Sunday, July 30, 2017

How to enjoy your golfing holidays without spending a fortune?

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Where to go? Where to stay? Where to play? These are ubiquitous questions for any golf traveler looking forward to exploring the best-golfing courses of the world.
Before going into the details of choosing a place, let us tell you a secret most golfing resorts will not tell you – leave your clubs behind. Some of the leading airlines will charge you up to $100 USD per bag, each flight. You should check out resorts that let you hire premium clubs or online portals that will let you choose a set of new clubs from Callaway and TaylorMade for frivolous amounts like $46 USD in European countries. This will also decrease your luggage load.

The Fascinating Experience of Romantic Cruise Holidays

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Imagine yourself enjoying the panoramic view of the landmarks of London from the deck of a cruise boat with your dearest one. It will not only be exciting, but it will surely be one of the most romantic experiences to enjoy.

While booking a boat cruise, you need to have a fair understanding of how it works and what the essentials are to make it a lifetime experience. Here, let's discuss a few important things to keep in mind while planning for a cruise holiday.

Alternative Weddings: Should You Try Something Different?

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Most people choose to get married in a church of something similar and then jet off with their partner on a honeymoon. However, that’s boring, and it’s something all your married friends will have done. For that reason, you might want to take a look at some alternatives. Today, I’m going to outline some ideas to assist you in thinking outside of the box. You don’t have to take any of the suggestions from this article. They are just here to point you in the right direction and provide some inspiration. At the end of the day, you want a wedding you will never forget. So, it’s worth using your head and trying something different.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Half a Dozen Tips to Prepare for the Great American Solar Eclipse 2017

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It is coming on 21st August 2017 to in America! After 99 years, a total solar eclipse is crossing the United States with a fully viewable complete eclipse for about 2 minutes. Its just three months away and it’s time to plan for it. Here are some tips.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Indian Jungle Safaris and the Best Accommodation – Insights from the Experts

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Among all they types of vacation you can enjoy with your family and friends, jungle safaris rank right up there in terms of sheer exhilaration. However, you can only experience the many nuances of nature if you are knowledgeable and sensitive to your environment, are disciplined and have a great deal of patience. For those who possess these simple but essential traits, there is no country in the world quite like India for the diversity of wildlife.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

5 Top Tips For Selecting Your Travel Hotel

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By Chioma Iwunze Ibiam

Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, journeying away from home is an amazing way to experience life and rediscover yourself. But travelling can be both physically and mentally exhausting especially when the trip is a long one. In fact, it’s easy to get overwhelmed in the beginning, especially when you haven’t travelled in a long time.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing A Perfect Holiday Home (6 Things To Consider)

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by Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam
Planning a holiday is exciting in theory until you get down to the nitty-gritty of things.  It can be challenging to decide what to pack, how much to spend and what resources you’ll need. But it is something that must be done in order for your trip to be the exciting and amazing experience you’d envisaged.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

5 Exotic Australian Honeymoon Destinations

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Australia is a dream honeymoon destination – the vast country has so much to offer from sandy beaches to dramatic deserts. If you are thinking about which romantic getaway to pick, add Australia at the top of your list. If you want more inspiration, then these five exotic destinations in the country Down Under are worthy of a visit as newlyweds.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Travel with a Baby Like a Pro, Even If It Is Your First Time

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By Korie Cantor

Too scared to travel with your toddler? Frequent feedings, midnight awakenings, diaper changes, and hormone imbalance stopping you from traveling? Feel like we just read your mind? Turns out, most new parents feel this way.

While this is understandable, life should not and need not stop with the coming of a baby in your life. In fact, it should get more adventurous and beautiful with the tiny tot around.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

4 Fantastic Ways to Bring Your Family Closer Together

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Everyone seems to be incredibly busy these days—even kids, with their school and extra-curricular activities. Men and women often struggle to find the archetypal work-life balance. Children, meanwhile, sometimes find it hard to relate to their parents.

But it doesn’t have to be all bleak on the family front. Even the simplest things can bring you closer together. All you need is to set aside a little time, flex your creativity, and commit to some family bonding time.

Friday, March 3, 2017

10 Romantic And Spiritual Retreats From Around The World

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By Audrey Throne

Life is busy, no joke about that, and we all need a break. A break from rushing to and from work, worrying about weekend groceries, unpaid utility bills, what to cook, what to wear and so on. Chances are, you and your loved one are going by the same monotonous routine every day. There is no better way to get in touch with each other again and spice up your relationship, than by going on a romantic retreat.  

