Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Real Housewives Shows, Blogs and Social Media To Blame For Breaking Marriages?

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Singer Tyrese Gibson has spoken out against reality TV shows, bloggers and and social media for breaking up marriages. In a recently released personal video, the “Manology” co-author said that the media should do a better job of celebrating healthy relationships as opposed to exploiting those that are deteriorating.”. Tyrese shares regular videos of his thoughts on various issues, but this is timely and very relevant in my opinion. Read him and see the video below. What do you think?

“Blogs and websites, press and media, they got a job to do. They do. But unfortunately, a lot of married couples don’t end up on the cover of some of our favorite magazines until they file for divorce, which makes getting a divorce way more popular than the marriages that are actually working, that are still functioning, that are happy and beautiful,”

“There should be more magazines and more media and press attention around husbands and wives and marriages and families that are functioning and doing well. Happy, beautiful and amazing. We should highlight love and beauty and things that are working versus just being so focused on the things that aren’t working. That’s how I feel.”

“What ends up happening is you’re at home and you’re looking at shows like ‘The Housewives’ and all of these different reality TV shows and in your mind, this reality becomes reality,” he expressed. “You find yourself arguing and having issues at your house and in your marriage and in your family that are directly influenced from the sh*t that you’re seeing on TV. You don’t even know it.”

“You, as a woman, you’re sitting there watching TV and you’re witnessing in which women complain and have issues and conflicts in their marriages that are filmed on a reality show. And they’re directly influencing issues and conflicts that are being created in your house.”

“That is not your f**ing marriage. Those are not your issues. That is not your situation. You have what you have with your husband. That is your family. Those are your kids. That is your situation that you created. So, the fact that you’re allowing these outside images and reality TV shows and blogs and websites and all of this negative stuff that is being constantly fed on all social media [and] all over television everywhere to influence how you feel about your husband, your own family, or your wife is wrong."

“I believe it is a direct orchestration of the devil’s work. That’s how I feel. That’s my opinion.”
“Think of how many arguments were sparked and created from some sh*t you seen on TV."


  1. Just last night on E I watched a documentary on the havoc wrecked on people's lives by reality shows. You won't believe the number of marriages that end in divorce after the couple has been on a reality show. The rate of suicide is even higher than divorce. I wonder why with all these statistics people still rush into them. I guess the thirst for fame is stronger than the need to have a healthy life and relationships.

  2. It is very important to have a solid base when one is consuming mass media, therwise we fall for everything. God will help us.


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