Friday, December 2, 2016

Coupons for Good: 4 Ways for Couples to Get in Better Shape

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If you feel as if you've gained weight since entering a serious relationship, you're not alone. Many couples gain weight after they get together. Even though you may have put on some weight recently, you can still create some lifestyle changes that will make you and your partner healthier. Start by trying the following four ways to get in better shape together.
Start the Couch to 5K Plan Together
Running is one of the most effective ways to burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health. Unfortunately, the thought of running more than a few yards can make some people feel intimidated. Many runners also focus on long-distance races that seem impossible for beginners to complete.
The Couch to 5K Plan aims to get you off your couch and on your feet. The plan increases the distance you run gradually, so you never feel like you face an impossible task. You and your partner can also give each other motivation that will make you both more likely to succeed.
You'll need a good pair of running shoes before you start the Couch to 5K program. You can visit the Goodshop website to save money on Nike shoes or browse their Facebook page for Nike deals.
Join a Sports Team
If jogging feels like torture, then you might prefer joining a sports team. Playing baseball, basketball, tennis, and other sports gives you a chance to stay entertained while you exercise. Plus, you'll have a chance to meet new people who share your interests.
You can usually find teams by contacting your community center, YMCA, or Jewish Community Center (JCC).
Limit Your Screen Time
You can be tempted to flop down on the couch after work. When you consider that the average American spends more than 10 hours a day staring at a screen, you can understand how lengthy screen times have contributed to bulging waistlines.
Limiting the amount of time that you and your spouse spend watching television will force you to find more active activities to do. Instead of leading a sedentary lifestyle, you can get up and explore the world. Some replacement ideas include hiking, walking around the neighborhood, starting a garden, and volunteering. As long as you're moving, you'll burn more calories than you do sitting on the couch.
Have More Sex
Having sex is one of the best activities that you can do for your health. Sex can burn calories, lower your blood pressure, improve your immune system, and make your relationship stronger. If you've fallen into a sexless rut, use health as an excuse to get back in the groove.
Living a sedentary life is easy in today's society. If you let yourself eat fast food and watch television continually, you will suffer repercussions. Talk to your spouse about committing to a goal of getting into better health so that you can enjoy each other's company for many years to come.

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