Saturday, May 18, 2013

Get the Romance Back in your Marriage

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By Mimi Adebayo

Okay men, have you ever thought of doing something that’ll make your spouse blush for the next seven days? You know, give her that special feeling and make her remember the days when you first met. I call it the ‘Once in a lifetime’ treatment. Trust me; it’ll improve your love life and definitely the bedroom life too.

Real Life Matchmaking

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He is a new reader who likes what he reads on the blog and likes what he sees here. He found one of the posts about people searching for Igbo guys and he's representing. Send me an email if you'll like to be connected. He's on Facebook and is willing to be honest and open. He says;

Magazine Covers I'm Liking - Kerry Washington On Elle

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Great cover for Elle, beautiful lady. Kerry Washington is certainly on the up and UP. She's doing an amazing job on Scandal, and she can only get better. Looking forward to seeing her in Peeples soon.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Dear Myne - Is It Time to Move On From My Boyfriend?

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I seriously don’t know what I am planning to do with the next phase in my life. I am 28. And, I seriously need some suggestions so that I can move forward in life. After reading through your blog posts I have come to a conclusion that I write to you and check the reader’s feedback. So that if the guy I am currently seeing is not for me am leaving everything we had aside and moving forward with what life has to offer me .

Some Reasons Why Long Marriages End

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Have you ever wondered why so many long-married couples decide to split? I know I have. I want to know how these people in these marriages can be so happy together for so long, and then one day they say they're done. I would have thought that after 25, 30 years most couples can be assured of till death? After all, what new thing will you find out about each other to totally upset the apple cart? An affair? A crime?

Kanye Praises Kim Kardashian in New Song - Awesome

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Last night, Kanye West performed at the Roseland Ballroom in New York, and after rants against the paparazzi for making him tabloid fodder, what with banging his head on a sign post, and his car crashing into his girlfriend Kim Kardashian's gate, he sang a new song dedicated to her. He first sang the song to Kim at the Met Gala, and though it has no title yet, fans have called the song, Awesome. Sweet :)

Scandal Finale - Life is not a Romance Novel, and Other Memes

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After watching Scandal last night, I was like yeah! But some of these meme pictures highlight some of my other emotions. I will still write a recap. For now, enjoy...

Pat Robertson Says Women Should Overlook Infidelity

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On this week's 700 Club, Pat Robertson mentions Nigeria and the sad killing of the CAN secretary, but the buzz online is about  the advice he gave the woman who sent in the message above. He told her that she should stop focusing on the adultery and instead ask herself why she married him in the first place.

Night out at the Samsung Galaxy S4 Launch in Lagos

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Ebuka Obi-Uchendu and Banky W

Two of the most eligible bachelors in Lagos social scene were photographed together at the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy S4 recently. Enjoy more pictures from the event..