Monday, November 24, 2014

Woman Delivers Quadruplets after 18 Years of Infertility and Childlessness

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44-year-old Clara Dominique, who had been childless with her husband for 18 years, was reportedly delivered of quadruplets - three girls and a boy - at the Graceland Medical Centre in Benin City, Edo State last Saturday. The report did not state whether the couple had used infertility treatments.

The couple got married in 1996, and experienced the usual turbulence that infertile couples go through. Clara Dominique said it was God’s grace that kept them through the trials of childlessness. She said they refused to keep friends because of the problem.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Free Sperm Donors Who Have Real Sex With Women To Get Them Pregnant

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So according to an ABC News 20/20 which will air tonight, the new sex is the sex between strangers, just so one of them can get pregnant. First thing I asked myself when I saw the preview yesterday on TV during TGIT was to ask, "isn't that what sperm banks are for?" As it turns out, sperms banks are too expensive for some people.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New Mother Who's Jehovah's Witness Dies After Refusing Blood Transfusion

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40-year-old Adeline Keh, had been trying desperately to have a child, including years of failed IVF, but then she concieved naturally last year. However, Adeline, a Jehovah's Witness, became critically ill after giving birth to her son Mawsi via caesarean section and died three weeks later after refusing blood transfusion treatments that could potentially have saved her life.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Australian Couple Discover No Genetic Link To Their Child Born Of Indian Surrogate

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An Australian couple has made the shock discovery that they have no biological connection to their child, who was born via surrogate in India.

The case is the latest in a string of international surrogacy controversies, with three new cases revealed in a new report into surrogacy by the Attorney-General’s office.

The couple, who chose not to be named, have come forward after the report exposed a range of startling problems within Indian surrogacy, according to Woman's Day.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Woman Born Without A Womb Delivers World’s First Baby From A Womb Transplant!

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A 36-year-old Swede who was born without a womb but with intact ovaries due to a genetic condition called Rokitansky syndrome, has become the world's first woman to give birth after receiving a womb transplant. The healthy baby boy was born last month at the University of Gothenburg's hospital and weighed 1.775 kilos (3.9 pounds).

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Read One Mother's Emotional Account of Raising 2 HIV Positive Children

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When photojournalist Jen Mosher and her partner decided to use adoption to build their family, they made a rare decision. They wanted to adopt HIV positive children. Not happy that many adoptive parents go for healthy children, the mother of two adopted children decided to journal her feelings after she got tired of the unnecessary stigma associated with HIV.

Now one of her posts on living with two HIV positive children has gone viral, with the write up having been shared over 37,000 times. She told Buzzfeed;

After doing some research and talking with other families, we absolutely knew that we could do it and that HIV was a manageable chronic disease.

We took a leap of faith and asked our adoption agency if there were HIV children available for adoption in China, and were told, ‘Probably not. China has lots of HIV-positive children in orphanages but they are believed to be unadoptable so they do not make them available for adoption.’

In spite of this, the very next day, we got matched with our HIV-positive daughter, and then later, we also got matched with and adopted another amazing HIV-positive child.

Read her touching essay below...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Uganda Expresses Fears Over Boom in Children Being Adopted Overseas

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Where do you stand over children being adopted out of their country, especially if they are adopted by parents of a different race? Does it matter? I had expressed the desire to adopt from Nigeria, but you'll be surprised how complicated the whole process is. I salute parents who adopt, irrespective of where they choose to do it, but this article has got me thinking.

Authorities in Uganda have raised fears that the country's children are being left vulnerable to abuse and exploitation by a staggering increase in unchecked overseas adoptions.

An official report, details of which were published on Tuesday by a local newspaper, said a boom in what it called the "international adoption industry" had led to some children who were not even orphans being taken into care for adoption or child sponsorship schemes.

The report also said there was no system for the government to track adoptions, leaving children at risk of being kidnapped or trafficked.

