspoken with what is wrong with our leaders and countries but never do anything about it. What is the solution, do we even have one? Until we do and hold our leaders accountable, let them do what they want and enjoy, because they wont answer to me or you but the most high God.

    1. "So if he had donated the money to charity then what?"Really????? Sigh!

  9. Exactly! He gives to charity and then? They are still going to be poor because of their mindset. At least Tuface and his wife have entertained you and are not sitting waiting for a handout from the government! Hard work pays off and they deserve it! Why should they be penalized because they have money? Did they ask for the car? No it was a gift and what they do with it is their business. As far as the governor wasting money, like I said it before that's between him and whatever God he serves.

  10. na wa ooo i wonder for some comments here,do u expect tuface to return or reject gift promised openly,dats really immature way of doing things and had it been it was given monetarly and not publicly done nobody will complain, and if tuface was hosted for a show in dat state and was paid millions nobody will complain,abeg free the guy joor.

  11. Its nt a crime to have collected the gift, tuface works for his money n it won't hurt to get sth free, its nt tuface dat asked 4 it

  12. Words fail me, really.

    I really do not blame Tuface for accepting the 'gift' but I wonder at the rationale behind the govt's decision. The governor could very well had given this personally, from his resources without any publicity.

    I suppose every loyal daughter of Akwa Ibom gets the same reward for sticking with and encouraging their spouses...what do I know? I am not from the state.

    I also suppose the govt has adequately tackled salient issues like poverty, eduacation, unemployment, provision of infrastructure before embarking on this needless spending spree.

    I also read earlier that the govt is spending roughly N3,000,000 to sponsor 20 of Annie's relatives to Dubai for the wedding!
    I marvel at the impunity and brazenness with which our 'leaders' waste public funds.

    It's crazy and I am grieved within me. I see people everyday wasting away with their dreams for lack of finances, thousands dying for lack of finances to take care of themselves, our healthcare system is in shambles, nothing works! And all we can think about is frivolities.

    Well, kudos to the govt and congrats to the Idibias.

    I rest my case.

  13. Why will he reject d gift?nawa 4 una oooo

  14. Myne, why did you delete your earlier response to Eya and Ibhade? Na wa for Nigerians. You make a comment and some people argued against it. Then you delete it and to remain your friend, the blog owner retreats and deletes hers. May we all have the courage to stick with what say.

  15. All of u saying why should he reject the gift, may all your state governors keep using govt money to buy gifts for rich people. And make all dem rich people keep collecting because it is the respectful thing to do. Respect my foot! Where has respect gotten u? All of u here are rich enough to have access to internet to be typing rubbish. People should stop complaining about corruption in Nigeria joor! Let us keep encouraging our people to enjoy the national cake. What a shame!

  16. Nigerians always find a way to justify nonsense and the wasteful spending that categorizes our system. One question that needs an answer is this: is it from the Governor's personal funds or state funds? We learnt that the Govt is also paying for 30 relatives to attend the wedding. From all that has been said, we can infer this is state funds. Under what law can the governor validly use state funds to give gifts? And Nigerians are supporting this rubbish? Ok now. E ku afarada.

  17. Myne Pleaeaease, Kindly put back the reply. Now I feel uncomfortable knowing that you replied me and later took it off. If I visited when it was up, nothing would have stopped me from seeing it sis. I really want to read what you said, Not minding my point of view, I'd be ready to learn something from yours too.

    1. I am waiting for Myne to respond. I know Ibhade responded supporting you. Then Myne replied to the two of you saying respect and tradition is what is killing Nigeria. Then Ibhade delete her comment. Now, Myne has deleted both her comment and the entry showing that Ibhade deleted hers. Why? The issue is controversial. We can agree to disagree. Why delete your comment? Even if Ibhade deleted her own, leave your response there. Edit your posts if you like but let your reactions be true to you at the moment you made them.

    2. Eya, my response was to both you and SM. When she removed hers it didn't make full sense anymore. Also, I didn't want to offend you too. The post is already speaking my mind so let me leave the comments for my readers without challenging them. Thanks for understanding.

  18. Its not bad to give tuface a car in my opinion cause anybody can do that. Let's ignore his reason here and its not bad to collect it but what is bad is bad is sponsoring Annie's relations. So please let's stop crucifing tuface.

