Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Man Deletes Liveblogs Of Catching His Cheating Wife & Initiates Divorce [Read Final Updates]

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Over the past week, millions of Redditors have been following the live blogging event of user ‘MyLifeSuxNow' who wrote of how he discovered that Jenny, his wife of 8 years had been sexting another man. When she said she was going away for a girl's weekend with her sister-in-law Carly, that is his brother's wife, he got suspicious and hired a private investigator to tap her phone and follow them.

What he found out is devasting and heartbreaking. Not only was his wife Jenny cheating with a man called Zack, his brother's wife was also in on it. [Read the first update here and update before last here]. Many people continue to doubt the story by MyLifeSuxNow insists it is true. He says he's in the process of divorce against Jenny and his brother will also divorce Carly.

[Part 3 w/updates - TIFU By Reading My Wife's Text Messages] Redditor Live Blogs Wife's Cheating

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TIFU is a category on Reddit where commentators share confessions [Today, I F_cked Up]. Over the weekend, a man posted about how his life is now messed up, saying "TIFU by reading my wife's text messages. She's cheating on me." Simply known as MyLifeSuxNow, the mystery man first shared about the messages that blew a hole in his marriage, and then as his wife arranged to meet her lover, he decided to a live blog about the on-going affair.

Continue reading for how he confronted his wife Jenny on cheating with a man called Zack after he hired a private investigator to follow her and monitor her phones and devices.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Wife Chops Off Cheating Husband's Manhood A Second Time After It's Re-attached In Hospital

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A Chinese woman has been arrested after she allegedly chopped off her cheating husband's penis for the second time. According to reports, 30-year old Feng was enraged when her husband, Fan Lung, 32, also the father of their five children, used her phone to send his 21-year-old lover Zhang Hung, a salacious email while he was in their marital home.

Fan Lung forgot to log out of his account and the stunned wife came across the message along with several others. She's said to have grabbed a pair of scissors, gone to where he was sleeping in their bedroom and snipped off his manhood in anger. Fan Lung was rushed to hospital, where the organ was sewn back on.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Stella Damasus Asks Women Married To Cheating Men - Will You Give Him Condoms?

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Most of us have heard this anecdote before, and it has probably been inserted in a few Nollywood movies. Actress Stella Damasus brought it up again on on her Instagram page

‘A faithful Christian wife who knows that her husband is very unfaithful, decides to put a pack of condoms in her husband’s suitcase. She claims that it was to protect her health. The woman also says that she was raised never to leave her marriage no matter what and so since he will not stop cheating, she has to find a way to deal with it, as she has tried everything else. As a woman would you do that? And as a man, would you advice that?’ 

What is your own response? Read some of the answers below..

Friday, January 9, 2015

Woman Kills Herself And Two Daughters After Finding Out Her Partner Was Cheating

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Carlos Pinto, 33, needed to be sedated after his partner Lucia Brum Padilla grabbed their two little daughters and jumped off the balcony of their flat, killing herself and the girls. This happened in Santiago, Chile.

The woman and her two children died after she jumped from the 30th floor of their apartment building while holding her daughters, aged one and two. The woman committed the murder-suicide following a row with her boyfriend, who is also the father of the two girls.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Married Mom-of-Two Forced to Publicly Breastfeed Her Lover After Cheating Scandal

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As punishment for eloping with another man while married, an Indian woman living in the village of Wardha, Mudhya Predesh province, was beaten by a mob and tonsured - a religious practice of shaving someone's head to show shame or humility.

According to Police, she was also made to publicly breastfeed the man she was accused of cheating with by a local tribal council. Officers say the 24-year-old mother of two had been having an affair with a man in his early 20s named Kamlesh, and decided to elope with him to neighbouring Gujarat province days before the mob attack.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

For Ladies - Top 10 Signs He's Cheating On You

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1. He’s suddenly unavailable

Some signs of shifty behaviour are quite obvious, according to Beverley Stone, author of Stay Or Leave? Six Steps To Resolving Your Relationship Indecision. “Maybe your partner said he’d be near his phone and then runs out of battery, or perhaps he’s told you he’s at work and his flustered colleague tells you he’s just popped out for a sandwich. Follow your instincts if there’s something going on, so don’t become a doormat – confront him now.”

For Men - Top 10 Signs She's Cheating On You

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Cheating. It happens. Does it happen often? Not really. Will someone cheat on you? Hopefully not.
But if Robert Pattinson — this generation's teen heartthrob  — can get cheated on, then what chance do you have that your partner will remain faithful?

In the 2012 Great Female Survey, over 30% of women indicated that they would be tempted to cheat if their partner could never find out.

Read the 10 signs below as compiled by

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Leah Remini Finds Out Husband's Cheating On Ellen Show - Real OR Fake?

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On 17 December 2014, actress Leah Remini appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show and in a prank call segment, Leah somehow found out her husband was cheating. Leah Remini had suggested she call her husband Angelo Pagan, whom she stated was on a business trip, for an unspecified prank to which Pagan was not a party.

However, a woman answered the phone, and Remini appeared to be surprised and seemingly became angry after she identified herself to the individual as Pagan's wife. On the other end of the line, the woman who answered seemed to say to someone there, "You're married?"