"There is no assurance that their fundamental rights have been respected and thus abduction, sale or trafficking of children cannot be ruled out," the paper quoted Uganda's Auditor General John Muwanga as saying.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ne-Yo Says He Apologized to Ex-Fiancee For Making Her Tie Her Tubes After 2 Babies

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Ne-Yo's ex-fiancee and the mother of their two children, Monyetta Shaw, had on the last episode of Atlanta Exes, revealed that she agreed to have her tubes tied at Ne-Yo’s request. Neyo had announced the couple's break up via Instagram in July last year, sharing a picture with a caption that read;

“Though fate had decided to split our romantic paths, know that I will ALWAYS love you. Forever your partner. Forever your friend. Forever my miracle. I’ll always be there. ALWAYS.@incognemo Forever my miracle.”

With this new revelation, Neyo has been blasted online by those who watch the show. He finally responded yesterday to the backlash, saying he's not perfect, and revealing that he had already apologized to his ex and been forgiven.

Question - Would you tie your tubes on the request of a boyfriend or father of your kids, if you were young and unmarried?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Childless Couple Lose Faith In God After 16 Years And Burn Their Bibles

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Benson and his wife, who have been married for 16 years without a child, yesterday set ablaze their bibles with their action attracting hundreds of passersby.

The couple, who live in Asaba, Delta State, are members of a popular Pentecostal church in the area around Bonssac quarters, and were angry after their high expectations of making babies were shattered by a prophet who told them they had a delay in having children because they were far from God.

Consequently, they claimed that God has abandoned them, but an insider said that they were disillusioned after several prophets told them that the Lord was totally fed up of their Christian practice,  LeadershipNg reports.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Vanessa Amadi Shares Testimony of Surviving Cancer And Giving Birth to Her Son

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Vanessa Amadi got married to husband Oki in September last year and the couple welcomed their first child - a boy - a few weeks ago.

The new mom and daughter of a pastor posted the above photo of herself holding and kissing her little son, and as the congratulations flooded in, she shared a brief testimony about her journey to motherhood.

“Awww thanks SO much guys! When Jesus says YES nobody can say no. With Him all things are possible. I remember when having treatment for cancer years ago, my oncologist told me I must freeze my eggs as I’m unlikely to conceive…Today God has answered! May God grant you your hearts desires. In Jesus’ might name. AMEN.”

Vanessa was diagnised with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a cancer of the white blood cells in 2006 and managed to beat it after treatment.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Millen Magese Speaks On Living with Endometriosis and Retrieving Her Eggs Against Infertility

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Millen Magese lives with endometriosis and she is no more afraid to say it out loud. Diagnosed 10 years ago, the 34-year-old Tanzanian model finally went public with her condition last March on the World Endometriosis Month.

She tells Radiant Health in their latest edition about living with endometriosis, being silenced by the taboo and stigma that comes with difficult health challenges, and finally finding her voice with the example of actress Rita Dominic.

Millen has had several miscarriages, had her ovary pack up, lost some of her fallopian tube, and in February, she faced her fears and underwent an IVF cycle so that some of her still surviving eggs could be retrieved and saved, a chance for her to have biological children in the future.

Though she knows the magnitude of speaking out about health conditions to do with sex or infertility, Millen Magese is adamant about the need to raise awareness, even if it is just to help one other woman.

Read excerpts from the interview, and pictures from her hospital stay below...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Khloe Kardashian Wishes To Have A Baby Soon And Tells Us Why She Is Dating French Montana

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Khloe Kardashian really wants to be a mother soon, and if you've seen her reality show with estranged husband Lamar Odom, you will know where she's coming from. 

According to a Wednesday report from UsWeekly, the 30-year-old reality star is hoping to have a child with her boyfriend of only a few months, rapper French Montana.

A source told the magazine that Khloe is smitten with French Montana and is hoping to have a child with him. "Khloe's smitten and it's her goal to get pregnant - soon!"

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sherri Shepherd Set to Reject Her Unborn Surrogate Baby?

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Sherri Shepherd and Lamar Sally are going through a separation [read here], and new reports are saying Sherri does not want anything to do with her unborn surrogate baby? 

TMZ says it's because she believes her estranged husband defrauded her into having the kid in the first place so he could get child support. But I think even if the baby was conceived with Lamar's sperm, and not Sherri's egg as the reports say, I still find it hard to believe.

