Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Art Of Self Confidence & Manifesting What You Want

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With so many distractions nowadays, it’s easy to fall into a trap of self-consciousness. It seems like everywhere you look people are doing better than you. From the perfectly curated photos on Instagram to the coworker who seems to have it all figured out, you might not feel like you’re as confident as you should be. Everyone wants to manifest the best that life has to offer and everyone wants to feel confident in themselves. Keep reading for a guide to the art of self confidence and manifesting what you want so you can live life to the fullest!

1. Avoid Negativity

Negativity lurks in unexpected places. It’s on your Facebook feed. It’s in the passive aggressive texts from your old high school friend. Negativity is constantly demanding your focus throughout the day whether from your own thoughts or external ones. If you want to feel confident and evoke success, you need to learn how to block out this negativity. The best way to do this is to note the ways that negativity is impacting your life. Are there people you don’t enjoy the company of? Is one of your habits inviting negativity into your day? Identify these key ways negativity finds its way into your life and make a plan for removing them.

2. Detox from Social Media

It’s no surprise that excessive social media use can lead to lower self-esteem. Remember that people only post things on social media that they want others to see. This isn’t real life you’re seeing on your Facebook or Instagram feed. It’s a curated, picture-perfect life that is designed to make the poster feel better about themselves. Taking a break from social media is the best way to reset your own mindset. Instead of feeling bad about yourself or comparing your own photos to those of someone else on Instagram, take a few days to detox. You might be surprised with how much better you feel!

3. Dress Your Best

If you want to be successful, you need to dress successful. This might mean something different for everyone. Maybe you’ll invest in better clothes at your job because you have your eye on a new promotion. Maybe you’ll find a new dress for a night out on a town. No matter what your personal best is, don’t be afraid to go all out. For women, that might mean choosing new pairs of  Hosiery, Pantyhose, Stockings, Thigh Highs and more to make you feel beautiful. For men that might mean grooming with luxury products. When you look good on the outside, you feel better on the inside!

4. Envision Your Life

People tend to focus on what they don’t want to happen. They forget to think about what they do want to happen. Instead of thinking in a constant stream of what-if’s and worst-case-scenarios, think about how great your life could be. Envision this future as if it’s already happened. Really feel your success and how it will change your life. This kind of positive thinking sends the right message to the universe, and it will have a positive impact on your daily outlook!

5. Live Passionately

Finally, if you want to manifest everything you want, you need to live with passion. Don’t fall into a trap of just going through the motions of life. There is so much to see and do every day! Don’t let a single moment slip by without notice! Live mindfully, and take time every day to be thankful for the things you do have. If you’re struggling to find the passion in life, challenge yourself to try something new. Odds are you are stuck in your comfort zone! Step outside your limits by trying a new hobby or traveling somewhere exotic. These changes force us to see the world in a different light! You’ll learn to love every moment of your life!

Confidence and Manifestation

Real confidence and success comes from within. While success might mean something different for everyone, it all comes from how you feel about yourself and your choices. Step back from yourself to see if your habits are contributing to a cycle of negativity. How can you propel yourself from your comfort zone? How can you challenge yourself every day? You’ll find real confidence and success when you live each day mindfully and with purpose.

Image via Pexels

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