Sunday, August 24, 2014

Man Abducted By Boko Haram For 3 Months Tells of Daily Rape of Wife, How He Went Blind

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Alhaji Mustapha Oy­eyinka is now cursing the day he decid­ed to relocate to Nigeria from Europe where his family has been doing fine. Today, he has not only lost his sight to Boko Haram but lives with the agonizing memory of his wife being raped along with other women almost on a daily basis for three months.

Excited about his return to Nigeria, the victim sometime in February 2011 decided to take a trip to Kaduna to attend a wedding ceremony with his wife, Rachael. Unfortunately, they were kidnapped on their way there, and ended up in a Boko Haram camp.

50-year- old Oyeyinka said he has remained in hiding in Lagos since he regained his freedom and refused to tell his story because he was too terrified. He said he decided to open up now because he has made up his mind to return to his base in Spain in Europe where he expects a miracle to regain his sight. He told his story to Saturday Sun.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Could Chibok Girls Be The Teenage Female Suicide Bombers Now Working For Boko Haram?

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Another female suicide bomber has been reported at the Aminu Kano College of Islamic Studies this afternoon blowing herself up as students were checking results in the school. Yesterday, two female suicide bombers struck elsewhere in Kano.

The day before that, there was also a similar report, and in some of the cases, these female suicide bombers have been reported as teenagers, sometimes as young as 16!

Maybe it is time, we start putting two and two together?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Kaduna Bomb Blasts - Man Dressed As A Woman Arrested As Mastermind

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The person arrested as the key planner of the twin bomb blasts in Kaduna that targeted General Buhari and a Muslim Sheik on their way to Eid prayers was a man disguised in a female dress.

Who else thinks this is just an innocent bystander? Probably a beggar who hopes to make more alms by passing himself as a woman?

Okechukwu Ofili wrote an article - on how the security services in Nigeria operate when they arrest suspects of crimes committed in the country -  titled, "The #Nigeria Na You Do Am Criminal Investigation Strategy";
But the problem is this…nobody really knows why he is a suspect. No CCTV footage, no forensic evidence, nothing
I can't help but think this is a perfect example. See more pictures below...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Man Who Sends Fake Threats of Boko Haram Attacks Using Text Messages Arrested In Abuja

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Who has not received one of these messages? I know I have, and continue to receive them on my BBM too from contacts who feel they are being helpful.

The State Security Services (SSS) operatives in Abuja have arrested a man who specializes in sending out text messages threatening attack by Boko Haram terrorists thereby creating panic in the populace. 

The DefenceHQ reports that the suspect is still undergoing further interrogation preparatory to prosecution.

Meanwhile, the suspect, Ugwu Lawrence who was tracked by security operatives after dispatching text messages of impending bombings of some hotels in Abuja confessed that he employed the gimmick because the management of one of the organisation failed to offer him employment.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Nigerian Army Arrest 3 Female Boko Haram Operatives Who Recruit Other Women

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The Nigerian army has arrested 3 women who worked as undercover operatives for Boko Haram, recruiting widows and young women in the north to join the women wing of the terrorist organisation.

These operatives usually promise the women they talk to that they will get married to young men who are members of the Boko Haram group.

The Army has released a statement on the arrest. See below...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Senator Zanna Says Chibok Girls are Being Raped on Camera and Videos Released to the Public

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In an interview with Rudolf Okonkwo of Sahara Reporters, Senator Khalifa Ahmed Zanna of Borno Central said that Boko Haram members "are just raping the girls on camera and even showing them on video, releasing it to the public."

The Senator said;

Somebody told me that they were shown being raped, and in turn, it is the girl who was raped that came out kneeling down and begging the man to be patient. Do you know the reason why? They said when they rape them they shoot them. Therefore the girl after being raped, she curled down to the man, kneeling down and begging him to please be patient. So disturbing. And although I didn’t see the video, the person narrated to me, he said he had the video.

The interview was recorded on the 24th of June in New York, 70 days after the abductions, but was released today, 3rd July. See the video and the transcript below.

Monday, June 30, 2014

The United States Reveals They Still Have No Idea Where Kidnapped Chibok Girls Are

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The United States through Pentagon spokesman, Rear Admiral John Kirby, reportedly admitted that US troops in Nigeria have not found out where the abducted Chibok girls are.

“We don’t have any better idea today than we did before about where these girls are, but there’s been no letup of the effort itself,” Kirby said about the search for the over 200 schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram.

He also said that the US troops had decreased their surveillance flights in Nigeria, but explained that the overall search levels were unchanged due to international involvement, as there are now more flights by other countries including UK and France.

The report insists the U.S  is unrelenting in efforts to locate and rescue the girls.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

UPDATE - The EMAB Shopping Plaza Explosion Killed At Least 21 People, Injured 17 Others

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The explosion that hit the busy EMAB shopping mall in Abuja, Nigeria, killed at least 21 people and injured 17 others. Police spokesman Frank Mba confirmed the number of casualties but said he could not provide details of the nature or extent of the damage.

"After a preliminary investigation we can confirm that 21 people were killed and 17 injured. Our most important assignment now is to secure lives, secure the crime scene and actually carry out preliminary investigations." 

 It is not yet clear what or who was behind the explosion, but it is well known that Islamist militant group Boko Haram has been bombing targets across northern Nigeria in recent days. Eye witnesses at the scene described seeing body parts scattered across the area, and are still shocked at the incident. Some spoke to the BBC.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Nigerian Terrorism Worsens as Insurgents Bomb Kano School, Kidnap Sixty Girls in a Borno Village

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I want to use this opportunity to ask what the Nigerian Military is doing. Where are the Chibok girls? Why has the spate of Boko Haram violence and terror intensified in Borno and even widened to include other Northern States? Did all the military move to Sambisa Forest and forget to secure the rest of the country?