I doubt that  that Sherri, who the report says tried to get pregnant in vitro and when it didn't work she got deeply involved in the surrogacy process, would then bail this far into the journey!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Photos of 2 Gay Dads Crying as They Meet Their New Born For the First Time Go Viral

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A photographer was on hand to capture the emotional moment two gay dads met their son for the first time. The photographer Lindsay Foster, shared the photo on their Facebook page, writing;

"I had the opportunity to photograph this amazing birth on June 27 for a surrogate and two expecting and anxious daddies. Hours were spent with them in the hospital room while the surrogate mom was laboring and I got to know them quite well.They are two compassionate people who felt all the emotions that every new parent feels. They asked all appropriate questions of the birthing mom and the midwife and educated themselves as best as they could for their son's arrival. I am so proud of these two dads."

The pictures were liked over 6,000 times but also attracted negative comments.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Woman Gives Birth After 14 Years Pregnancy - Some Say Miracle, I Call Foul!

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Mercy James of Lagos is said to have delivered a baby girl after 14 years of being pregnant, and she has named the baby 'her miracle'. Mercy will be a single parent, since the man who supposedly got her pregnant 14 years ago abandoned her a year after she said she first got pregnant.

In her story, Mercy said she gave birth to the baby at a Celestial Church, and admitted that she was unconscious for over 15 minutes during labor, and it was only after she was revived the midwife handed the baby to her. If this is not proof enough for those who believe this story how much of a scam it is, then I don't know what else to say.

Oh yes, I know what to add. Do a DNA test!

Read on for the Vanguard report of Mercy's testimony and the support from the midwife and one of Mercy's friends who took her to the church but also did not witness the birth.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

60 Year Old Makes History as Oldest to Give Birth Using IVF in Africa - Is She Too Old?

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Should there be an upper limit for being a mother? 60 year old Mrs Omolara Irurhe (real picture above) had been looking of a child for 31 years after she got married before she was able to give birth to a baby girl using Invitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment at a Specialist Hospital in Lagos.

The Nation reports that Mrs Irurhe started the IVF treatment in 2010 and said her faith in God and her belief in modern medicine helped her go through the process, after many years of childlessness in marriage. She said her husband, Mr Adekunle Irurhe's Catholic belief of one man one wife made him not to marry another woman and stood by her through all the years.

"I believe we should not limit God and what the doctors can do in this modern age. I believe this is the appointed time. I was very hopeful throughout the years I was childless and I remained focused on God. We went to many hospitals but we didn’t give up,” 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Jimmy Fallon Talks About Infertility Struggles and How They Found Success With Surrogate

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Jimmy Fallon's popularity has skyrocketed since he took over on The Tonight Show, but his proudest accomplishment is becoming a father. In a new interview the 39-year-old discusses the five year struggle it took he and his wife to get their daughter.

On the cover of the current issue of People Magazine, Jimmy poses with his 11-month-old daughter, Winnie Rose, and they both wear matching grey suits and polka dot ties.

Inside the magazine, Jimmy Fallon discusses in detail how he and wife Nancy Fallon, 47, tried to have a baby by undergoing five years of fertility treatments, some which were initially successful but then failed. Finally, the couple found success with a surrogate:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Couple Welcome Quadruplets After Successful Infertility Treatment in Lagos

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Helen, 31, and Bernard, 40, welcomed a set of quadruplets - three girls and a boy - in Lagos using Artificial Insemination, a form of Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART). The couple had been diagnosed as infertile at the Medical ART Centre, Lagos when a series of tests found lack of ovulation and polycystic ovarian disorder in the wife and male factor infertility in the husband.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Toyin Aimakhu Says She is Not Pregnant, Can The Rumors Stop Now?

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Toyin Aimakhu says she is not pregnant. The Yoruba Nollywood actress got married to Niyi Johnson in July 2013 and since then speculations have been rife about her pregnancy status. Over the weekend, several media reports insisted she was finally pregnant based on pictures of the actress that emerged from the Africa Fashion Week Nigeria, an event she attended two weeks ago

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Womb For Rent Business in India Raises Ethical Questions

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Couples, especially wealthy foreigners, who are not able to have children of their own are reaching out to Indian women to carry their babies for them in a peculiar baby farm business that essentially allows Indian women to offer their wombs up for rent.