Friday, September 21, 2018

Creative “Will You Be My Groomsman?” Ideas

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Your wedding day is one of the most beautiful moments in your life. As such, it is only sensible to choose the right people who will become witnesses to such an occasion. Usually, you choose your best man and your groomsmen among your best friends and other people whom you trust.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

How You Can Be Your Own Wedding Planner

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According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for wedding planners around a decade ago was $44,260, but with the passage of time, some brides fork over $120,000 for help sorting out the little and big details that must be attended to when planning an affair. Did that figure grab your attention? It should.

Monday, August 27, 2018

What You Need to Know to Take Great Wedding Photographs

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Becoming a wedding photographer allows you an exciting way to make a living and offers you numerous opportunities for career advancement. Most people hire a photographer for their wedding, which creates a huge market for your services, no matter where you live. The better you become at wedding photography, the more clients you will bring in, the more in-demand your services will be, and the more you can charge for your photographs.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Don't Try to Plan Your Wedding by Yourself

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Just about every woman has dreamed about the day she would get married. You’ve probably envisioned how everything would turn out in your mind repeatedly. From the theme and colors to the dress and decor, you’ve earmarked, bookmarked, copied, and pasted all the things you want for your big day. However, as your dream comes closer to reality, you realize that bringing all those things to light is a lot more challenging than it seems.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Survive Outdoor Summer Weddings in Style with These Cool Outfit Ideas

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Dressing for an outdoor wedding in summer is difficult. You need a dress that helps you beat the heat and shoes that won’t make walking difficult. At the same time, you don’t want to look drab! You can’t wear your heavy gown to such events because, well, the sweat will mess it up!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Your Guide to Planning the Perfect Wedding

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By Jenna Brown

Now that the love of your life has popped the question (and you’ve happily accepted), it’s time to get to work on planning your nuptials. You’re probably already aware that there is a lot to be done. Remembering it all and tackling each task, will take every bit of energy - and patience you have. Like most brides, you want your day to be perfect, and the only way to pull this off (well, at least close to perfect) is to make a list and start checking off those boxes. Here are some main things to add to your wedding planning list:

Saturday, July 7, 2018

6 Ways To Make Your Guests Cry At Your Wedding

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Weddings always bring out the emotions in everyone. There is something about seeing two people commit their lives to each other that gets even the most unemotional person a little bit teary eyed. When planning a wedding, some couples really want an emotional aspect to their day. Here are some of the things that tend to not leave a dry eye at the wedding.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Unique Groomsmen Gift Ideas

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Groomsmen are crucial to the success of a wedding. They help prepare things for the special day and make sure the day goes smoothly from start to finish. Preparing some gifts for your groomsmen is a fun thing to do. Choosing unique gifts for groomsmen may seem like a challenge at first, but there are actually more options than ever.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Appropriate Wedding Dress Styles for Different Body Types

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Over the decades, bridal fashion has changed almost as fast as regular, high street trends. These days, it’s all about what’s on the catwalk, what celebrities are wearing and what the biggest designers are doing with their fabrics. Forty years ago, the popular styles were grand, overstated and extravagant. Think Princess Diana at her ceremony in 1981.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Five Ways to Use Technology to Make Sure You Have the Best Wedding Ever

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Planning a wedding means planning the event of a lifetime. Whether you’re planning on inviting just a few close friends and family members or your guest list will include hundreds of people, technology is a great way to plan the very best wedding. Here are a few ways you can use technology that will make your wedding day unforgettable.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

From Wedding Invitations to Favors: How to Make Your Wedding Stand Out

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Everyone wants their wedding to be unique and memorable, but finding the best way to accomplish this is not always easy. While many people will look for elaborate ways to make sure that guests remember their wedding for years to come, there are actually a number of small things that you can do to help ensure that memories of your wedding will always bring joy. Best of all, quite a few of these basic methods of making your wedding stand out will cost quite a bit less than all of the work that will go into coming up with an elaborate wedding plan.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

9 Tips To Get Fit For Your Wedding

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We all know that there`s nothing like an engagement ring to motivate a woman to get serious about her shape. Just putting the ring on your finger, you tell yourself “I`m getting married! Oh my God!”  These words make any bride both excited as well as very nervous. The dress. The venue. The menu. So much to do! And most importantly, how to get fit or even lose some inches because you want to be the most beautiful on this big day?

Please, calm down and don't panic! We have prepared 9 proven tips that will definitely help you get fitted for your wedding and look your best on this great day.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Top 5 Tips to Write a Perfect Marriage Vow

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Just like planning your wedding ceremony, writing a marriage vow can also be challenging and might seem impossible when it's your first time. But the fact is whether it is your first time or not, you can draft that perfect marriage vow that will remain in your spouse’s memory forever. Here are tricks and tips to help you scale through.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Adesua Etomi and Banky W‘s #BAAD2017 Wedding in Cape Town, South Africa

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Adesua Etomi and Banky W had their white wedding in Cape Town, South Africa today. Banky Wellington shared the first couple photo of them below with the caption, "Here's to forever in Jesus name... 🙏🏽😍😙 #BAAD2017 #TheFinale". Adesua Etomi shared the same photo captioning it, "I am yours and you are mine. #BAAD2017". Check out pictures of the newest celebrity couple at their outdoor wedding venue and their guests below.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Miss to Mrs – A Guide to Changing Your Name After Marriage

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Changing your name once you’re married is a personal choice. It may no longer be expected, but many women do still choose to have the same surname as their partner, whether this be by taking their partner’s name directly or by using a combination of both surnames. Either way, any change of name brings with it legal requirements.

Monday, October 30, 2017

A Time for Celebration: Tips for Arranging a Wedding Get Together

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Many extended families now find themselves spread around the country and that means when a special occasion like a wedding is being arranged you have to find a venue and location that gives everyone the chance to attend and enjoy a celebration.

Here are some of the main considerations that it’s best to think about when you are choosing your wedding venue and putting all your plans for a special day together.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Why Every Bride Needs A Wedding Website

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A wedding website is the answer to every bride’s prayers when it comes to organizing and managing a wedding. It’s become increasingly popular in the last few years, and there are many good reasons why. In case you’re wondering, here’s some of them:

Friday, September 22, 2017

Wedding Hat Style Guide

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Have a Wedding Invite this season and worrying about the look you should wear? Think no further. Instead of wearing a plain Jane look, sway this Wedding Season by adorning a stunning Wedding - Hat accompanying your chic outfit and classy footwear. Yes, the Wedding Hats adds that timeless classy quotient to the Wedding look. It does not matter if you are the guest, you still can flash a statement Wedding-Hat with panache and make the heads turn.

There is a variety of Wedding-hat styles available to choose from to complete the look. If you are still confused, then here is an Infographic to guide you through to select the appropriate style suiting your outfit and personal style.

How to get married for under £1000

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The average cost of a wedding nowadays is an incredible £27,000. Once you’ve picked your chin up off the floor, you might be wondering how one day can possibly cost so much? Is there a way to get married on a budget? There certainly is! Taking the advice from financial experts, this guide to getting married for under a grand is essential viewing.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Alternative Weddings: Should You Try Something Different?

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Most people choose to get married in a church of something similar and then jet off with their partner on a honeymoon. However, that’s boring, and it’s something all your married friends will have done. For that reason, you might want to take a look at some alternatives. Today, I’m going to outline some ideas to assist you in thinking outside of the box. You don’t have to take any of the suggestions from this article. They are just here to point you in the right direction and provide some inspiration. At the end of the day, you want a wedding you will never forget. So, it’s worth using your head and trying something different.