Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How To Romanticize Your Date In Winters

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Unlike the couple who had their engagement photoshoot in Blizzard above, not a lot of people are exactly fans of winters. Many find winters a nuisance because it causes so many issues. Like for example, going to work or school is a challenge because of the heaps of snow on the road. You’ll see numerous individuals who frown upon the word winter, but none the less, I personally feel winter is the most romantic season of the year. There’s love in the air and it’s a perfect time for couples to spend time together and engage in fun activities.
Now many see winters as a barrier to their love life because snowfall sort of limits the options. There’s not much that you can do on a snowy day and staying indoors pretty much is the only option left. Well those couples clearly aren’t creative and need to open their sense of imagination. The time and place don’t matter for you to have a good time with that someone special, all that matters is that you’re with them. What’s important is that you connect with them wherever you go and you feel time stopping every time. You feel each moment and some moments go on to become memories. That’s what everyone should hope to achieve one day.
The following are a list of things you can do in winters in order to have a blast with your partner.

Snowman competition

It may sound childish but it’s a great way to spend time with your date. See who can build the best snowman, romantic friendly competitions are always adorable. Try things outside the box, going to the movies every time becomes boring. You should try new things every time.

Ice Skating

It’s always fun to watch your date slip and fall. A little laughter on one’s misfortune always gives you a laughing fit. Plus eventually you end up holding hands and skating while gazing into each other’s eyes. These concepts might seem a little cheesy to you but trust me when you experience that moment I’m referring to, you’ll hope time just freezes.


Sledding is awesome to do with your children however it’s wonderful to do this with your partner as well! Race one another up the slopes, do a train, attempt to hop on top of the same sled together, and appreciate playing outside with your loved one. Have a few giggles and gain some new experiences!

Snowball fight

Snow ball fights are always fun except for when you get hit in the face. Guys remember not to hit her in the face because you’re the one who’s going to end up hurt. They take revenge on a whole new level.


Grab yourself a classy jacket, a blanket, some marshmallows and some wine. It’s the most romantic thing ever, sitting next to the fire and cuddling and just talking.

Board games

If it’s too cold to go outside or the snow has sort of trapped you in your house then don’t let the weather get the best of you. Something this trivial shouldn’t ruin your holiday spirit. Bring out the monopoly and scrabble and order Chinese in. The atmosphere is so nice and romantic that you couldn’t ask for anything more.

Carriage rides

This will surely win her heart. There’s nothing more romantic than going on a carriage ride throughout the city while it’s slightly chilly.


Cooking is a great way to spend time together. I think it’s cute when both people are working on different things simultaneously for the same meal. Sometimes you just don’t feel like going outside and want to stay in. So cook a meal, open a bottle of wine and watch a winter classic together.


Grew up having sleepovers with your friends? Do you recall how thrilling that was for you to look forward to? Well then why not have a sleepover with your companion!? Gracious, we know you can hardly wait to kick this date off! This date is ideal for each couple since it doesn’t require a sitter and it's cheap! It might conceivably feel like a little getaway from the world, despite the fact that you are in the solace of your home.

"Christine Rudolph is a passionate lifestyle and fashion blogger and loves to write on prevailing trends. She is a featured writer at various authoritative blogs around. Currently, she is working at AnythingChenille's blog, a custom chenille patch premier source. For more updates follow her on Facebook and Twitter."

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