Sunday, October 12, 2014

Footballer Michael Essien Responds To Reports That He Contracted Ebola

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International and Ghanaian football player Michael Essien has responded to reports that he contracted the deadly Ebola virus. The false report started by a Twitter handle led to the AC Milan star's millions of fans flooding him with questions on social media. It got to the extent that Micheal Essien has had to deny the reports on both Twitter and Instagram. He shared the above picture as proof, writing;

First Consultant Hospital Indicts Liberian Ambassador For Ebola Role - Time For Legal Action?

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The hospital which treated Patrick Sawyer, First Consultants Medical Centre, has indicted the Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria, for his alleged involvement with the Index Case of Ebola in Nigeria.

After reading through, I believe the hospital has enough grounds for a civil case against the Liberian government for substantial damages. I'm thinking the Federal government should also be looking at a similar legal case.

Nurse Tests Positive For Ebola After Treating Thomas Eric Duncan In Texas Hospital

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In what is considered the first Ebola transmission in the US, a female nurse at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas where Thomas Eric Duncan was treated, has tested positive for Ebola after a preliminary test.

A second test to confirm the infection will be done later today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Test results are expected to be announced before the end of Sunday.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ebola Patient Thomas Eric Duncan Has Died In Hospital

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Thomas Eric Duncan, the Ebola patient in Dallas has died, according to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital where he was being treated.

This is so sad because just yesterday, his son Karsiah Duncan had spoken out for the first time since his father was admitted, saying "I want to thank God for letting me come out here today and thank everybody who's been praying. ... I want to thank the hospital for helping my dad stay alive."

Monday, October 6, 2014

Nurse Contracts Ebola At Hospital Where Spanish Missionaries Were Treated

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An assistant nurse at a Spanish hospital where two Ebola patients died has contracted the deadly virus in what is believed to be the first infection outside of Africa. The woman works at Madrid's La Paz-Carlos III hospital where two missionaries who were repatriated from Africa with Ebola died from the disease.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

NBC Cameraman With Ebola To Return to US on Sunday, Speaks About The Situation In Liberia

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After 33-year-old freelance cameraman for NBC News, Ashoka Mukpo, started feeling achy and tired on Wednesday, he quarantined himself. A test at a Doctors Without Borders facility in Monrovia confirmed that he had Ebola a day after that. Now it has been announced that he will return to the US on Sunday.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Incredible Moment Funeral Workers Realize 'Dead' Ebola Victim Was Still Alive [Photos]

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An ABC News reporter, Dr Richard Besser, witnessed a man who was thought to be dead found to be alive after his body was about to be taken away to a crematorium to be burnt and disposed.

The reporter had been speaking to the camera about the funeral workers and their work when they realized the man was moving. The journalist immediately began to report on the unfolding miracle.

Ebola In DC? Hospitals Isolate 2 Patients To Be Tested For The Virus

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Two hospitals in the Washington DC area - Howard University Hospital and Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Rockville, Maryland - have stated they each are evaluating a couple of respective patients for Ebola.

The Howard patient, who is in stable condition, was admitted today with Ebola-like symptoms and had recently traveled to Nigeria. University spokesperson Kerry-Ann Hamilton said in a statement that the patient came to the hospital overnight "presenting symptoms that could be associated with Ebola."

Liberia to Prosecute Man First Diagnosed With Ebola in the US

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Liberia has announced plans to prosecute Thomas Eric Duncan, the first case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the US, claiming he lied about not having any contact with an infected person before boarding a plane to America.

Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters that Eric Duncan will be prosecuted when he returns to Liberia. He said people like Mr Duncan and Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American with Ebola who travelled to Nigeria and infected people there, have brought a "stigma" upon Liberians living abroad.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

US To Learn Best Practices On How To Contain Ebola From Nigeria And Senegal

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Nigeria’s response to the Ebola outbreak has been praised as worthy of emulation in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, today. The CDC director, Tom Frieden, stated, "Although Nigeria isn’t completely out of the woods, their extensive response to a single case of Ebola shows that control is possible with rapid, focused interventions.”

First Patient Diagnosed With Ebola in the US Named and Identified, How He Travelled To America

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Thomas Duncan, a Liberian citizen, has been identified and named as the first patient to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US. The 42-year-old had gone to the United States to visit family and friends before falling ill with the Ebola Virus Disease.

The New York Times reports that Duncan had direct contact with an Ebola infected pregnant woman in Liberia on September 15, four days before he left for the United States. The woman's parents and Duncan's neighbors in Monrovia, Liberia, said Duncan had helped carry the sick woman home after a hospital turned her away because there wasn't enough space in its Ebola treatment ward.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

#ReplaceMovieTitleWithEbola Trending Amidst Fears Of Ebola In The US Spreading

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While some are joking around on Twitter with tweets like Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Ebola Too?, or Willy Wonka and the Ebola Factory, several school-age children in Dallas are reported to have been in contact with the Ebola patient. Texas Gov. Rick Perry says the children have been identified and are being monitored for symptoms, according to a new report on CNN.

Also one or two of his family members, are being monitored as well as health workers who had seen to him a couple of days before at the same hospital and discharged him. Read excerpts from the reports below...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

First Case Of Ebola Diagnosed In the United States Confirmed At Texas Hospital

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials have confirmed the first case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the United States. Just this morning, Zachary Thompson, the director of the Dallas County Health and Human Services, had said that the Dallas County was ready for Ebola while talking about the patient who was admitted yesterday on suspicion of the virus.

"This is not Africa. We have a great infrastructure to deal with an outbreak."

