Friday, February 10, 2017

Must-Have Items for Staying Comfortable During Your Pregnancy With Bonus Tips

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By Jenna Brown

The excitement of being pregnant and expected your newborn(s) fills you with joy but your body may not be on the same page. The extra weight from that little bundle of joy could be giving you some discomfort in your back and feet. The emotional swings experienced through the pregnancy could also be distressing even though you only mean the best.

No one ever said that pregnancy was going to be easy.
In the end, it will be all worth it but in the meantime, there’s no reason why you have to go through those long months being completely uncomfortable.
Here are five different items that will keep your body and mind as happy as you’ll be on that due date:
1.Compression ProductsCompression products, such as leggings, tights, and support bands, allow you to look your best while getting support and promoting blood circulation, which helps to avoid conditions like varicose veins, DVT, and swelling.
2.Memory Foam Bed Topper – Sleep is going to get quite uncomfortable for a while during the pregnancy between cramps, inability to find a good position, and general tiredness. A memory foam bed topper is inexpensive and provides the much-needed, added support to get you comfortable when it’s the end of the night. It’ll be one of the best investments to stop back pain.
3. Essential Oils – You may already have some of these in your bathroom! Essential oils are a great alternative to ointments and other creams which you may not want to be introducing to your baby. Oils like lavender, lemon, cypress, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus can resolve many symptoms and keep you comfortable.
4. Good Shoes – The high heels have got to go! Get used to wearing something comfortable will typically be either flats or sandals. Be sure to choose one with proper arch support and that they breathe well; also make sure that you can slip them on with ease and have more room in case your feet swell.
5. Microliners – Frequent urination is going to be common during your pregnancy. You may not always have time to rush to the bathroom so there may be a few small leaks. Microliners are well worth the investment to avoid any embarrassing situations.
Don’t go just yet…
We also have a handful of tips that’ll make your pregnancy oh-so-better:
A. Back Strength Exercises – These are exercises you can do that are low-impact and not very intense though they do wonders for strengthening your back. These include pelvic tilts, arm & leg raises, wall squats, and more. Check out this overview of the exercises.
B. Meditation/Mindfulness – Your mind is racing with everything from how to prepare the home for the baby to researching parenting tips and more. Relax. Breath. Try to take a 5-10 minute break during your hectic day to practice a bit of meditation. Learn to be mindful of all the great things happening when you feel the emotional roller coaster. It’ll keep you calm (and your spouse sane).
C. Eat Small – Try to switch over to smaller meals but eaten frequently. Doing so still delivers the nutrients to you and the baby but won’t add onto the stomach pains like when you get too full.
D. Be Intimate – You don’t have to throw out the intimacy with your loved one the moment you learn of your pregnancy and begin to blow up. Take time to go on dates, make love, and do what you’ve done before. They still love you. Sometimes the emotional stress may roll into the relationship but set it aside and be intimate.
E. Don’t Overload – Some that are expecting to go a little overboard with endlessly preparing for the birth and thereafter to the point they feel overwhelmed and out of control. Take a break. There is still plenty of time plus even the best plans can change on the whim. Just do your best to get the basics ready for the newborn, gather up the resources, and react versus trying to cram every bit of parenting information into you and your spouse’s head. It’ll be okay. Stop stressing about it all.
So, there you go.
Now your mind and body are in the right place. All you need to do is stick in there, eat healthily, get comfortable, and get excited for when your little pride and joy comes into the world.
Do you have tips and suggestions for staying comfortable during a pregnancy? Share them in a comment below!

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