Saturday, April 7, 2012

Force Vs Persuasion, What Motivates Us? Atala Writes

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In understanding how human beings work, one of the things I have pondered is what motivates people. I'm sure there are all sorts of factors involved, but it seems most of the motivators fall into two categories - those which hold out the promise of something good happening as a result, and those which hold out the threat of something bad happening. I'm talking here about force and persuasion.

For a lot of people, force is the more appealing of the two. It's certainly a lot easier and quicker to use than persuasion - when persuading someone, not only do you have to rack your brains to figure out what he might like and ensure that you are able to offer it to him, you also have to figure out how to present your proposal in such a way that he will accept it. Of course, there's no guarantee that he will accept it on its first presentation - he might need some time to first become comfortable with the idea.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Affairs of the Heart 2 - With This Ring I thee Wed

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Two young women in their early twenties walked past his table. They had somehow managed to squeeze themselves into two of the tightest dresses he had ever seen. They both had manes of Brazilian hair almost all the way down to their waists, and were both clutching the latest Blackberry phones in their perfectly manicured hands. He was not a fan of this look, even though it seemed to be the ‘in’ look at the moment. He did, however, appreciate how nicely the two of them were built; from the curve of their backs to the tightness of their stomachs and the African fullness of their backsides.

He had never been able to understand oyibo people and their obsession with boyish figures. Not that he had anything against lepacious women. All he asked, if it wasn’t too much trouble, was that they stuck out in the places where women were supposed to stick out.

Hoppy Easter Blog Hop Giveaway

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It's time for the Hoppy Easter Blog Hop giveaway, hosted by the BlogHop Spot. Several authors and bloggers are taking part with various prizes to be won - see full list of participants in the blog hop.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hoppy Easter Giveaway Hop

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Happy Easter {in advance} to you all. So many good things have happening in my life and on my blog this year and I am very thankful. My novels, A Heart to Mend and A Love Rekindled, continue to do well at various retail outlets. Thanks for all the support and for commenting regularly too.

The Hoppy Easter giveaway hop is hosted by I Am a Reader Not a Writer and I want to use this opportunity to learn more about the picture above. Tell me more about Easter, eggs and bunnies and stand the chance to win a $10 cash prize!

Affairs of the Heart 1 - Married With Children

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He watched her from across the hall, his eyes following her every move. Damn, she was beautiful! And she carried herself with the natural confidence of someone who knew she was beautiful. He wasn’t the only one watching her either. Men sitting next to their wives turned their heads as she walked past, but were careful not to look for too long. Young men sitting together nudged each other and stared openly.

They were at a wedding. He hated weddings. But his wife had dragged him along all the same, as usual. It seemed to him that not one Saturday could ever pass in Lagos without someone she knew getting married.

“They’re our good friends, Ebuka! We can’t not go to their niece’s wedding.”

It was funny how her friends always became ‘their’ friends whenever another wedding was imminent.

Winner of the Project Alert Charity Giveaway

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The Winner of the A Heart to Mend eBook is Reviewing Shelf, CONGRATULATIONS! I have sent her an email with a PDF copy of the book. If I get no reply in 48 hours a new winner will be announced.

Thank you to everyone who entered and took part in the Charity Hopping around the World giveaway. I appreciate all the comments and so also does Project Alert. The director and IT Personnel have both sent me emails to express their gratitude.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nigerian Woman Dead in Oikos University Shooting

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A lot of us Nigerian immigrants to the United States came seeking the American Dream. Some find it, others don't, most settle for a manageable medium. The chances of us dying in road accidents or childbirth reduce drastically, but other dangers lurk around the corner. One of them has to do with the gun ownership and safety issue in America. I confess, these random shootings freak me out sometimes. This particular death hits quite close. RIP Doris Chibuko and may your family be consoled.

Doris Chibuko, 40, was born in the state of Enugu, in eastern Nigeria. She went to law school and worked as a lawyer in Nigeria. She met Efanye in college, and in 2002 they were married in a big traditional Nigerian wedding. That same year, the couple immigrated to the United States, where they had three children who are now ages 3, 5 and 8.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Igbo Men more Controlling and Traditional than Usual?

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You may have seen this news before me, but it got me thinking when I heard Tonto Dike's latest interview. The Punch asked her about her fiance who happens to be from Edo State, and what seems like a defensive manner, she compares Igbo men to Edo men, unfavorably.

"... [Benin men] are not siting [sic] and judging you unlike an Igbo man that will want to be poke-nosing in everything you do. You make your money and the Edo man is not interested in your personal affairs. If I keep waiting for an Igbo man I will just end up eternally single." - Tonto Dike.

To be honest, I admire Tonto for doing her own thing which sometimes is not what the majority may care for. I haven't watched a lot of her movies, but she does quite a good job in a few of them. Now, some may expect me to say she unfairly tarred a whole group with the same brush, but can I be real? LOL...

Yes, yes I know it's a stereotype, and I know there's no one Igbo man, what with all the villages and dialects, not to talk of background and upbringing. But, stereotypes usually have an element of truth and can be used in general. I remember back to my single days when I talked with and dated some Igbo men.

Why My Dating Life is Not The Titanic

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Some of you may know that Titanic is coming out in 3D soon. I was a bit conflicted when I first saw the preview. Should I, should I not? I finally decided to see it, especially as Atala hasn't ever and is interested. Anyway, a guest blogger is sharing her post with us, comparing her love to the Titanic ship. Like Celine Dion's song, My Heart Will Go On, her love life will continue in spite of heartbreak. Alicia Aubrey blogs at The PassionSearch. Enjoy...

Over the last three years, I've put my heart through the Titanic of feelings. I've built it up, I've let it fill, I've seen it crash, and I've tried my best to collect the pieces of what was left to see if I could learn what exactly it was that went wrong in the first place. It was only recently when I met Drew, the second-worst decision of my life, that I realized that a heart isn't like the Titanic, but that lesson doesn't come until the end of this story. And this story isn't about the second-worst decision of my life.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Old School Nigerian Style PDA - Bola and Remi Tinubu

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You all know I love me some PDA, but coming from some quarters, it's so unexpected, but in a pleasant way though. Bola Tinubu may be marking his 60th birthday, but the guy still got groove. And I can see the wife, Remi Tinubu rocking that kiss, seems she actually is the protagonist? Ahem...