Thursday, January 23, 2020

Virtual Reality in the Corporate World: What VR Can Do for Your Business

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Virtual reality is a groundbreaking new technology that has been becoming more and more commonplace amongst people for marketing/product demonstrations, product testing, training, and even entertainment.

While virtual reality has become more well-known over time in society, the main utilization that it is known for is for gaming and entertainment. While this method for utilizing this technology is widely-acclaimed and enjoyed, there are many different ways that virtual reality could be integrated and used widely for a variety of business purposes.

When it comes to the business industry, this amazing technology could be utilized in the ways mentioned, whether it be to train soon-to-be pilots in the real-time operations of their aircraft, showing a potential client an interior design layout, or even showing a customer a car that they are interested in purchasing; virtual reality technology can bring your business to the next level of innovation and immersion in customer service, employee training, and more.

More about VR (Virtual Reality)

Within the realm of virtual reality, there are different types of technology that allow you to see different formats/versions of virtual reality. Through the utilization of headsets, this allows the user to be immersed in a visual and audio experience. There are even different types of virtual reality, from augmented reality to mixed reality.
Augmented reality allows the user to see the real environment around them with objects that are enhanced through computer-generated technology. 

While mixed reality allows the merging of real and virtual worlds, where real objects and digital objects can be seen/interacted with in the same medium.

Access to VR & Kinds of VR Headsets

You may be thinking, what if this technology does not work out for my business? Renting virtual reality equipment is an option that may work best for you. Using virtual reality equipment hire would be a good option for you and your business if you are just wanting to test the different technology and its capabilities, but if you aren’t sure about investing in a large amount of equipment. This would also be a great option for you if you will only need the virtual reality headsets for a short time or for a specific event for your business.

This will allow you to utilize the headsets for whatever you may need them for (whether it be a large training session or a business exhibition) without the hassle and commitment of purchasing a large amount of virtual reality headsets. By renting out the headsets, you are able to experience the virtual reality technology for however long you may need them before making a large purchase for your company, if you believe it will benefit the company in the long-run.

The different headsets that you could use are either HTC Vive, Oculus VR, or smartphone compatible headsets. HTC Vive headsets uses different sensors that allows the user to see the existing real world with virtual components showing in the end image through the utilization of a front-facing camera on the HTC Vive headset. The Oulus VR headset is considered an all-in-one advanced headset; with audio being projected through some of their headsets, an intuitive controller that allows easy usage by the user, and a comfortable light-weight design. The smartphone-compatible headsets allow you to put a smart phone in a slot of a headset in order to quickly immerse yourself in a virtual reality experience (there are even VR-compatible videos that could be used to test the capabilities of the headsets).

Other Things to Consider

While the headsets are a main component necessary for utilizing virtual reality, there are other components that are crucial to the smooth operation of said technology. You should consider that there may be a need to rent handsets in order to move in the virtual world/navigate around a virtual floorplan. There will also be a need for the specific software that would be utilized to run the virtual reality programs on the headsets that you would want to use for your virtual reality experience.

The use of virtual reality allows you to not only tell your customers about a product or explain how to operate equipment to your employees, but it allows them to see and interact in an engaging and immersive experience. Virtual reality can assist you in effectively: displaying a business project, explaining a floorplan of a soon-to-be-built home, training your team to work effectively with sensitive equipment, and more!

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