Thursday, May 23, 2013

9 Steps To Empowering Yourself As A Woman

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For most of us women, we have to struggle to discover ourselves and who we are in our personal circles and in society as a whole. Some books want us to act like ladies while thinking like men, others want us to be B*tches in order to get ahead. But at the end of the day, we are women and we just want to be ourselves. No shoes are as comfortable as the ones we choose for ourselves.

Monday, May 20, 2013

You Are More Beautiful Than You Think - Dove

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I first understood what it meant as a girl to have others judge your physical looks. It was in my junior secondary school, we were in a group and the other girls were talking about how pretty each of them looked, from the hair, eye brows, nose and mouth, and how they felt this would determine their chances with being popular with the boys.

Friday, May 3, 2013

To Women Who Constantly Complain But Never Change

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By Jai Stone

Dear Sista Complains A Lot: There is something that I’ve been wanting to say to you and I finally think it’s time. I’m hoping that you can hear me over your constant grumbles of discontent. I’m praying that you can put aside your finger pointing, wailing and yammering for just a few minutes and process what I have to say.

The honest truth is that no matter how much time you spend “venting,” whining or complaining, the only person that can change your situation is you. I’m sorry, but it’s my turn to complain. You need to know that talk without action is just a bunch of noise.

If you are reading this letter and you are not sure if it applies to you, there are a few clear signs that you’re a Constant Complainer: If you call your friends and they don’t answer or call you back. When your sister or best friends constantly says, “Are we back on this subject again?” If your Mama always says, “Baby, just let that go already!” Or, lastly, if your co-workers have stopped inviting you to lunch and wrap things up fast when they see you coming. Those are all sure signs that you are stuck on the “Gripes & Groans” station and you need to change the channel fast.

How do I know, well I’ve seen the effects up close and personal. All my life I’ve watched the women around me complain about their lives. They were too afraid or too stubborn to change their circumstances, so they opted to just be angry and complain about them. I watched them as they trudged off to jobs they hated, cussed at kids that hated them and clung to sorry men that didn’t care about them. I watched these women who appeared to be strong cower in the corners of their lives and refuse to step into the light.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halle Berry, Low Self Esteem and Bad Choices in Men

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Some of us often ask why a woman in an unhealthy relationship remains in it. As much as we don't know her partner as she does, and maybe he does need help, first of all however, the victim has to realize her self-worth in order to begin to understand that she needs to withdraw from that relationship and save herself before she can worry about her partner and what he needs. [see post on Rihanna still loves Chris Brown]