Monday, October 15, 2012

Stories of Chance Romance Book Tour

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Tell me in the comments about a story of chance romance you've had or heard and stand a chance to win Kindle copies of “Crazy for Cowboy” by Roxy Boroughs (a sweet romantic comedy) or “Witch in the Wind” (a sweet paranormal/fantasy romance) by Brenda M. Collins. Just state which one you prefer. You can also click on the banner to follow the tour and get other chances to win. Cheers!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Breaking Records - Redbull Stratos and Felix Baumgartner

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I'll be lying if I say I'm not excited about the forthcoming jump from the edge of space being sponsored by Red Bull. It is still in my bucket list to go skydiving at least once, but this is extreme! It's been all over the news here and each time I'm like, wow, just wow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stuck in a Good Book Giveaway - Win A Love Rekindled

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Hello and welcome to my blog to all new visitors and subscribers. This giveaway is a chance to share a good book that anyone can get stuck in. I will be giving away my best selling book, A Love Rekindled. To enter, fill in the rafflecopter below. The winner will be announced in the rafflecopter and also receive an email within 72 hrs of the close of the giveaway. They have same amount of time to respond or another person will be selected. Goodluck!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Under the Sea Giveaway - Winner's Book of Choice

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Hello and welcome to my blog to all new visitors and subscribers. This giveaway is strictly for books that have a water theme going on.

I will be giving away a book of the winner's choice, up to $5. This giveaway is open internationally (as long as The Book Depository delivers to your area or you can receive book gifts of Amazon Kindle). Giveaway is open until September 21st.

To enter, fill in the rafflecopter below. The winner will be announced in the rafflecopter and also receive an email within 72 hrs of the close of the giveaway. They have same amount of time to respond or another person will be selected. Goodluck!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Books to Movie Giveaway Hop

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Hello and welcome to my blog to all new visitors and subscribers. This giveaway is strictly for books that are going to be, or have already been made into movies. I’m going to give away The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, published in 2003. The book was made into a movie in 2009, and after I fell in love with it, I went to look for the book.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dove Intensive Repair Daily Treatment Conditioner

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I am usually leery of hair products that are not specifically marked for ethnic or African hair so I almost turned down the opportunity to review the Dove Intensive Repair Daily Treatment Conditioner. However, my dove body wash has been making my skin really happy for the past few weeks, so I decided to give the hair conditioner a try. So far, I'm glad I did.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Back to the Books Giveaway

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Hello and welcome to my blog to all new visitors and subscribers. I will be giving away a $5 value Amazon Gift card. To enter, fill in the rafflecopter below. The winner will receive an email within 72 hrs of the close of the giveaway and have same amount of time to respond or another person will be selected. Goodluck!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My American Dream isn't a Yacht or Mansion

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When I told Atala he would be the focus of this post, my dear husband started blushing and shy as he is, almost wriggled a recant out of me. But I stuck to my guns because there is no one else I’d rather appreciate when it comes to work ethics and how helpful and supportive he is.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Feed Your Reader Giveaway Hop!

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I have a Kindle that has almost 500 books, most of them I got free from Amazon. When I travelled to Nigeria, I did not bother to carry any paperbacks, I simply took my kindle. So for those of you with ereaders, including your laptops, I will help you feed your Reader. Three winners will get one eBook of their choice of my two books A Love Rekindled or A Heart to Mend(pdf or ePub).

Here are the books the winners can choose from:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Last Days of Freedom Giveaway Hop

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I know a lot of college students read this blog as well as some mothers with children going back to school soon. To give a lucky winner a head start for school supplies, I will be giving away a $10 value Amazon Gift card. To enter, fill in the rafflecopter below...

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Fresh Scent of Tide Plus Bleach Alternative

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Around these parts, Atala is one in charge of laundry. He decides on the detergents to use and sorts and loads the clothes in the washer. I sometimes help to unload, put in the dryer, fold away, that sort of thing. I couldn't help noticing when some weeks ago when I was folding some of my light-colored clothes that they looked brighter and so I asked. Turns out, he picked up a new detergent for the light colors since our supermarket had run out of our usual brand. The new one was the Tide Plus Bleach Alternative.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Review of Social Networking Site

Posted in: , , , , started out as, a popular social networking site that was one of the first of its kind on the Internet. Since then, things have changed a lot, and in my opinion as someone who uses most of such sites, a lot of those changes are for the better.

Lazy Days of Summer Giveaway Hop

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Most of my summer this year has been spent travelling and so I can't claim to have had a lazy one. I was moving from Seattle to DC and back and wash, rinse and repeat to Nigeria with all the stress of air trips.

One relaxing aspect though - I have had time to read during layovers and when the power goes out in Nigeria and there's no internet. Two books down so far :).

To share that with you all, I will be giving away a book of your choice from book depository or Amazon of not more than $10 value (including shipping). To enter, just ensure to follow this blog via GFC. If you also follow me on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook, that would be great too.

Simple, right?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dove® VisibleCare™ Toning Crème Body Wash Review

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In the past few years I have had to be more intentional in taking care of my skin since I had a case of sun burn after my first visit to a beach here in the United States. I have to be very selective in the products I use, not just for my face, but also for my skin. I want products, creams, lotions, and body washes  that will pamper my skin and keep me moisturized for longer.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Still No Strings Attached

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This is another hop for all the people who hate jumping through hoops to enter giveaways. This is a no strings attached, no requirements to enter hop. Just leave your contact details in the comments box for a chance to win an ecopy of one of my books. See top tab for details. Goodluck!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Reads Giveaway Hop

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It's been a summer of reading for me, as I've enjoyed several books especially Rainshadow Road by Lisa Kleypas. So what has been you best summer read? Answer and stand a chance to win a book of your choice up to $5 (including shipping) via Amazon or Book Depository.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop

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I'm just back from an amazing summer getaway and I feel like sharing the fun. The winner of this giveaway will receive a $10 cash prize! The lucky follower should be able to collect their cash prize via Amazon Gift Card or Paypal funds transfer. Books (including shipping) of same value can also be shipped via Amazon or Book Depository.

There are 4 entries in all, and it is mandatory you leave a comment on this post in answer to the question, Why do you love reaing? Entries close July 5, and I'll announce the winner within 48hrs and also send them an email.

To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter Form below.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Voting for my Local Park to Win a $100K Grant

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Helping My Favorite Park Win a $100K Grant

Remember the Coca-Cola America Is Your Park campaign? I've been doing my best to help my favorite local park garner as many votes as possible. One thing is for sure, every vote counts if I'm to help my park win that $100,000 grant. Last year, park supporters cast more than 13 million votes for their favorite parks, and do you know who won? Oak Park in the small town of Minot, ND!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Good to be Me - Seagram's Ginger Ale Review

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There’s this one memory that always comes to my mind when I think of enjoying soda. This is something that happened over ten years ago. That day in university, the temperature was hotter than boiling tar and just as cloying. We had just finished a 2-hour lecture by a tedious professor, and I was drained. Luckily, the tuck shops weren’t too far away from the study hall, and five minutes later I was in one ordering a small bottle of soda or mineral as it's known in Nigeria.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Midsummer's Eve Giveaway Hop - International

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It's amazing how fast time flies, it's halfway through summer already. And do you know what else we're halfway through? A million hits on my blog! I almost can't believe that after starting this blog with zero readership, I was able to achieve this in less than three years. More than racking up the numbers are the people I've met through this blog, the connections and the community. Thank you all so much!