Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Why First Impression Matters

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Have you ever met a very nice person and suddenly you feel like you have known each other forever only to text/call her later and realize it was not as rosy as it seemed? Many people go through this every day all over the world and they are left wondering what might have gone wrong. The thing is, first impression matters a lot. Humans are of the behavior of judging people just based on the color of their teeth.

People with stained teeth are always mistaken because of the first impression that they give. You might come across a person that you wish to see again, only to realize that you turned him/her away with your bad breath or stained teeth. Here, we take an in-depth look as to why taking care of your teeth is highly recommended.

1. It is Normal for People to Judge Others on First Impressions

When growing up, you probably heard about people talking about the power of first impression without necessarily considering it. However, research shows that when you meet a new person, it will take a tenth of a second for the person to determine very many things about your basing on the first impression, specifically the color of your teeth. Within this short period, someone will determine whether to be nice to you or not, whether you will get that job and whether you will be “fit” for him/her or not. This makes its important to make the right first impression always.

2. You Only Have One Chance

When you meet a new person, you only have one chance to make your impression. This, with time, will put more weight to the things people learn about you initially as opposed to the information that they may gather later after your meeting. How you take care of your teeth acts like a filter or lens through which you will relate with the different types of people you meet daily. Moreover, you only have one chance to alter how people will think of you in the future, even if you do not get to mingle much.

3. First Impressions Are Very Accurate

On paper, it might seem very unfair that people judge others basing on their first impression. However, continued research shows there is high-level accuracy with these first impressions. For instance, if you meet a person with stained teeth, chances are that the person is dirty or careless even if the person is not like so.

How to Make the Best First Impression

As aforementioned, the color of your teeth also plays a huge role in determining the type of first impression that you make. Visiting online platforms such as teethwhiteningreport will see to it that you use the right toothpastes and cleaning procedures that will help you do away with your stained teeth. Regardless of how good a person you might be, having discolored teeth will always give the wrong first impression to the new people you meet. In fact, you will have a very long time trying to convince people who do not know you well that you are worth listening to if you have stained teeth.

Humans are social creatures. It therefore follows that you will meet some new people who will try to bond with you. However, it is going to be very embarrassing if your stained teeth become a turnoff for the people you meet. The first impression is very important and your teeth play a huge role in the making of a perfect one.

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