Monday, December 19, 2016

5 Activities All Kids Should Try Before They're 10

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As all parents know, there's no manual for raising kids. But experts and other parents have found that kids benefit in a big way when they try lots of things before they turn 10. These activities give kids a chance to explore their talents, their interests, and the things they don't end up liking much. You'll find opportunities to do these things even in small towns, so help your kids pick a few that they would like to do.

Art Experiences

Give kids the chance to discover their artistic side before they hit double digits by signing them up for art camps or classes. Art geared toward kids is lots of fun. Projects usually involve mixed media like clay, painting, jewelry making, and more. If you can't afford a private class, check out group opportunities instead. Many community centers offer free or discounted art classes for children.

Music Lessons

Not every kid is musical, but many children discover a passion for music before they turn 10. Many parents get piano lessons for kids because it's a versatile and well-known instrument. Instead of choosing piano, however, you can let your kids decide which instrument they want to play. Some music teachers have several instruments on hand to let children experiment. Call around and find a music teacher who allows some exploration while your kids are in the early stages.

Team Sports

Joining a team sport is a great way for children to build friendships and teamwork skills. Let them try a few sports before you sign them up for any team activities. You might want to play catch in the back yard, take them to kick a soccer ball around with a friend, or even take them to see a college volleyball game to see if they like it. Once they're on a team, use Reebok coupons to get them great gear that will help them do their best on the field.

Outdoor Activities

Take a few family camping trips with your children when they're 8 or 9. They'll be old enough to find the experience fun and young enough to adapt to being outdoors and getting dirty. Stock up on camping gear at JC Penney if you don't have the right outdoor items. JC Penney coupons can also help you get great deals on kid-sized sleeping bags. If your kids take to camping, enroll them in a wilderness group or a nature club.


Swimming is one of those activities that most people learn best when they're young. Plan some pool time for your kids during the summer and help them learn the basics of swimming. That way you can send them off to summer camp knowing they'll be safe during lake and pool outings. Check out Reebok deals to get them the swimming gear they'll need for summertime classes.

Your kids won't love every activity they try, but hopefully they'll discover new interests or find something they want to pursue. Remember to give the kids agency in making choices about which activities they want to join.

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