Monday, June 15, 2015

5 Ideas To Help People With An Addict In Their Life

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By Jenna Brown

How simple life would be if you could just love someone and cure them of their addictions. How many parents, spouses or partners, aunts, uncles and children would will a loved one back to recovery, just with a prayer or a smile or a hug?

Unfortunately, that is rarely the case. Addictions are something like a house fire: They have their own will and hunger and tend to burn until they have reached as much of the house as they can. When they are done, a few charred corners remain and the addiction sits there, like glowing embers, waiting for more fuel to begin burning again.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Tips to Getting Your Husband to Adapt a Healthier Lifestyle

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By Jenna Brown

Why does it seem like most men are afraid of health related topics? From eating the right foods to paying a visit to the doctor, most men would rather not bother…That is until something goes wrong and they have no choice. When I was younger watching Claire try to encourage Heathcliff Huxtable from The Cosby Show to eat right, I never thought that it would become a reality. Fast-forward a few years, and I find myself nagging, yelling, and tricking my spouse into doing what’s right for his health.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Five Great Ways to Have Date Night at Home

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By Jenna Brown

These days, finding enough time in your hectic life to really connect and enjoy your partner can be pretty tough. Between working, caring for the children, and carrying out the daily routines, there seems to be minimal time to really enjoy each other. While taking care of business is important, cultivating a relationship with your spouse or significant other is an ongoing process. Many couples introduce a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly date night that allows them to get away and reconnect.

Don’t have the money for an expensive night out on the town? Or maybe you don’t have a sitter willing to watch the kids? Don’t let that discourage you. What you don’t realize is that you can enjoy and reconnect with your significant other from the comfort of your own home. Now before you start frowning at the idea of having a date night indoors, check out these creative ways to spend time while saving a dime.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

3 Problems That Will Destroy a Relationship

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By Jenna Brown

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. In every relationship there will be arguments and problems. They won’t be constant (at least, they shouldn’t be constant) but they will pop up from time to time. Sometimes though, these problems grow and become too big for the relationship to survive.

Before we start detailing some of the problems that you should be aware of, it is important to know that most of the time these problems are going to be outside of your control. All of the compromises and adapting you try to do will not solve them or magically make them go away. It’s a hard reality to accept but it is important that you do so. It might even literally save your life.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

How to Support a Loved One Through Injury and Legal Action

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By Jenna Brown

Being injured in an accident can be life-changing. Whether someone is injured in a car accident or as the result of a defective product, they can suffer loss of mobility, chronic pain, and more. Suing the party responsible can provide compensation for those losses and give some peace of mind, but taking legal action can also be very stressful. The legal process can be very overwhelming and fraught with uncertainty.

If you love someone who has been injured and is taking legal action to get just compensation, you have the power to help the situation by offering the appropriate support. Whether your wife, father, daughter, son, best friend or beloved neighbor is going through this hard time, here are a few things you can do to provide support:

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Benefits of Relationship Counseling

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By Jenna Brown

If you're married or in a serious relationship, you know that being a couple isn't always easy. And while most of us know that healthy relationships are full of compromise, communication and good deeds, we often fall short of these goals in our daily lives.

Enter relationship counseling. Could this type of therapy be just the thing to save your relationship or take it to the next level? Keep reading to find out.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Do You Have a Loved One Suffering from Addiction? Here's How To Help

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By Jenna Brown

We women are known for our intuition. Whether it's trusting our gut feelings or acting as human lie detectors, most of us have finely-tuned instincts that help us out in our everyday lives. But what about those of us who weren't blessed with super-powered female intuition? What if something serious is going on, right before our very eyes, and we can't see it? Take addiction, for example.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How Important is Physical Attraction In A Relationship Versus Other Traits?

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By Jenna Brown

Dating can be a difficult fact of life. We strive to present our best selves but struggle with the ins and outs of dating. There's the primping, the prepping, and the awkward moments that are so inevitable. It comes with the territory of being alone with someone you barely know. But that is just the beginning of the courtship.

With all of the stress of looking your best, the ultimate question arises: how important is physical attraction in a relationship? For some couples, they may find that physical attraction is no different than any other desired trait, while for others it could be the foot in the door that grabs their attention.

The dating world is a lot like a battlefield where you must constantly put your best foot forward to succeed while still protecting yourself from attacks that may come. The difference is, it's a battle that both parties can win. As complex as dating is, people are really seeking basic desires when it comes to finding their partner. These include;

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dating in the Modern Age And 4 Rules For Online Dating

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By Jenna Brown

Relationships and coupling have always been surrounded by odd rituals and believe it or not, someday future generations might view our finding mates via online dating sites just as bizarre as we now view dowries or arranged marriage.

In today’s world, online dating has become the normal way to meet someone. Most of us have given up on the idea of a “meet cute” and instead prefer to surf for potential dates from the safety of our homes. Sure, some of us still go out to bars in the hopes of finding a hookup but mostly? It’s the dating site that helps us find our next relationships.

So! If you’ve been toying with the idea of joining one of the many sites out there, do not trust the judgmental tones that you hear your favorite sitcom characters use when they talk about using the Internet to find love. Those shows were filmed years ago and seriously? It’s not like those characters are doing so great, right?