Wednesday, December 20, 2017

9 Tips To Get Fit For Your Wedding

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We all know that there`s nothing like an engagement ring to motivate a woman to get serious about her shape. Just putting the ring on your finger, you tell yourself “I`m getting married! Oh my God!”  These words make any bride both excited as well as very nervous. The dress. The venue. The menu. So much to do! And most importantly, how to get fit or even lose some inches because you want to be the most beautiful on this big day?

Please, calm down and don't panic! We have prepared 9 proven tips that will definitely help you get fitted for your wedding and look your best on this great day.

1. Set realistic goals

Health professionals agree that normally the average weight loss per week is about 1 – 2 pounds. If you start changing your food habits or diet and adding regularly exercises in your routine, you should keep in mind that you are likely losing more weight at a faster rate at first, but it will slow down over time. Be ready for that and don't spot your weight loss program.

2. Trace your food

If you want to lose weight before your wedding, firstly you have to adjust your eating habits. This means you have to limit or cut out the processed foods and adhere to lean proteins, healthy carbs, vegetables and fruit.

3. Don't ignore breakfast

Breakfast is the easiest meal to prepare and, at the same time, breakfast is the most important meal as it sets the stage for your day. Eat a light and healthful breakfast because you`ve already gone 6 – 10 hours without eating (depending on when you have supper and how many hours you sleep) and your body needs some fuel to work properly. Moreover, breakfast increases your metabolism and, thus, you'll be more likely to make healthy choices during the day. Even a recent study has shown that breakfast is the essential part of any weight loss program as people who eat breakfast tend to consume fewer total calories throughout the day than those who skip it.

4. Eat 5 – 6 small meals a day

You also can boost your metabolism and, in turn, keep it working hard if you eat every 2 – 3 hours. Besides, 5 – 6 small meals a day keeps you from pigging out and storing extra calories as fat.

5. Make exercise a priority

Don't forget that food and eating habits are just one part of wedding weight loss program. Fitness is also an important and integral part of it. If you maintain a pre wedding diet and workout, you'll look great at your wedding. Of course, you should work out more than before to reach better fitness results. It`s quite real to tone up in a month if you train intensively and regularly. Identify what parts of your body need special attention and focus on them. For example, tone arms for wedding if you want to wear an off-the-shoulder wedding dress.

6. Wake up and get moving

A study shows that people who exercise first thing after waking up in the morning are more likely to work out regularly that those who prefer to train later in the day. So practice morning workouts to get fitter for your wedding day. Just don`t forget how important it is to pick the right training shoes not to hurt your feet before the wedding because no bride wants to limp on this great day! Before starting your workouts, choose the appropriate trainers. This choice will depend on the activity or activities that you're planning to do. Look through the best CrossFit trainers, best walking shoes for overweight walkers and so on to provide great support to your feet during the workout.

7. Don't forget to hydrate your body

You should stay hydrated throughout the day if you want to lose weight and feel good. Sometimes we cannot feel the difference between hunger and thirst. It happens that you eat and think that you're hungry when you really need a glass of water. So drink water every time you feel hunger and see whether you really want to eat. By the way, the researchers proved that drinking water before the meal helps to lose weight.

8. Exclude alcohol from your menu

Alcohol itself contains 7 calories per gram. Indeed, it does not provide any feeling of satiety like carbohydrates, fat and proteins from the whole food, thus, you're likely to drink these calories in addition to the calories you're eating. Thus, alcohol causes disruptions in weight loss and if you want to lose weight and look fabulous on your wedding day, you should cut off or limit it. 

9. Combat stress

The time between getting engaged and your wedding day is known as the most stressful time! You are worried about the details, the planning, your dress… In short, you're worried about everything! You have to stop that right now! Do you know that chronic stress can exacerbate the weight problems, especially if you tend to emotional eating? Exercise is an excellent way to relieve stress. So try to relax, think positively and hit the gym as everything will be OK, your wedding will be the best and you will be the most beautiful bride!

Follow these 9 helpful tips and they really help you get fitted and be in the top shape for your wedding day!

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