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

11 Year Old Boy Confirmed With Ebola Survives - Dancing All The Way [Watch Video]

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11 year old Mamadee was a confirmed Ebola patient who used to cheer up himself and his fellow inmates by dancing daily to Azonto and Iyanya's Kukere music in the Ebola Treatment Center in Liberia. A few weeks after being admitted, he recovered.

Mamadee is an inspiration that no matter what you’re going through, a positive attitude can change your outlook and the outcome of your situation.

His sister, who was admitted with him, unfortunately passed away.

Below is a video of Mamadee dancing, and the description for the YouTube video, posted by Doctors Without Borders.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Governor Fashola Receives Ebola Survivors At His Office [Photos]

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Babatunde Fashola, the Lagos state Governor, hosted some Ebola survivors yesterday at his office at the state Secretariat in Alausa, Ikeja.

The survivors in the above picture are the widow of late Port Harcourt doctor, Dr Emenuo Kelechi (left), Dr Ibeawuchi Morris (second left), Dr Fadipe Akinniyi (centre), Mr. Dennis Akagha (late Nurse Justina Ejelonu's fiance) and Dr Adaora Igonoh.

Speaking with the survivors, the governor commended them for coming forward to share their experiences, saying that they are proof that the disease is not a death sentence.

Read Ada Igonoh's story here, read about Dennis here, more pictures below...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Doctor Who Survived Ebola Infection From Patrick Sawyer Tells Her Story

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Dr. Ada Igonoh was one of the attending doctors at First Consultants Hospital and had seen to Patrick Sawyer while being monitored and overseen by Dr Ameyo Adedovoh, her consultant. Dr Ameyo died several weeks ago from being infected by Patrick Sawyer. Dr Ada Igonoh also got infected but survived. She tells her emotional story of escaping the shadow of death to BellaNaija.

On the night of Sunday July 20, 2014, Patrick Sawyer was wheeled into the Emergency Room at First Consultants Medical Centre, Obalende, Lagos, with complaints of fever and body weakness. The male doctor on call admitted him as a case of malaria and took a full history. Knowing that Mr. Sawyer had recently arrived from Liberia, the doctor asked if he had been in contact with an Ebola patient in the last couple of weeks, and Mr. Sawyer denied any such contact.

He also denied attending any funeral ceremony recently. Blood samples were taken for full blood count, malaria parasites, liver function test and other baseline investigations. He was admitted into a private room and started on antimalarial drugs and analgesics. That night, the full blood count result came back as normal and not indicative of infection.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Update On Suspected Ebola Case At Obafemi Awolowo University Health Center

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A female student of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife was said to have presented with symptoms suspected to be the deadly Ebola virus earlier this week at the school health center.

Though the management of the school initially denied the development but they later released a more comprehensive statement, saying the sick student had been moved to the isolation ward in Lagos.

The University statement, signed by the Public Relations of the university, Mr. Biodun Olarewaju late on Tuesday, reads;

“A female student of the OAU, Ile-Ife who is suspected to be a secondary contact of the Ebola Virus Disease in Port-Harcourt, presented sick at the University Health Centre.

WHO Says Ebola Death Toll Is Now Over 2,000 With Thousands More Cases Expected in Liberia

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The death toll from the worst Ebola outbreak in history has risen to at least 2,296 out of 4,293 cases in five West African countries, the World Health Organization said Tuesday September 9th. The director of WHO’s department of pandemic and epidemic diseases, Sylvie Briand, said this in Geneva;

"We know that the numbers are under-estimated. We are currently working to estimate the under-estimation. It’s a war against this virus. It’s a very difficult war. What we try now is to win some battles at least in some places.” 

The death toll, according to WHO, jumped by almost 200 in a single day and the figure was as of September 6th. WHO also said it did not have new figures for Liberia, the worst-affected country so far, suggesting the real number is higher than 2,296.

Meanwhile, the WHO has also predicted that Liberia would see thousands of new cases of Ebola virus in coming weeks as the virus was spreading exponentially.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

400 People Under Surveillance For Ebola In Rivers State

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The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control Project Director, Dr. Abdulsalami Nasidi, has said that the health ministry is monitoring about 400 people in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, for signs of Ebola after they came in contact with a Port Harcourt doctor who died of the disease but hid the fact that he had been exposed.

Nasidi said this on Thursday in Geneva, saying that there is a sense of “hopelessness” due to the lack of proven drugs or vaccines to treat Ebola that has infected 18 people in the country.

In an interview with Reuters, he said that more isolation wards were being opened in the oil industry hub but voiced confidence that there would not be “many cases” there.

After having contact with an Ebola patient and before his own death on August 22, the Port Harcourt doctor, named by local authorities as Iyke Enemuo, carried on treating patients and met scores of friends, relatives and medics, leaving about 60 of them at high risk of infection.

The doctor’s wife, who is also a physician, and a patient in the same hospital have been infected with Ebola.

Lagos Government Warns About Fake Ebola Test Kit That Gives Results in 10 Mins

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The Lagos State Government has warned Lagosians and other citizens in the country not to fall victim to suspected fraudsters who were selling a kit that allegedly could be used to test for Ebola Virus.

The government, in a statement by the Special Adviser on Media to the Governor, Mr. Hakeem Bello, explained that the reality on ground was that there was nothing like that. Adding that the product, which was called Rapid Response Canada, was nothing but a hoax to rip-off unsuspecting Nigerians of their earned money.

Test results from the kit are purportedly available in 10 minutes.

Bello stated that there are no Ebola test kits manufactured anywhere in the world and that the technique for its manufacture does not exist yet. He urged the members of the public not to patronise sellers of such dubious product