Saturday, September 3, 2016

Edible Aphrodisiacs To Spice Up Your Sex Life

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Here at romance meets life, we love to share content in the areas of sex, relationships and related matters in the hope that people can learn something from it. Check out the infographic below with very helpful details about everyday aphrodisiacs to spice up your sex life.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

How Does Beer Boost the Man's Performance in Bed?

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By Sophie Addison

A lot of people seek of ways and means to get that extra kick in bed so as to boost their egos and their sex lives as well. One little-known fact is that there are numerous ways and means of o the sex drive to higher levels which can come from exercise, food supplements, tablets and now… beer. Yes, you heard right beer. New research seems to suggest that there is value in taking beer as a sexual stimulant to boost performance in bed. What else could you ask for than for the use as one of the natural ways to increase stamina in bed and manage erectile dysfunction.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

5 Mistakes Men Make in Bed That Irritate Women

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Even though sex is a natural activity that is even faced by animals, some men are still yet master it. This is the incompetence that is usually registered in the form of the numerous mistakes that you make in bed. These mistakes end up causing the women or woman major frustration and irritation. This is why more and more women in the world are denying their spouses sex not because they have sidekicks but because they are tired of receiving substandard sex that is not the in the least bit satisfying. If you fall in this category of men who are unable to satisfy their women, you probably want to argue that women are too complicated for you to understand and satisfy. However, even if that was the case, some mistakes you make are still very irritating.
You don’t believe? Let us look into each of these mistakes and try to understand why they are deemed as irritating.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Having Too Much Sex Can Get You Depressed - Quality Is Better Than Quantity

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For those who think having even more sex would make you happy, thinking there's nothing like "too much sex" might be a myth! A new report claims sex can get too much, and more sex does not necessarily make people happier. Scientists discovered that increasing the amount you usually have could actually induce minor depression.

According to Tech Times, an academic team has just published the findings from its extensive research "between the sheets". The researchers from Carnegie Mellon University said that while people with healthy sex lives are generally happy, it's not necessarily linked to the amount of sex they're having.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Talking To Your Partner - 5 Tips To Enjoying A Satisfying Sex Life

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Many couples find it difficult to talk about sex even under the best of circumstances. When sexual problems occur, feelings of hurt, shame, guilt, and resentment can halt conversation altogether.

Because good communication is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship, establishing a dialogue is the first step not only to a better sex life, but also to a closer emotional bond. Here are some tips for tackling this sensitive subject.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

5 Ways To Put The Fun Back Into Sex

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Even in the best relationship, sex can become ho-hum after a number of years. With a little bit of imagination, you can rekindle the spark. Communicating with your partner, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, availing yourself of some of the many excellent self-help materials on the market, and just having fun

1. Be adventurous

Maybe you've never had sex on the living room floor or in a secluded spot in the woods; now might be the time to try it. Or try exploring erotic books and films. Even just the feeling of naughtiness you get from renting an X-rated movie might make you feel frisky.