Monday, July 15, 2013

Skip the Chemicals, and Make Your Own All Natural Sunscreen

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By Michelle Pino

Summer is a time when the sun's rays are more direct, and people typically pursue more outdoor activities to take advantage of the extra hours of sunlight. However, increased sun exposure means a greater need for sunblock. Most commercial sunblocks contain active ingredients that are present in two forms: mineral and chemical filters. Each type of filtering ingredient uses a different mechanism by which the skin is protected from the sun's UV rays, and the product remains stable in the sunlight.

Unfortunately, these ingredients may pose a hazard to human health. Most sunscreens on the market utilize chemical filters, which may be comprised of a combination of three to six active ingredients: avobenzone, oxybenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and octinoxate.

According to, oxybenzone is found in 80 percent of the sunscreen products in the U.S. This product poses the greatest hazard of all the sunscreen ingredients that are used in the U.S. market. Consumers are advised to avoid oxybenzone because it may penetrate the skin and cause hormone disruption or allergic skin reactions (Calafat 2008, Rodriguez 2006, Krause 2012). Early research suggests there may be a link between high concentrations of oxybenzone and its metabolites and an elevated risk of endometriosis and lower birth weight in baby girls (Kunisue 2012, Wolff 2008).

Fortunately, there are natural alternatives to those who wish to avoid the risks that may be associated with using chemical and mineral-based sunscreens that are available commercially. The experts at Skana spa of the New York resort, Turning Stone have provided this recipe for a homemade sunscreen which is made at home with all natural ingredients.

What You Need

1/4 cup Diaper Rash Cream
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Cocoa Butter
1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel
1 teaspoon Sesame Oil
1 teaspoon Beeswax

Combine all ingredients in a glass bowl. Set the bowl on top of a pan of boiling water. Melt all the ingredients together. Allow the mixture to cool. Store in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator.

Diaper rash cream provides a protective barrier from the sun's harsh rays due to its zinc oxide content. Coconut oil is effective in blocking approximately 20 percent of UV radiation. Coco butter and sesame oil serve to add moisture to the skin while the sesame oil will remain stable despite exposure to sunlight. Beeswax will make the sunscreen mixture more water resistant. Nevertheless, reapplying after swimming or heavily sweating or every two hours is recommended.



Michelle Pino works at the Skana spa.


  1. Thanks. Not good for oily skin though during the day.

  2. This is the simplest recipe I've seen so far and I really need this as am prone to burn easily.

  3. I am always looking to an all natural suncreen. I don't like putting harsh chemicals on my skin but I don't want to burn either. Thanks for the recipe.

  4. What about the diaper cream? Doesn't that have unwanted ingredients in it?

  5. Please make a point to deliver buy rules, which incorporate gaining chemicals in the littlest sum required, or just a one to two-year research chemicals


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