The segment quickly cut away, leading many viewers to believe that the prank was cut short by Remini's discovery of her husband's infidelity. Watch the video below...

Nigerian Women Top List Of 10 Most Unfaithful Women In The World

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Remember that worldwide survey, read here, held by Durex that said Nigerians had the most satisfied sex lives? There's also a darker side. The condom manufacturer surveyed over 29,000 people from 36 nations and their data revealed that Nigerians topped the list when it came to infidelity and adultery. Now a new article is recyling the news, with some salt and pepper.

62% of Nigerian women are unfaithful. Recently Major Chitsiko, a soldier, committed suicide after his wife cheated on him. The couple was estranged. Also in November 20011, Erelu Tola Solomon, a social elite in Lagos and Abuja, decided to ruin her 25 year marriage after having sex with a Lagos businessman.

Check out the other countries below. Do you live in any of the countries and what do you think?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Woman Gets Revenge After Catching Cheating Husband And Twin Sister Naked In Car

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When 29-year-old Ting Su found out that her husband was cheating on her with her twin sister she used a mobile app to track them, surprise them and leave them naked in a shopping centre car park.

The first thing Ting Su did after finding out that her husband was cheating on her was put a mobile tracking app on either his or her sister’s phone. She used this to follow them where she found them, in a parked car of a parking lot.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Football Fan Passes Note To Man About Cheating Girlfriend Who Kept Texting Another Man

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An American football fan who went to watch a game passed a note to a man sitting in front of him after spotting the man's pregnant girlfriend sending romantic text messages to some other guy named 'Jason' through out the match.

The man named Lye said he was there to watch a game when he saw the woman sending messages like 'I wish I was with you all day' and 'I will see you as soon as I am done with him', and couldn't help himself but tell the woman's partner at the end of the game what she'd been up to.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Floyd Mayweather Reportedly Witnessed Friend's Murder-Suicide On FaceTime

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Floyd Mayweather is reported to have witnessed one of his best friends shoot his wife and then kill himself in a case that is currently being regarded as a murder-suicide.

Dancer Stephanie Moseley, best known for her role on VH1′s Hit the Floor, and rapper husband, Earl Hayes - part of Floyd Mayweather's money team - were discovered dead yesterday in their apartment  after neighbours heard gunshots and called police.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

17 Real People Explain Why They Got Divorced

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Most people who get divorced often say they cannot pinpoint exactly what went wrong in their marriage. Sometimes, its because they really don't know or more likely they want to remain polite, and not hurt the feelings of their former spouse. The other easy responses one gets is that the couple grew apart, love stopped, or the clincher, someone cheated.

But even with cheating, it is one thing that leads to another, and only those in the relationship know these things but they're not saying. Or they were not, until now. Earlier this week, Redditors who were divorced opened up on those details. Since the forum is anonymous the answers are probably as as honest and direct as you'll get anywhere. I selected 15 of my favorite responses below.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Beyonce Sings About Father’s Cheating and Her Mother Leaving Him In New Single

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Beyonce has just released a new single ‘Ring Off’ and it's a tribute to her mother. When a snippet of the song leaked yesterday, many thought it was concerning the rumors earlier this summer about Jay Z cheating and Beyonce getting ready to divorce him. But that turned out not to be the case.

Beyonce sings that she is happy that her mother found the strength to take the ring off after husband and Beyonce's dad, Matthew Knowles cheated on her several times. Check out the song below...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Lola Okoye on Caroline Danjuma Support - I Stand For The Heartbroken Woman & Dumbed Wife

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Many people made a big deal of Lola Omotayo Okoye supporting Caroline Danjuma yesterday on her husband cheating, read here, and she faced her fair share of online criticisms on her age, supporting infidelity and more. Lola has cleared the air with a message on Instagram on why she did what she did. Read below...

Monday, November 10, 2014

Caroline Danjuma Slams Husband's Preferred Mistress + The Cheating Reports That Started It All

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Caroline Danjuma, former Nollywood actress, and wife of billionaire businessman, Musa Danjuma, has finally reacted today to reports he was cheating on her. The reports have been fuelling gossip about the two socialites for months now, and claimed their marriage was appraching WWIII as Caroline battled preferred mistress.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater - New Study Validates Old Knowledge

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Have you been crying because you found out your cheating ex is now dating the person who stole them from you? Please wipe your tears, because it's very likely the new relationship won't last. What's more, it will probably end in more cheating, so you're definitely better off.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bride-To-Be Impregnated By Dwarf Stripper On Her Bachelorette Night

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A new bride must have had an extra wild bachelorette night because she's just had a baby for the dwarf stripper that entertained her and her girls that night!

Reportedly, the cheating woman's husband of 9months was of the firm belief that he was a fast scorer and the child was his - until the day the baby was born. I wonder how many men this happens to?

The guilty woman had to confess to cheating on her husband with the performerer after giving birth to a child with dwarfism at a hospital.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mistress Attacked By Lover's Wife And No One Intervenes?

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Yesterday, the story was all over the news of a 38 year old Chinese woman, Lin Yao Li, who was attacked in public by the wife of her lover and the wife's friends. The mistress was kicked in the groin and breasts, her clothes ripped off her naked body and generally given the beating of her life.