  19. As for me i cant blame tuface for accepting the gift,cause i can accept such too if it comes my just the gov dat is stupid is it because Annie is from his state is that why he is wasting the state fund and not only that he is sponsoring delegates to for there wedding in DUBAI.i can never believe anybody that the gov use his personal money even at that does that mean there is nobody in that state that needs help so sorry for these country things are just getting worse everyday some of our leaders dont know why they are elected to that position and into that position and their functions on the sure you have heard or see the video of a NSCDC staff that embrassed himself on the TV.

    himself on the TV it shows the level

  20. Dear MW,
    I tried to walk away, I truly did, and thought I have succeeded until I read some comments here, and the controversial part of me reeled it's head and I couldn't quench the urge to write to this piece.

    If you have noticed or observed MW, I hardly comment in some of your posts or controversial posts to avoid arguements. Today, in all sincerity, I gave my opinion, and what annoys me most in blogsville is when my comment is picked on. We agree to disagree, simply state your point and move out! I have deleted many comments in the past to resist the temptation to go into useless banter and exchange of words that makes no one the wiser but wasting valuable time and space!

    I had deleted my comment before I read what you wrote and did from an anonymous comment.

    You said respect is what is killing Nigerians? If I had no respect for you MW, I would not be here taking my time to explain my action.

    Like I said previously, It is RUDE to decline gifts given by elders! RESPECT is the CORE of our upbringing! Every human being on the face of the earth don't like to be DIS-RESPECTED! A gift is a gift! Whatever the receiver does with it after that, is none of the giver's business! AND IT DOES NOT CONCERN US! It does not affect the price of garri in the market!

    We Nigerians like to make noise, knowing NOTHING would come out of it! The Tuface families are enjoying their gift and riches in their homes while we are taking PANADOL for another man's headache!

    Is he the first and only governor that squander the state money? or the only corrupt ploitician? My dear MW, corrupation has eaten deep into our society: starting from the gateman at a building to the messenger to the receptionist, to the secretary then to the oga at the top!

    We are all hear talking, I wonder, if such gifts are given to our blood relations, we won't be jubiliating on their behalf? Please lets call a SPADE A SPADE and no other name! Tuface did not ask for it!

    RESPECT is what still makes our society in Nigeria still 'alive and sane' unlike what is obatinable here abroad.

    You don't like respect MW?
    Then no problem! I wonder how you would feel if a child or someone turns down a gift from you...and I remembered you use the word 'respectly' turn it that not contradicting MW?

    Daz all!

  21. meant' write this piece' ....'here' and not hear.

    1. SM, I love respect and think it's very important in human relationships. However, respecting someone just because they're older and especially when they're doing something wrong is a big no no for me. The Oga at the top is corrupt, Nigeria is messed up, even America, no where is perfect. Let Tuface and Annie enjoy their SUV, but make all of us remember the poorer people who has little or nothing. #thatisall

      PS - Please comment on my posts and let us exchange banter, it is part of the fun of blogging :)

    2. MW, it is this hyprocitical attitude by WE Nigerians that is our problem! And eye-service-attitude. The smart ones would have simply given him a legal contract and pay upfront without any of us being the wiser. Or would silently give him the money, but the governor wants to score a cheap political point by being seen as a philantropist, And don't forget, Annie has rivals who are ready to poke holes into her joy. I won't be surprised if some of the anonymous comments I have been reading from many blogs are from the rivalry camp. Please this is bigger then you and me and none of our business!Leave politics and political paparazzi alone! Here in abroad, they have a smart way of doing things than our Nigeria counterparts who like to show-off.#justsaying#

      And because they are in the public eyes we are crying FOUL! What of
      individuals in comapnies that steal with their biros also that you don't know about? And even in the churches? What about the 'silent' thieves you don't know about? You think many atrocities don't go under the table from the prying eyes of the public? How many rich men in our society can boast that they got their wealth legally without magu-magu? Even from some of the ones spitting brimstone and fire in many comments I read from different blogs? Are they clean? HE THAT HAS NO SIN, LET HIM CAST THE FIRST STONE!

      PLEASE LETS STOP all these NOISE-MAKING because NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING would come out of it, rather they would laugh at our face for not MINDING OUR BUSINESS! Many of the politicians spend more than these on their mistresses and wives that you and I know NOTHING about!

      The government is not blind or deaf, if they want to take the right action, they know what to do. And trust my 9ja pipo to come out with good alibi for that money....remember so much noise was made about RMD.... has the news not cool down? WHAT CAME OUT OF IT???

