Thursday, August 24, 2017

Five Ways Students Can Live a Healthier Lifestyle

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Staying healthy is one of the primary goals of today’s students, as, unlike thirty years ago, they consider it an indelible part of their future. Smoking and drinking alcohol is not in trend, while eating healthy and tracking your sleep are. There are a lot of things, however, that students forget to do or do wrong. Here, we’ve listed the most fundamental ones.

Be Mindful
Mindfulness is an ability of a person to register this very moment he or she is living. Besides making you much happier, it makes you a lot healthier. Stress is one of the major factor influencing our health. It is a proved fact that constant stress gives one chronic headache. And this problem is not the worst one you can get. The absence of mindfulness makes your life more stressful. Have you locked your door? Have you turned off the taps? Haven't you forgotten something to do? Something critical? And the most important question: How can you not remember it, if it is your life and your actions? The key to mindfulness is meditation. You don't have to sit and hum mantras unless you want to. All you need is some peaceful time when you let your thoughts go.

Wandering is a natural state of our mind, and somehow it makes the mind stronger. Such relaxations will allow you to concentrate easier when you seriously need to and to reduce stress. An additional factor contributing to mindfulness is time-management. When you do your routines automatically, for example, it doesn't take you a lot of thought, so you don't need to trouble about possibly having forgotten the simplest things.

We do often feel overwhelmed with what we are supposed to do. Mostly with what is to be done right now or had to be done yesterday. Moreover, a lot of tasks seem so unimportant to a student: working on a dull project, inventing persuasive essay topics, completing household chores, developing healthy habits, etc. The problem is that you often suffer from such attitude because your priorities are wrong. If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle, this is your first step to one of the key time-management elements. The easiest way to set right priorities is to imagine what your life will be like in five years. You need to find your true goals, write them down, and follow them. Please don't get distracted by things like dating a special person, which is no wonder at this age. There is a fat chance that your priorities will change, but the right time to achieve something besides romance will be lost. However, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't work on essential skills of building relationships.

Be Organized


After you’ve prioritized everything in your life, you have to find ways to achieve your goals. Here are the steps to do it:

  • set routines. As we have mentioned above, routines completed automatically enable you to concentrate on other things better. Another advantage is that you reduce the time you spend on basic things in your life. Plus, creating a list of routines doesn't let you forget about something important for your health as well. Just put ‘a morning glass of water' or ‘taking vitamins' on your routines and you'll never skip such things.
  • write down everything you have to do. It will free your mind and help you built a system with your priorities and deadlines. Your ultimate goal is not to keep it all in your head. A lot of things seem irrelevant; others will get easier, like scheduling birthday parties for those you love or organizing trips with your friends.
  • avoid procrastinating. Besides obvious postponing things, procrastination can come in different shapes. It can be interchanging one important task with another, sudden ‘insights,' seeking for motivation and inspiration, etc. Be wise enough to indicate when your mind tries to trick you and make you postpone something that is to be done immediately.

Exercise Right


Sports are a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. You can do a bunch of things, but there is one thing you ought to remember - you need to like what you do. Seems like another reason to procrastinate, doesn't it? However, it is true. According to numerous studies, physical exhaustion makes people, especially women, stressed and literary angry. Besides, dull everyday gym routines won't motivate you. Especially when you don't see the result right away. To do sports right, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • don't stick to only one activity. Sometimes, you need to improvise.
  • exercise every day. It is better to do 15 minutes a day, that an hour a week.
  • don’t do it to lose weight. It is just another perk, but it is not essential. Physical activity makes all your body, including your brain, work better.
  • consult your doctor. Don’t harm yourself, make sure what you can and can’t do to stay healthy.

Staying mindful, relaxed, and concentrated at the same time is essential and beneficial for your health. If you have too little time for exercise, organizing your day the right way should solve this problem. Unless the lack of time is indeed the problem. Maybe, you have to reconsider your exercise approach. Anyway, paying attention to all these aspects will make you healthier.

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Lori Wade is the content writer and a career specialist for college students. She is a content marketer, sharing experience on writing, education, and self-development in her publications on Connect with her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.

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