Thursday, December 12, 2013

Chicago Bulls' Luvabulls Cheerleading Squad Dancer Has Surprise Marriage Proposal During a Game

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Some surprise public proposals as we've seen can take a turn for the worse, but the ones which go well are so sweet. Especially when the bride-to-be is genuinely surprised as this member of the Chicago Bulls' Luvabulls cheerleading squad who got proposed to by her boyfriend at a game last week..

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Please Marry Me! Kanye West Proposes to Kim Kardashian on Her Birthday

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Kim and Kanye are engaged! Kanye West proposed to Kim Kardashian on her birthday, as she turned 33 yesterday Oct 21. He made it a most public proposal by renting a baseball park, major fireworks and a 50 piece orchestra. If they go ahead with the wedding, it will be Kim's third marriage and Kanye's first. Check out Kim Kardashian's 15 carat diamond ring below...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Public Proposal Ends in Disaster As Girlfriend Hits The Guy

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How would you feel after a pubic proposal gone wrong? This Indian guy who decided to publicly propose to his girlfriend in a Dubai mall got a response he couldn't have expected. In this video going around, he had musicians, a microphone and a sugary sweet poem, as well as a willing audience, but the lady was having none of it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Will You Marry Me? Boyfriend Goes Big With Giant Sand Proposal

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When thinking of how to propose, a lot of men are stuck at the crossroads of big or small, and private or public. Most important for the creative type of boyfriend is being original. Jeremy Curtis, decided to go big and public and wrote out his proposal in 15ft letters on a beach in Guensey.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Public Proposals - Yemi Sax Asks Girlfriend for Forever Joy

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Towing the line of a public proposal, a Nigerian Saxophonist, Yemi Sax, proposed to his girlfriend, Shola, yesterday at an ice cream place in Lagos. Linda Ikeji was able to get a copy of what he actually said to her, corny but sweet :)

Adeshola Sholatayo Durojaiye...
The first day I met you Shola, my heart beats, and something said to me, this is the mother of your children and the woman specially made for you from heaven. This has never happened to me ever since I've grown up to be a man. I've met so many ladies but you are a rear germ and can't be compared to any of them.

Today i look in to your eyes to tell u this
0. U are the true definition of love
1. U are the true definition of a good woman,
2.U've brought nothing but hapiness to my life
3.Your love to me is more than anything in dis world
4. You are the apple of my eyes
5. I love u so very much shola
6.I cherish u very much shola

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tiwa Savage Gets a Most Public Proposal

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At Tiwa's Birthday Dinner, her manager Tee Billz, now fiance, proposed on bended knees with a very lovely ring. And Tiwa said yes. Congrats to the couple and all the best in their relationship. For those who have been asking and speculating about the two, now they know :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Blogger Proposal - Verastic Gets her Man

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So next to Bellanaija, when she was still a blog, the next blogger I knew was Vera. Her veratic blog was shared on a Nigerian community message board, and her articles too. I liked her voice and followed her blog when she mentioned she was also an aspiring writer. When I started blogging, she was also among the first to follow and encourage me. Since then, I've got to know her, speak to her on the phone and hope to meet her one day.

Now, if you've read a few of her older blogs, you'll know Vera is a romantic. If she's not talking about relationships and how she wants everyone to get it right, she's writing about meeting the man of her dreams. So I am very happy for her that she has met the awesome guy who - as is obvious from her writings, and speaking to her too - makes her heart sing.

Igwe, as she calls him, has put a ring on it and Vera decided to share some of the pictures on her blog for us friends and blogggers to see. I wish them more joy and blessings in their union. Enjoy pictures and video below...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Is This For Real? Journey to the Altar Series

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Hello everyone, I'm starting a new series titled Journey to the Altar. Some of the brides and would-be brides, will share with us a brief snapshot of their journey to the altar. Our first contributor wants to remain anonymous, but that does not detract from her funny and heart warming story. Enjoy...

How did you meet your fiance?

Hmmm...I went to spend the weekend with my sister in school because I was so bored at home. She and a couple of her friends happened to be organizing a send forth for a friend of theirs so I tagged along. That evening, I got my hair done, did my nails...needless to say I was feeling like a fine girl. Being that I wear glasses, I dumped them for my contacts. Unfortunately, one lens dropped and I couldn't find it so I was left with just one 'working' eye because I refused to wear my glasses. Lol.

After getting ready we headed to Swé bar (only if my parents knew my whereabouts that night). Anyways we got there, I was having a very good time; I was high on power horse, I was very happy. In our group we were just generally enjoying ourselves and being a mess, next thing this guy comes to ask me to dance...I'm like err ok, when the guy was beginning to get in my space I practically ran away. *covers face*.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Public and Private Proposals - Go Big or Go Home?

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The other day, at the end of the news, they were discussing the rise and rise of public marriage proposals, and not just public, but big, theatrical, and expensive. Think Howie Mandel flash mobs, movie cinemas, public parks and gardens, full marching bands, complete military parades, helicopters with flying announcements, you name it. Talk about going BIG!