Monday, May 22, 2017

5 Ways for Using Time Wisely for Women

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By Nicola Reynor

Ideas are limitless, and so is the zeal to pursue them. With a fast-paced lifestyle, you can barely find the time to invest in actualizing these ideas. For a multitude of people, following their passion cannot sustain the lifestyle that they lead. Day jobs can take up close to one-third of your day, making it difficult to spare time for yourself.

Along with your professional career, pursuing activities can help disconnect from work-related thoughts. Engaging in hobbies can be a great way to devote your free time. Make sure you choose an activity that you think you will pursue relentlessly.
Here are some of the most enriching activities you can pursue in your spare time:

1. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument

Learning how to play a musical instrument can be one of the most intellectually rewarding hobby. It can also help you hone your creative instincts. This is one such activity that is known to stimulate your brain and enhance the capacity of your memory. In fact, the art of playing a musical instrument requires extensive hand-eye coordination, as a result, you have a better control over your motor skills.
Learning to play a music instrument also requires perseverance and patience to master it, both of which are great skills that one can possess. On the psychological front, it is one of the best hobbies to satisfy your curious mind. Just like listening to music, even playing an instrument relaxes your mind and can help relieve your stress.

Make the most of the resources to learn to play your favorite musical instrument. As you become proficient with the instrument, you can try to compose your tunes or songs. You might even form a band with other musicians and strum tunes together.

2. Get Trained in a Dance Style

Do you fear that you have two left feet? It is not something unique to you. You may find people who want to break into dancing, but don’t know where to start learning. Use your leisure time to learn a dance form of your choice. There are people who are comfortable with self-teaching approach of learning a dance style. If you find roadblocks with this learning method, it is better to join classes at a dance studio.

There are people who have the natural rhythm of dancing, but that doesn’t mean others can’t dance. With a strong determination, you can also learn the coordination needed for dance moves.
Dancing can help boost your self-confidence, and enhance your poise and posture. Constructive criticism is another virtue that you can expect as one of the benefits of learning to dance.
Attending dance classes can also give you a chance to expand your social circle. You’ll get to interact with new people who share similar interests with you. So, if you find yourself feeling stressed out, you might want to grab a partner (or not), turn up the music, and dance!

3. Enroll for an Education Course

Research shows that the average person will more than five years of their lives on social media. Instead of spending more time on absorbing information that may not be useful in the years to come, you can use the same tool to expand your knowledge. The way the Internet has enabled us to access information globally, also gives us the opportunity to use it to learn new topics.

There is no other better hobby to learn something new every day. You can gather relevant information from hundreds of online education courses, both paid and free ones. What makes it interesting is that these portals allow you to learn any subject, at your pace. You can start with exploring courses available on Udemy, Coursera or Lynda.

4. Catch up on Your Reading

In the recent years, you will find people losing the habit of reading books, and this trend has risen considerably. Even with the benefits of connectivity, mobile phones and gadgets have had negative impacts as well. One of them being a dip in people’s attention span.

Another reason for missing out on reading is that people are finding it more difficult than ever to leave work at the workplace. After all, your mobile phones allow you to check emails all day. This makes it normal to continue checking them even after finishing work for the day.

Whether or not you are under stress from work, in your personal relationships, or other issues faced in daily life, indulging yourself in a great story will help you get away from these worries.

You can choose to lose yourself in a fictional world, wander among the characters of  historical romance novels, learn more about the history of mankind, or read the principles of running a successful business.

5. Be a Volunteer

Nothing can be as satisfying as an accomplishment of volunteering for community events. It is a great way to spend your spare time and you are likely to feel good about yourself after finishing the project. Taking up community projects can also help you learn the minute details of organizing events.

The best part about volunteering at community events is that you can interact with new people and take away some meaningful learning from others’ life experiences. Surrounding yourself with positive people can lead to forming lifelong friendships. You get to share your thoughts and experiences with people who also believe in spending time to volunteer for community welfare.


Among the gazillions of hobbies to choose from, it is important that you invest your time to pursue the ones that you are passionate about. As our lives evolving every second, time is more valuable than ever before. Therefore, you need to make the most of the time that is available to you. Taking up an activity you love and are passionate about allows you to enjoy as well. These activities can help you utilize your free time, improve your abilities and broaden your mindset. They can instill positivity in your life by establishing a work-life balance. Start incorporating a few of the above-mentioned activities and you might just be surprised at the results.

Nicola Reynor is an editor at Booksiren and she likes to blog on business, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and travel. When in leisure time, she prefers to spend time in traveling with friends and family. Her main interests are music, reading novels and fitness.

1 comment:

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