Monday, February 19, 2018

Nine Tips to Secure a Promotion In the Next Three Years

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Whether you already have a career goal, or you believe that you are stuck in a dead-end job, it might be time to create a long term plan for your work life. Many of us feel trapped in a position due to the lack of opportunities, or the attitude of the management at the workplace.

Getting Started In The World Of Self-Employment

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Being self-employed has a number of blessings and curses, and it can be interesting to note how many changes it can make to your life. To be sure, it is always something of a challenge to switch to being self-employed, but it can also be hugely rewarding, and it is worth remembering that there are both sides to the argument when you are getting started. If you are about to embark on a self-employment journey, then you might want to think about some of the things that are likely to concern you early on. As long as you get these things down pat first of all, you will be in a good place to carry on into the future, so it is worth focusing on these firstly.

Friday, October 6, 2017

A Step By Step Guide To Scoring Your Dream Job

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Most people work jobs that are less than suitable for their talents and personality type. That is because the process of identifying your dream career is long and complicated. Developing the right strategy to achieve your goal is even more challenging. So, lots of folks spend their lives in employment situations that never make them feel fulfilled.

Friday, September 29, 2017

These Industries Are Desperate For Applicants

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The job market is more competitive than it has ever been. There is a ridiculous number of applicants for every job opening and, on average, only around 2 percent of people will ever even get to interview stage. When you’re trying to find a career, those odds aren’t great. But it’s not all doom and gloom, there are certain industries that are understaffed and crying out for more good quality applicants. If you start applying in these fields, you stand a much better chance of succeeding.

Mega Jobs For Master Multitaskers

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Usually, a post like this would start off by telling you to stop what you are doing and listen. But, because you’re a multitasker, there is no need. And, therein lays your career advantage. Thanks to your superior organisational skills, doing two things at once isn’t a problem. As it turns out, some companies pay big bucks for such an employee. If you’re interested, the following roles are perfect for master multitaskers

Saturday, September 23, 2017

How To Turn Your Passion into a Shining Career

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No one wants to work at a job devoid of any passion or love for the work. Much has been written about how not being engaged with the job hampers employee productivity and proves negative for both the employee and the employer. But the actual picture doesn’t seem to change. A recent study found that up to 87% of-of the American workforce do not deliver results according to their full potential because they lack the passion for their work.

Monday, September 18, 2017

How A Woman Can Become an Effective Marketing Leader

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Without a doubt, a marketing leader is one of the most important members of the company. They might not have the biggest authority or freedom of choices – yet, often, the success of the company depends on them.

Monday, September 11, 2017

How to Start Your Career while You Study in College

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Believe it or not, there is no better time to start a successful career than when studying in college. They say, additional activity of this kind can cause harm to the main one for the process of acquiring knowledge is a tiresome and time-consuming affair. That is true. The combination of work and study can lead to undesirable consequences in both spheres if a person fails to consider the major aspects influencing a successful implementation of such plan.  You, will not! We offer a set of details to keep in mind to make a good beginning.

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Best Inspirational Career Quotes

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Motivation is what drives us to achieve our goals in every aspect of life, particularly our career. Being motivated keeps you focused on ready take on just about any challenge ahead. The motivation isn’t constant, it fluctuates. Sometimes it’s up and sometimes it goes down making us feel reluctant to do anything.
How many times you didn’t feel like doing anything and firmly achieving the goals you’ve set would be impossible? We have all been there at one point or another. In those difficult times, you just need something to pick you up, a motivation boost to show you the light at the end of the tunnel.
Inspirational career quotes always do the trick. Here are the best quotes to remember.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

What Is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program?

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The non-profit educational foundation, International Baccalaureate, (IB) is growing popular with time. It projects four highly favored international education programmes that help the students to develop intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills required in taking responsible action in the future. In IB recommended schools, students are taught to make the world more than just a peaceful place to live.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Writing a Food Truck Business Plan

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By Jeremy Raynolds
The popularity of food truck industry is growing rapidly nowadays. If you have always dreamt of starting your own business and you love cooking – this type of business can definitely be what you are looking for. However, before launching food truck business it is advisable to do a research and read some useful articles about prosperous businesses, or an informative article on how to start a mobile food business. Below, we have prepared a detailed guide which will help you write a business plan. Follow these steps and reach your goals.

