Tuesday, January 23, 2018

5 Tips for Better Relationship Recovery after Your Addiction

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Having a drug addiction can greatly affect all your relationships, especially your romantic relationships including even marriage. If you are looking to put together your relationship after you have sought help for your addiction, here are some steps to help you with this.

New beginnings
Consider this as a new beginning for your relationship. After all that you have been through, both of you are now different people. You both have changed from the first time that you met. You have to relearn your partner again and find new ways to relate with them.

Adapt to their changed self and do things that people in new relationships normally do. This includes things like going on dates and spending time together just getting to know each other again.

Slow down on the sex
Given all the negative things that have happened in your relationship, your partner might not feel like being intimate with you until the foundations of your relationship have been fixed.

Understand this and do not rush the sex until they are more open to getting intimate again. Forcing yourself on the person will cause them to start resenting you again and this might affect the progress that you are making in rebuilding your relationship.

Attend meetings
You need to show that you are serious about staying sober. Continue attending your meetings in rehabilitation facilities like Stepping Sober, whether they are one-on-one meetings or group meetings.
This proves to your partner that you are still working on yourself so they will be more willing to work on your relationship too.

In addition, just sharing with others who are going through the same thing can help you get some advice on how to handle your relationship based on how the others are handling their relationships. You will get some helpful advice on how to go about it.

Open up the lines of communication with your partner. There may lie deep resentment from them. It will be hard to deal with this but if you are more open and willing to share your thoughts and experiences with them, they might be more willing to work on your relationship. Try and communicate as much as possible.

Be intentional
You need to be intentional about your relationship. This is because it is going to take a lot of time, energy and effort to rebuild broken trust. Think through things and see what you can do so as to help your relationship be successful.

Consider showing up for dates on time or showing up for them when they have an activity that they need you to attend. Do nice things for the person and remember special occasions.

Ask for forgiveness
There is deep hurt and your partner might not be able to get over it until you acknowledge the pain that you caused them and ask for forgiveness. It might take time for them to forgive you but keep working on rebuilding trust.

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