Monday, August 1, 2016

The Best Online Support Groups For Divorce

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For romantics, divorce is one outcome we don't want to ever think about or have happen. But it is a reality for a lot of women who have come to the end of the road in their marriage. No matter what your reasons were for the split, divorce can be a troubling time. All of a sudden you find yourself in new and unfamiliar territory- you might not have been on your own for many years, and it can leave you feeling like your world has been flipped 180 degrees. With any new chapter in life, it can be scary stepping into the unknown.

On the plus side, there are things that you can do to help yourself through this difficult situation. I have to thank the lawyer who made my divorce experience easy but there’s more to it than just the legal side. When you’re on the long emotional roller coaster of divorce, having people who understand and support you can be paramount to your emotional recovery. Chatting with others who are going through a similar situation online can really help you to come to terms with your breakup, and who knows you might even be able to make a difference and help and advise others yourself.

Support Groups have various boards for all different kinds of issues, including divorce. This is an especially useful website, as divorce often goes hand in hand with other emotional problems. So if you also need support on topics such as parenting, anxiety and depression you have access to it all in the same place. Once you’re signed up you can access the boards freely, and join any groups which you feel will aid you in your healing.

With a large forum of members and a resource centre which shares articles on lots of different topics surrounding relationships, Daily Strengths is a great one stop shop for advice and information. Offering a ‘listening ear or a place to vent’ you have the opportunity to chat to those in the same boat.

Sorting Out Separation have lots of useful articles and advice surrounding everything to do with divorce. The website is well laid out and easy to navigate, and it covers various areas around divorce as well as links to further resources and support groups.

One of the most difficult things when going through a divorce is knowing how it will affect your children, and wondering how to proceed in way which is in their best interests. Parents Without Partners the largest international and non-profit membership organization which is devoted to the welfare and interests of single parents and their children. If your divorce has suddenly left you as a single parent, this is a great place to seek support.

A Woman’s Divorce has a whole wealth of information, covering every question you’re likely to have in regards to your divorce. Their contributing authors include family law experts, life coaches, financial planners, certified divorce financial analysts, child behavior experts, and more. So are able to offer solid advice and answer a whole host of questions.

If you are currently going through a divorce, have you used any of these tools and support groups? What other places would you suggest to others to gain support during a divorce?

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