Monday, October 14, 2019

Essential style tips when purchasing graphic t-shirts for regular use

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T-shirts can be real loudmouth, so you must choose the right one. They can sport slogans, support causes, and favor brands along with characters. This is why it is essential to understand what you are going for before making a purchase.

Graphic tees are in vogue and back in demand as well. It is more so during the summer months, where comfort and looking cool go hand in hand. Graphic tees are not just for lounging on the couch these days, as more and more men are opting to go out and actively participate in the world wearing them.

So, if you are looking to buy your stash for this summer, then keep in mind that there are certain tips that you need to follow, or else you will be caught in a faux-pas. Imagine wearing a band shirt to a concert without actually knowing the members or the songs, or sporting your superhero shirt without knowing anything about the canonical story-line.

Here are some tips that you need to keep in mind while purchasing graphic t-shirts and looking cool at the same time.

The fit
The design is almost secondary if it doesn't pass the fit test. You might have to let go of your favorite band t-shirt if it doesn't fit you well. Always go for the size that complements your body type and make sure that the shirt doesn't bulge out at the wrong places. Your look should always be neither too tight nor loose. Make sure that the length is no longer than half the length of your trouser fly. Anything more than that, and it will look similar to a billowing dress.

About the retro look
Yes, the safest bet on the market today is to go for the retro look. The look in itself is all the style statement you need. Have fun with all the vintage designers and styles available on the market today. This will make sure that you follow a particular trend, which in turn is essential when you are looking to carve out your niche.

Avoid bright colors
There was once a time when you could rock the bright colors. But let us assume that you have grown up, and now there are limited options for you as far as hues and colors are concerned. Muted shades are all that you need when you are looking for sober designs and shirts that won’t make you look out of place even in the office scenario.

A minimalistic logo
There are many brands with logos and prints across the front of the shirt. These are for kids who like the show-off, and let's admit; it is their age and right to do so. However, for the serious professional, the choice should always be about small-scale logos and prints that look subtle.

Some final thoughts
As a general rule of thumb, avoid shirts that have slogans and are in support of some political agenda or personalities. Avoid popular culture references because most of them don't stand the test of time. Lastly, keep in mind that you cannot over-complicate your attire, so if your shirt is flashy, sober the attire up with sensible trousers and shoes. 

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