This steady news of rampant terrorism is just demoralizing. And now these latest news of killings and kidnappings that all happened on the same day - June 23 - in different parts of the country? First;

About sixty girls between the ages of 3-12 years have been abducted by insurgents in Kummabza village of Damboa local government area of Borno State.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

#BringBackOurGirls: Names and Photos of Abducted Schoolgirls Published in ThisDay

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The ThisDay newspaper has published the names and pictures of majority of the schoolgirls abducted from Chibok in Borno more than 2 months ago. Almost 300 girls were kidnapped from the Government Girls Secondary School (GGSS) on April 14, sparking off an international outrage.

Since then, the Nigerian government has received help from the government of other countries including the United States and United Kingdom, as well as France, China, and Isreal. However, the girls are yet to be found, with only trickles of those who have managed to escape the Boko Haram terrorists making it home.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Obasanjo Says Feedback From Boko Haram Indicate Some of the Chibok Girls Will Never Return

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Olusegun Obasanjo, the former President of Nigeria, speaking on the girls kidnapped while at school about two months ago in Chibok, has expressed fears that the more than 200 abducted schoolgirls might never return again.

This is so heartbreaking and sickening to read. I'm so scared for those young girls and what they are going through, and then the parents who wake up each day without their children, and knowing the horrors they might be living through.

Obasanjo said during an interview on the Hausa Service of the British Broadcasting Corporation that Boko Haram would only probably release some of the girls that might be pregnant and finding it difficult to cater for their babies in the forest.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Former Abductee Speaks on Being Raped By Boko Haram and The Baby She Has For Shekau

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Meenah Dawah (not real name), was kidnapped after she was forced to watch her parents being shot dead and held captive by Boko Haram for 27 months. She has told her shocking story to 1Q4 news, and says she was raped by multiple men and has a baby which may belong to Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau.

Meenah was kidnapped at 17 from her village in Konduga town, northern Nigeria by the dreaded sect after the massacre that claimed her family and has been moved around a lot since then. She only regaind her freedom after the Nigerian Military sacked the Boko Haram camp where she was held at the time.

However, though Meenah is free from the terror of the Boko Haram, she is now facing the stigma of having been raped and having a child that belongs to a terrorist. I wonder if there is a fund to help these victims of the Boko Haram violence against women?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Chibok Girls Ill and Spread in Several Countries - Boko Haram Hostage Negotiator Reveals

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There were reports earlier that some of the abducted Chibok school girls had died from snake bites and worse. Now with negotiations on-going, some are said to be very ill, while most are spread across Niger, Cameroon and Chad. This is according to Australian cleric Stephen Davis, who was hired by President Goodluck Jonathan to serve as a hostage negotiator to bring back the girls. Davis has also ruled out the possibility of the girls being released in one rescue operation.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nigerian Military Releases Press Statement Denying Viral Photos of Alleged Genocide in Borno

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The Blueprint newspaper published photos of boys and men lined up in a field and who a Muslim cleric alleges were then shot to death by the Nigerian military and buried in a mass grave. The photos went viral online when some blogs syndicated them. A press release by the Nigerian military through the Defence headquarters, however claims they have nothing to do with it. Read the press release below.

15 Year Old Boko Haram Survivor Testifies To US Congress About Losing Her Father and Brother

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Deborah Peter is a 15 year old girl who survived a Boko Haram attack on her family in 2011. She witnessed her father and brother being shot to death and was then asked to lie between their corpses. She is currently living in Virginia and has testified to U.S. House lawmakers, House Foreign Affairs Committee as they investigate the role of the United States in the Boko Haram saga. You can read her testimony in full below, see document here.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

More Girls Identified in the Boko Haram Video - What Are The Next Steps?

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According to recent news reports, more than 50 students have been identified in the video released by Boko Haram's leader, Abubakar Shekau on Monday. Immediately after watching a clip of the video on the BBC service, Borno State Governor, Kashim Shettima ordered a mass production of the video to be made available to parents for easy identification of their daughters.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Parents Of Chibok Schoolgirls Claim Their Daughters Are Not in The Video

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Some parents of the girls abducted in Chibok, Borno State by Boko Haram terrorists have said they did not recognize their daughters in the latest video reportedly released by the leader of Boko Haram [see here]. Abubakar Shekau claimed in the video that the kidnapped Christian students had converted to Islam, and he would trade them for Boko Haram prisoners held by the Nigerian government.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram Releases Video of Abducted Chibok Schoolgirls

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The Boko Haram has released a video purportedly showing around 100 girls kidnapped from a school in Chibok last month. The girls could be seen in the video wearing the full length black and ash-coloured hijab with only their faces showing, and reciting Quranic verses.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Amnesty Reveals The Nigerian Military Knew of Planned Chibok Attack and Abductions

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Amnesty International in a recent press release has confirmed  that Nigeria’s military headquarters in Maiduguri was aware of the impending attack on Chibok before it happened. Various sources say they were alerted soon after 7pm on 14 April, close to four hours before Boko Haram began their assault on the town.

#BringBackOurGirls - Service Chiefs Visit Chibok, Nigerian Military Insists on Competence

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The Nigerian military, through the Counter Terrorism Campaigns's Joint Information Center, has released news on some of their latest activities to the media as shown in the press releases below.