Friday, September 9, 2016

5 Bali Destinations for Your Next Romantic Getaway

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Did you know that traveling can make your relationship stronger? Apparently, research shows that couples who travel together tend to have happier and healthier relationships. Based on the findings of a recent survey commissioned by the U.S. Travel Association, traveling together offers many long-term benefits for couples. It reportedly helps strengthen and maintain relationships while reigniting romance and intimacy. According to the responses, couples who frequently indulge in romantic getaways have reported significant  positive changes in their relationships, including improved communication, increased romance, and a heightened overall satisfaction in the relationship.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

12 Top Experiences In Dubai That Make Your Trip Worth It

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By Kimu Mishra

If ever you wondered how futuristic cities would look like, Dubai is your answer. Once a simple barren desert emirate currently dominates other countries as one of the most advanced and dynamic city in the world. It is indeed a matter of envy as well as an inspiration for other nations who now try to compete against Dubai’s mind-boggling rapid growth as a tourist magnet.

The city of superlatives has all the elements for a perfect holiday destination. Explore the ever growing city with a glittering skyline filled with some of the best architectural projects of the world, meandering through the city is the beautiful Dubai creek, hidden among the towering skyscrapers are reminiscent glimpses of Bedouin era, on the outskirts of the city lies the vast stretches of Arabian desert on one side and shimmering waters of the Persian Gulf on the other side. Embedded within all these segments are some of the most iconic and mesmerizing attractions which surely make Dubai the most memorable trip you ever had.

Monday, July 11, 2016

How PromoPro Can Help You Save On Summer Getaways

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Summer is all about summer break for the kids, summer travel plans for the entire family, as well as romantic getaways for couples. Each year more and more families enjoy taking their family on the road to visit some of the great theme parks and vacation destinations. Couples who would like to take more of a private adventure with a more romantic setting can also find great deals for their romantic getaways.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Destination Accra: Top 3 Sites To See In The Heart of Ghana

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By Chinelo Ngene

Fondly referred to as the heart of Ghana, Accra is a vibrant and engaging city with great people, food and interesting places to keep tourists, travelers and wanderers busy during their sojourn. Though Accra does not boast of as many historical monuments and tourist-attracting features as Cape Coast, the bustling markets, malls and restaurants would satisfy the curiosity of wandering eyes, mouths and legs.

Accra offers a range of options for exploration - for food, in case you prefer fine dining or the camaraderie of dining with locals, the options are open. The nightlife would show you how the youths of Ghana like to relax and end a busy day. In addition to embassies and government buildings, you will find thriving businesses - the fabric stores in Accra are a must - choosing from the range of colorful Kente fabric available is always such a trip for me!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Couple Love - Actor Chinedu Ikedieze & Wife On Romantic Paris Vacation

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Nollywood's Chinedu Ikedieze, popularly known as Aki is on vacation in Paris with Nneoma, his wife of almost 5 years, and from these pictures which the actor shared on his social media, their love is still very much in the honeymoon phase.

Any vacation in Paris would be remiss without a pose with the city of love's most popular attraction, the Eiffel Tower above. Check out some more lovely photos below of their fun moments together during the romantic vacation for two.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Get Your Post-Election Holiday On At Agbokim Waterfalls

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By Chinelo Ngene

Now that the elections are successfully concluded, some of us would be on the lookout for where to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Somewhere you can kick back and relax and let the warmth of nature wash over you.

Not to worry, there are uncountable destinations to relax and have fun in Nigeria. Agbokim Waterfall in Etung Local government area of Cross River state is one highly recommended destination for a relaxing vacation. It is not far away from the Nigerian-Cameroun border and it is just 17 kilometers from Calabar.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Got Last Minute Plans? Best Affordable Places to spend Easter Vacation!

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By Chinelo Ngene

Travel is the best gift you can give yourself and your family this Easter. With so much going on around this time, it may be overwhelming to plan a worthwhile last minute trip that is both fulfilling and easy on your wallet. To help you through the back-breaking task of finding the perfect holiday destination, I have selected five of the most affordable last minute destinations for Easter vacation. Put all your work aside and get ready for the best Easter!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Top 10 Expert Secrets For Travelling With Your Family

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By Chinelo Ngene

Whether you have a family of two or twelve, your travel needs will always be centered around making sure that they have a great time. Most families take at least one trip together in a year giving themselves some quality time to spend touring a new city and getting familiar with the wider world far from home. Some take it a step further and travel every few weeks.

It might sound scary to consider taking your whole family with you on a trip but you can too because gathered here are 10 expert secrets to help you make the most of your adventures when travelling your family.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

6 Most Romantic Places Around The World to Spend Valentine’s Day

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By Meghan Gannon

For Valentine’s Day have you thought of the most romantic destination to spend time with your other half. Here is a list that takes lovers on a journey around the world’s most beautiful places to inspire their own Valentine’s Day plans.

Are you looking for a last minute getaway with your loved one? Whilst Paris, Venice and Bora Bora spring to mind as quintessentially romantic locations, why not think outside the box when it comes to deciding where to spend this Valentine’s Day? Below are 6 of the most idyllic, romantic spots to escape to this February.