Thursday, May 31, 2018

7 Things You Need to Know About Dating an Older Woman

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You've heard it before: Age is nothing but a number. When you meet someone with whom you have chemistry, you shouldn't allow other people's opinions or preconceived notions about Melbourne MILFS to hold you back. However, if you want to enter into a successful relationship with an older woman, there are a few things you should know about us.

She's Probably Seen and Heard it All Before
If you're going to try to play games with her, you're not going to get very far. Even if she's been out of circulation for a while, she's likely heard a variation of every pickup line in existence. Expressing genuine interest will get you much further than even the most clever come on.
One area where she may be a little hesitant or unsure is when it comes to your attentions. She may need some reassurance that you're not just going after her because you've heard older women are hot, or lonely or any of the other stereotypes. Women are individuals, and more seasoned lovers are no exception.

You May Get a Lot of Flack
From films and literature to TV shows, "cougars" are a pretty hot topic right now. Unless your friends and family are all of the most progressive and enlightened sort, you'll probably meet with a variety of jokes or down-right rude comments. Let it slide. If your feelings are real, public opinion shouldn't matter. Eventually, the haters will see it for themselves.

Make Sure Your Goals Are Aligned
Most relationship conflicts stem from people being on a different page or at a different stage in their lives. This can be exacerbated when you're dating someone from a different generation. You may be establishing a career while she's planning for retirement. She may not be interested in having more children, or may no longer be able to, and you want a family. Someone who was married for a long time might not be in a hurry to run back to the altar. If things appear to be getting serious, you should discuss your goals for the future and make sure they're compatible.

She's Probably Really Independent
Women in their 30s, 40 or 50s are usually more financially secure. She may own a home and have a little more disposable income than you do. She may also have more responsibilities and demands on her time. Don't expect a woman like this to be indecisive or willing to sit around.

She Knows What She Wants Out of Life
With age usually comes wisdom. Just surviving on this planet for several decades brings with it life experience and less tolerance for bullshit. By the time a woman enters her fourth decade, she begins to get a better sense of self and her priorities. This can be exhilarating, but you're going to have to have a high level of self-esteem yourself.

She May Have Other Priorities in Her Life
It's natural that as you progress in life, you'll have more responsibilities. Outside of the odds that she's farther along in her career, may own property and have established interests, she may also have children. There's also a possibility that she'll have elderly parents to care for and other issues that divide her time and attention. You're going to have to decide if the idea that you're not always going to be front and center is something you can live with.

Sex With Her Can Be a Liberating Experience
Older women may or may not have the same taut, tiny body you're use to, but they are usually more comfortable with what they've got. They may also be less inhibited and more open to experimentation than you're use to. You may find the prospect of being with someone more experienced intimidating or exciting. Just keep in mind that women reach their sexual peak later than men, so this may be one area where you're exactly aligned.

Where Do You Meet a MILF?
You won't usually find them hanging out at the club. Older women are a little more discerning, and they're usually too busy to go on the hunt. That doesn't mean it's out of the question. However, older women are more likely to use online dating websites or meet people through friends.

Treating a woman of any age right is important. Approaching your potential May-December romance from a place of honesty and respect may take your relationship to levels you've never dreamed of.

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