Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Positive Effects of Volunteering Abroad

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If you’re feeling stressed, bored of your routine at work, or low in confidence, volunteering abroad could be the boost you need. Volunteering has been shown to have positive effects on the volunteer’s mental health. And traveling abroad can help too, as taking a vacation can be a welcome change of scenery. Although not as relaxing as a beach holiday, volunteering abroad combines the mental boost of both. Original Volunteers take a look here at the positive effects volunteering abroad can have on you.


Volunteering is an opportunity to learn new skills and practice old ones. With a wide variety of activities in which you can participate, there’s plenty of chances to have a go at things you’ve never tried before. More experienced volunteers, project leaders, and even local people will be there to guide you and help you learn. This all contributes to gaining confidence as a person, along with the appreciation you’ll get for your hard work which can help you build self-esteem. 
If you travel to your volunteer role alone, you’ll also be developing your independence but with less worry than a solo vacation. Good volunteering organizations will have airport pick-ups, someone at the project who speaks your language, and guidance even before you leave home. It takes some of the stress out of visiting a new country for the first time, while still allowing you to venture out on your own.


A less pressured environment than work, volunteering could also help with anxiety. By giving you the chance to try new things, without the worry that you’ll lose money if you mess it up, volunteering can help to ease anxiety linked to performance. As you’ll be able to practice work-related skills it might help you to feel less anxious when you return to work.
You’ll also be volunteering with other people who have the same goals as you, in working to better the lives of a community. When you have the same aim and interests, it’s easier to get along and make friends. For people who get anxious about meeting new friends or making small talk, the common interest gives you something to break the ice and practice social skills. When you return home, you might feel less anxious about social situations.


In a world where many of us are connected by social media, loneliness is becoming a more prominent problem. Some can’t get online and are left out, and some become isolated by only being able to socialise on the internet. Volunteering is one way of meeting new people face-to-face.
If you’re volunteering a few hours a week at a local project, it’s an excuse to get out and see people regularly, expanding your circle of friends beyond those you already have. Volunteering abroad is different in that you’ll see the same volunteers every day, but only for a few weeks or months. However, you’ll spend a lot of time together and form strong bonds as you work, so fellow volunteers can become lifelong friends from all across the globe.


Chemicals that are released in your brain when you exercise, meditate, or eat chocolate, are also given off when you volunteer. Serotonin contributes to your happiness level, and is usually what’s too low when you have depression. Oxytocin is the chemical that helps you bond with other people. Dopamine is linked to the “reward” function of your brain, which helps with motivation, sleep, and feelings of pleasure. All of these chemicals can be released in the brain when you volunteer for a “feel-good factor”

It works to the extent that, even remembering a time when you volunteered can trigger a similar chemical response. Volunteering abroad allows you to combine these effects with the positive effects of travel which also releases the same hormones, making you feel awed and inspired by the beauty of nature or the wonder of a different culture.


Sometimes traveling can add stress to your life, as you rush to the airport or get lost in a foreign city. Combining travel with volunteering can combat that, as the positive effects of volunteering help to reduce stress. By taking time away from your everyday life, you get a break from the things worrying you. Concentrating on caring for others in a less privileged position than you gives perspective on your problems, and gives your brain time to work through your worries without them being at the forefront of your mind. 
Plus, when volunteering abroad your accommodation might be more humble than your home. There may or may not be running water, or electricity, or an internet connection. You can learn to appreciate what you do have at home rather than thinking about what you don’t have. And a reminder of a more simple way of life can help you to let go of worries that don’t matter as much as you once thought.


  1. Really true ma'am, I totally connect with this! Sometimes the things we do that do not connect with money do bring out and unexpected good outcome

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