Wednesday, September 16, 2015

5 Easy Ways To De-Stress Your Relationship

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By Patrick Vernon

According to the American Psychological Association, the most frequently cited causes of stress are money (75 per cent), work (70 per cent), and the economy (67 per cent). However, while these aspects of life are often out of our control and the same can’t be said for the fourth most-common cause - relationships.

Apparently, 58 per cent of people believe that everyday dealings with their significant other is the reason behind stress and anxiety. So, if you feel the same way, what can you do to reduce the stress in your relationship and live a much more contented life? After all, with money on our minds we stand need emotional strife too…

  1. Find a hobby

Spending some quality time with each other is important in every relationship. But it is equally important to spend time apart too. Therefore, find yourself a hobby or pastime such as attending a book club, learning how to paint, or playing poker online.

After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder and you will appreciate your partner’s company so much more every time you are together. With a hobby or interest, you will also have new things to talk about and will generally feel less uptight.

  1. Start listening more

It might seem like an obvious point, but there are two people in every relationship. Even though you might feel like your nearest and dearest doesn’t understand you, there is a good chance they share exactly the same opinion about you.

So, before you criticize your partner for not recognizing or appreciating your way of thinking, listen to what they have to say first. In tense situations where emotions can run high, two-way communication is one of the best ways to alleviate stress. A few wise, well-observed words from you can really help your partner and if you listen you can be there to do just that.

  1. Let go of the little things

There is always a temptation to bring up previous disagreements when you find yourself in an argument, but this doesn’t help anyone and won’t enable your relationship to grow. What’s more, it can put even more pressure on the both of you and undoubtedly lead to higher stress levels.

Therefore, let go of the little things in life. When feeling tired or emotional, we often say things we don’t necessarily mean. Holding on to these previous mistakes and bringing them back up again will only lead to more pain in the future. Life really is too short to be harboring resentment over trivial matters in the past.

  1. Learn to love yourself

We all like to feel loved through the actions and affection of our spouses, but becoming overly dependent on this endearment can be dangerous. If your partner isn’t emotionally available, you can start feeling sad, disappointed, or even stressed. If you are forever seeking their affection you can actually put them off.

For that reason, learning to happier within yourself can be a great remedy for stress. Recognize your best qualities and the talents you possess and become comfortable in your own company. Do things that feed your spirit to realize you don’t always need the attention of somebody else.

  1. Don’t worry, be happy

Seeing as the act of laughing is being used to help people cope with mental and physical ailments, it makes sense to adopt this technique in the home. From attending a comedy show to watching a funny movie, there are various things you can do to inject more joy into your life.

Whatever stressful situation you find yourself in, try not to worry and be happy. Your troubles will seem a lot less significant if you can put a positive and more light-hearted spin on them. Start from a positive mindset. Begin tackling a problem by thinking ‘how can I solve this?’ rather than ‘how am I ever going to sort this out?’. Get on the front foot to eliminate negativity and work together with your partner to conquer any issues you encounter.

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