Thursday, December 17, 2015

18 Dos and Don’ts When You’re 11 Weeks Pregnant

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By Sophie Addison

Can you believe you’re in 11th week of your pregnancy now? As your baby constantly grows and your body adjusts to your pregnancy, you might experience series of symptoms. Throughout this article, you will learn what’s going on with your baby now, what symptoms are associated with 11th week of pregnancy, and you’ll also learn all dos and don’ts that will help you deal with them. Let’s start.  

Week 11: Your baby

At this point, your baby is between 1.5 and 2.5 inches long which is about a size of a thumb and it weighs about an ounce only. However, the baby can still swallow and even kick. At first, you might not notice these gentle kicks, but as your pregnancy week by week keeps progressing they will be more frequent and stronger. Although it’s still early to find out the baby’s gender, this is the week when their testes or ovaries will start to develop.

The baby’s head is big at this stage and takes up almost half of his or her body. Also, the clear outline of the baby’s spine is visible as well. If you’ve scheduled an appointment with your healthcare provider this week, he or she might detect baby’s gentle heartbeats using Doppler stethoscope.

By week 11, the tiny being in your womb is starting to get human characteristics. For example, tiny hands and feet are positioned in front of their body, ears are nearly in their final shape, nasal passages are open, your baby even has tongue and palate in the mouth and the nipples are visible too.

This week, the baby’s fingernails and toenails beds are developing and by week 12, nails will start to grow.

As you can see, week 11 is extremely productive for your baby. Since your baby is busy growing, developing etc. your body tries to adapt to the new “condition”. Let’s see what are the most common symptoms linked with week 11.

Week 11: You

Throughout the pregnancy, women experience series of symptoms. The intensity and frequency of these symptoms varies from woman to woman. You might even experience pregnancy symptoms differently, each time you’re pregnant. In this section, we’ll discuss the most common signs and symptoms that are linked with week 11.
Bloating and burping

Although your baby bump isn’t pronounced just yet (women start to show at different stages) you might still notice that you can’t zip up your favorite pair of jeans anymore. You can blame it on progesterone. This hormone is important for healthy pregnancy, but it also “brings” burping, bloating, and gas.

Why does this happen? It’s because progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue in your body, including your gastrointestinal tract thus slowing down digestion. Digestion is slowed down to allow more nutrients to be absorbed from the food you eat to supply your baby with healthy components much-needed for his or her development.

Frequent urination

Throughout your pregnancy you will experience this symptom. As your uterus grows it forms a pressure onto your bladder. Plus, hormones play an important role as well.

Nausea and vomiting

Some women don’t experience morning sickness at this point, but other do. Don’t despair because you expect these uncomfortable symptoms to be gone between weeks 12 and 14.

Other symptoms
  • Food cravings and aversions
  • Dizziness/fainting
  • Excess saliva
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Breast tenderness.

Week 11: do's and don’ts

It’s important to take care of your health. When you’re healthy, your baby is healthy too. Here are some dos and don’ts when you’re 11 weeks pregnant:

1. DON’T take medication or any pills before consulting your doctor first to see whether it’s safe for you or not.
2. DO Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles and ward of incontinence.
3. DO think of a unique and gentle way to tell your child that he or she will get a baby brother/sister
4. DON’T eat unhealthy foods. Your baby eats healthy nutrients to develop properly.
5. DON’T assume that eating for two means you should overeat.
6. DO yoga exercise. They will make you more flexible, energetic, and they are beneficial for mood swings and irritability that is quite frequent at this stage.
7. DO wash your hands frequently, particularly during winter to ward off any possibility of getting flu
8. DO eat foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids
9. DON’T cut back on fluid intake just because you urinate frequently. Both you and your baby have to stay hydrated.
10. DO decrease caffeine intake.
11. DO eat several small and healthy meals throughout the day to avoid lightheadedness. Plus, it will help you avoid heartburn too.
12. DO meditate to reduce stress.
13. DO exercise to relieve fatigue and it’s beneficial for you and your baby; even 15-minute walk is beneficial.
14. DO invest in a stretchy bra.
15. DON’T eat processed and refined foods such as deli meats.
16. DO reach out to other moms to see how they experienced symptoms you feel and how they dealt with them.
17. DO shop for maternity clothes that you will need soon.
18. DON’T smoke.


Since your baby is constantly developing and growing it’s of vital importance to have a healthy lifestyle that incorporates exercise, avoiding stress, and eating healthy foods. Furthermore, feel free to consult your doctor if you’re worried about symptoms you experience.


Author Bio:

Sophie Addison is a professional writer. She is an independent health and beauty researcher. She is 28 years old studied Medicine from University of Washington, apart from this she enjoys gardening and listening music. She has contributed her work for many sites for beauty and health category. She has written numerous articles on beauty care, general health issues and many more like this. You can also contact her on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

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