Tuesday, November 10, 2015

5 Vitamin Rich Foods You Must Know For Healthy Brain

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By Sophie Addison

I have some really good news tonight. You don’t need a brain transplant to boost your brain power at work or at school. Let that simmer… before it goes cold… According to neurologists, if you want to work smarter, you have to eat smarter. My secret neurologist is called Dr. David Perlmutter, he is an author of a best seller titled "Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes To Heal and Protect Your Brain -- For Life,"

Monday, October 12, 2015

How to Balance Your Metabolism By Eating Fruits Daily

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By Sophie Addison

Health and physical appearance are a concern to many people all over the world. But most of these people do not adhere to the right eating habits, diets and physical exercises to obtain and maintain fit physical condition and health state. Eating the right diet that includes fruits daily enables one’s body to metabolise and burn fat more effectively and efficiently, and this helps one to get all day energy as the body burn calories. Metabolism helps in regulating the body weight. Therefore ensuring an efficient metabolism helps achieve and maintain the desired body weight. Fruits are rich in fibre that facilitates the body’s ability to burn fat through moving the macronutrients through the digestive system faster. 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men is the recommended fibre daily intake. Fruits form an important part of the diet to ensure the body performs at its optimum capacity by enabling a fast metabolism process.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Snack Hack – How To Make Homemade Protein Bars

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Healthy snack bars are all the rage these days. Young and old consume them because they provide a good boost of energy and other dietary essentials very easily. Likewise, people love them because you just pop them in your bag or slip them in your pocket and you have food that can actually sustain you for a long time.

Some say they get their recommended natural fibres from these snack bars as well; they can do without preparing elaborate meals with vegetables and other fibre-rich ingredients which are essential for regular elimination.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sam Smith Loses 14 Pounds in 14 Days [Photos]

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Singer Sam Smith broke up with his boyfriend recently, but it seems the breakup has only motivated him to become a better man. The Grammy winner, 22, has now revealed a dramatic weight loss of 14 pounds in just 14 days! With a recent post to Instagram, he wrote;

"Three weeks ago I met a woman who has completely changed my life. Amelia Freer has helped me lose over a stone in 2 weeks and has completely transformed my relationship with food," he wrote on Instagram. "Everyone go check out her incredible book, and start to live healthy. It's not even about weight loss it's about feeling happy in yourself. Love you Amelia & thank you for making me feel so happy inside and out @ameliafreer #eatnourishglow"

Thursday, March 12, 2015

42-Year-Old Mom of Four Shares Inspiring Story of Weight Loss & Running Marathons

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Tuedon Morgan is a marathon runner with medals and accolades to show for it. Better known as Tee Morgan, Tuedon has 40 marathons scheduled for this year alone, and this is in addition to her family and a full-time job. Tee is almost 42 years old, and has a high level job as an education administrator. She has been married for 21 years, and has 4 sons - 20, 18, 16 and 8.

Tee's passion for running started when she joined a gym and began walking on a treadmill in her desire to lose the weight she had gained during and after her fourth and final pregnancy. Tee and her family have lived in Qatar since 2005, but she has over the past four years travelled the world in pursuit of her dream, and hopes to be the first Nigerian to run the North Pole. Read excerpts from her inspiring interview with BN below...

Friday, January 16, 2015

What Many Mums Look For In Dessert Recipes

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Many mums would agree that menu planning could at times be as complicated as rocket science. If they could squeeze it in the monthly budget, they would gladly hire a think tank to work through the different factors to be considered (individual preferences, sensitivities, cost, etc.) and come up with a menu that will work.

Such mums are not particularly demanding. They don’t require a menu so perfect that it would inspire publications for a feature story. They just want something that will sufficiently nourish the family without garnering complaints or wastage.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Drinking 3 Litres of Water Daily Made This Woman Look 10 Years Younger

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Sarah Smith says she was encouraged to start drinking 3 litres of water daily after reading a recent survey suggesting that at least one in five women in the UK consumes less than the recommended daily intake of water.

She decided to do it for an initial 28 days as an experiment to see if any changes happened. So she took before and after photos and the difference is clear. Do you think just drinking a lot of water can cause this much change? Sarah insists so.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

7 Ways To Stay Healthy While You Travel

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By Chinelo Ngene

The vacation buzz is upon us finally! When you’re on vacation, you really just want to relax and throw all your dietary problems to the wind. For some of us, the last thing we want to be bothered with is watching what we eat but there are those of us who still remember to count the calories as they count the stars.

If you want to stay healthy on a business trip or vacation, these tips will show you how easy it is to do it. No, you don’t need to thank us. ☺

Friday, November 21, 2014

‪#‎ThanksMichelleObama‬ - Students Unhappy With Healthy School Lunches Or Political Gimmicks?

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#ThanksMichelleObama is the sarcastic hashtag that young students are using to set Twitter on fire as they blame first lady Michelle Obama for their school lunches might obey new food regulations she championed, but which they say looks bad and tastes worse.

First lady Michelle Obama has made one of her personal campaigns that of getting childhood obesity down using healthy eating as an option. The other avenue is getting children to move more by being more physically active. But it all starts with what goes in the mouth so the first lady has worked with those in education to get the food served in schools healthier.

But the children seem not to be liking their modified menus for their school lunches. Those old enough to tweet are speaking out on social media and calling their food all manner of awful.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dr. Oz Called A Quack And Blasted in Twitter Q&A

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Dr. Mehmet Oz, popularly known by his TV show name Dr. Oz, has come under fire after he called for a Twitter Q&A on Tuesday. The supporter of various alternative health pathways asked for people to submit their medical questions but was instead blasted for promoting suspicious weight loss products.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

#TurnipForWhat #AskTheFirstLady Michelle Obama Makes Dance Spoof Vine Video

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#TurnipForWhat? You're probably wondering why Michelle Obama is saying holding a turnip? Well, she's actually singing and dancing to a spoof of DJ Snake and Lil Jon's "Turn Down for What" song.

The first lady's sense of humor was stirred by a Twitter Q&A, #AskTheFirstLady, where she was asked by President Barack Obama impersonator Iman Crosson using Vine video, "On average, how many calories do you burn every time you 'turn up'?!"

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Michelle Obama With Elmo and Rosita From 'Sesame Street' Promote Healthy Eating For Kids

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During a press conference at The White House to promote healthy eating and exercise for American kids, Michelle Obama invited surprise guests Elmo and Rosita from Sesame Street. As usual, Michelle looks absolutely in great shape, and not scared to show off her toned arms, lol... and the muppets are just adorable! More pics and the transcript below...