Monday, May 22, 2017

5 Ways for Using Time Wisely for Women

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By Nicola Reynor

Ideas are limitless, and so is the zeal to pursue them. With a fast-paced lifestyle, you can barely find the time to invest in actualizing these ideas. For a multitude of people, following their passion cannot sustain the lifestyle that they lead. Day jobs can take up close to one-third of your day, making it difficult to spare time for yourself.

Friday, May 5, 2017

7 Cover Letter Writing Mistakes Costing You Interviews

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By Gloria Kopp

Cover letters, the bane of any individual seeking a new job. Sat in front of a computer? Blank word document in front of you? Unsure where to begin and what to include?  Usually, the majority of people quickly jot down something that they think employers want to hear, attach the letter to their C.V and send it, fingers crossed.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Little Habits that Help Boost Self-Esteem

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Self-confidence is one of the most elusive, yet vital things we can learn to cultivate during our lifetime. At one point of another, most everyone, no matter their age, race, gender or creed, has battled with their self-confidence. Yet, while it’s a known universal struggle, many are uncomfortable discussing their personal experiences with it. Whether it’s body image issues, a poor sense of self, a disbelief in one’s abilities, or overcoming a difficult personal history, in order to improve self-confidence it’s important to address the three core areas.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Pros and Cons of Being in a Relationship in College

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By Adam Smith

Many young women getting into college either have not had their first relationships and think the new environment may be a great place to be free and experiment. Others have a high school boyfriend, and are wondering whether to continue, or end old things with a new start in college, especially if they're both going to different colleges. There is also the expectation of meeting brand new people and wanting the opportunity to get to know new college friends and acquaintances better. These people will want to know the pros and cons of being in a relationship in college.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Bringing Out Your Confidence When Dating

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It's always astounding that some of the most beautiful women in the world are the least confident when it comes to dating. We've all seen it - the stunning girls who have a million insecurities, leaving everyone else wondering how they're going to manage in a relationship if this seemingly unattainable women don't even have faith in themselves. 
However, that's part of the issue - comparing yourself to others! There are a million no-nos when it comes to dating, and one is probably actually reading a lot of advice instead of just going out there to just be yourself! Regardless, everyone needs a helping hand from time to time, and confidence is one of the biggest areas. If you have that, you can potentially have everything!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Dressing To Impress At Interviews: An Expert Guide

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So you recently applied for your dream job and have just received a response inviting you to attend an interview. While you’re over the moon at the opportunity, you are probably stressing out about what you should wear. Picking an interview look that’s both smart and stylish is no easy task.

The good news is, however, that looking both chic and smart is much easier than you would think. The most important thing is to understand why you need to look good for interviews, and no, it’s not just to impress your potential employer. The truth is, if you want to do well at your interview, you need to feel confident. You may not realize it, but how confident you feel, shows. That’s why it’s so important to get your interview outfit spot on.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Depression More Common in Daughters of Older Mothers - Study Reveals

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Depression affects millions of people out there, particularly women. Scientists have already associated it with a wide range of factors that contribute to its development, but the new study could change the way we perceive depression and its causes. According to this study, depression is more common in daughter, but not in sons, of older mothers. Keep reading this article to find out why daughters of older mothers have increased risk of depression.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

August 1st is National Girlfriends Day - Empowering Women To Live a Healthier Life

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August 1st is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Girlfriends Day and is to celebrate female friendship and support. It is also used to highlight how we women can help each other stay safe and live a healthy life. So I'm sharing the infographic below with an outline of checkups women need make their health a priority throughout their lifetime.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Call for Applications - GEMS4 Launches £3.5 Million Funding Window For Women Empowerment

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Charged with the mandate to catalyze private sector investment in innovative, commercially viable, and inclusive business models that result in improved performance, job creation and improved income opportunities for poor men and women engaged in the Wholesale and Retail sector, two funding windows have been launched by the Growth and Employment in States – Wholesale and Retail Sector (GEMS4) - a market development project in Nigeria funded by DFID/UKaid and the World Bank.