      Sometimes I wonder why I get myself mixed in all these controversial talks when I have reprimanded myself several times to MIND MY BUSINESS!
      Peace out!

    3. So we should not talk because it will amount to nothing? We should just keep quiet and let them keep spending our money recklessly. And then the cheap shot that comments are from Annie's rivals? There's no need to continue to respond to reasoning like this. I pray nothing will ever let me get to the point where I will keep quiet at injustice. And Myne, keep trying to please everybody. I have learnt that many people have agenda. Soon, we will know those who are using social media to advance personal gains and those who really will stand by what they know is true.

    4. ahahahahahahaha...the power of anonymity.
      Like I said, peace out. Don't want to engage in any useless banter of words.
      When WE all finish talking, we can take panadol while the couple have fun.
      Wishing tuface and Annie a happy married life.
      ........and anonymous, it was not a cheap shot. Read other blogs to know.

      Did I not say peace out earlier on?...SM! you like wahala shaaaa! :D

  22. Well here's your lesson boys and girls. Stand by a philandering man, and your patience will be rewarded with an SUV - which you can drive around with pride to show that you're a resilient Akwa-Ibom woman! And what about the other baby-mama's in this state who have "successfully" stood by their men?? The governor should consider gifting them with an Okada for their "service".

    Seriously...the comments on this page make me sad. Most people really don't see anything wrong with this picture. Myne i'm afraid you're beating a dead horse.

    1. You said it all Enyamy, NICE...

    2. honestly, there's no point discussing this, it's sad some people don't see anything wrong with it.

      It's even worse that Nigeria has become so rotten that this guy can publicly and ceremoniously present a gift bought with state funds to a musician and his wife.WHen it's not as if Akwa Ibom is like Dubai that there is clearly nothing to do with money again. It's quite mind boggling.

      And you're so right about "standing by a philandering man'. The girl acts like she has won the lottery, literally bouncing off the walls. When in reality, he should count his stars that someone has decided to accept him and his one million kids and babymamas. Well that is another story for another day.

    3. Annie's own was made public is why we point fingers at her. Lots of women in Nigeria do the standing by their philandering husband thing. It's pretty easy to blame the women but which woman wants to fail at the society's expectations from her? Stop dissing the annies, work on changing the society. Make sure you tell your daughters to only settle for the best and teach your sons to respect women and their marriage vows.

  23. The blame is mostly on the governor. It's alright to be mad at tuface but hey he never said he was fela or wole Soyinka or tai solarin. He is not a political activist so why expect him to be vocal about his feelings, especially in a matter that can affect his livelihood via patronage from big men.
    Really, the best thing is to say what we would do in this situation and to actually act on it. I would have rejected it tactfully but then that's me. I can only hope tuface pays it forward. I kinda understand why he went ahead to collect the gift though. However I fail to understand why the governor offered it especially with the attendant press gbogbo e and the rationale given.

  24. ...and since when has it become the responsibility of the state govt to reward "women" for staying with (and encouraging) their men?

    Oh Nigeria! When are you going to get rid of all these good-for-nothing leaders? At a time when people in the UK 're staging public fundraising programmes to raise money to buy mosquito nets, medicines etc that will help fight malaria in Africa, our own wasteful governor donated an expensive toy to one of his ex mistresses (allegedly) and sponsored 20 people to Dubai to attend her wedding.

    I have no problem with Tuface accepting the gift at all but at least not in public. He should have told the attention-seeking governor to let them do everything in-house. Imagine a US senator or governor buying Jay-Z & Beyoncรฉ an expensive toy and make it public like that...I am sure that would have been the end of his/her political career. If a British Member of Parliament (MP) can end his political career because of a driving offence, then when are we going to call our greedy, corrupt and "money missed road" political leaders to account for all their activities?

  25. MW. In short, this was a gift. Its highly disrespectful and embarrassing to turn down a gift from someone, especially elders. Intact, this scenario between the governor and tuface cannot be avoided. The couples have the gift now. And its left for them to decide what to do with it. Sincerely, I'm sure no one will reject such gift, talk-less of a celebrity. (Straight face) Intact my comment is now long instead of being short *smiles* ;)

  26. I don't know what the situation is for Nigeria but if that happened in the U.S. it would be an outrage.


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