Friday, November 29, 2013

Family Time - Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Prepare For Thanksgiving With their Twins

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Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon and the twins, Moroccan and Monroe are so cute in this picture that she shared on Instagram. She captioned the photo: ‘Family prepping time! Pecan pie, Thanksgiving’. Love them! They are one of my favorite celebrity families.

Mercy Nnadi Survives Her Husband's Attack With a Hot Iron and now Campaigns Against Domestic Violence

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Oma was able to get away but some women are not so lucky. Do you remember the story of Mercy Nnadi? Her husband, who was a washerman/drycleaner attacked her with his hot iron, especially around her breasts because during the attack, she begged to breastfeed her one-year old son. The man ended up killing that innocent baby the same night he tortured his wife.

Family Time - IK Osakioduwa and Wife Celebrate Daughter's Second Birthday

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The TV Host and Radio Presenter had this to say about the event, "Today is Micah's 2nd birthday. Not a big do, but nice all the same." Only two of the children in the picture are IK and his wife Olo's children, and when one commenter mentioned that he may not be so energetic and versatile if he had so many children, IK added, "I love kids, and they love me. I'm sure I'd be pretty much the same." That's cute to hear. RML wishes the family and Micah another great year!

At the Naija Hair Can Grow Salon Day and How my Hair was Tamed By Palm Oil and Honey

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After my 30hrs+ long journey from Seattle to Lagos, my hair felt so sticky, and it didn't help that it was due for a touch-up. So I went to a nearby salon and had them wash and blow dry it. The result was not very good, not only did the stylist add too much oily hair cream, she used the highest setting on the blow drier and brushed my hair like it was going out of fashion. I had to stop the proceedings when smoke started billowing from my hair #justhalfkidding :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Some Uninvited Women Attend Weddings Every Weekend Looking and Hoping For a Husband?

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By Mauryn Bello

A friend of mine got wedded a few weeks ago and since I couldn't make it to the wedding, I paid her a brief visit earlier today. I met her unwrapping her wedding gifts and the inscription on one of the gifts caught my attention. It read thus;

For Guys: This is How You Can Keep Up With Your Girl's Numerous Male Friends

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A lady who makes loads of friends of both genders, especially the opposite sex, is usually a free spirit, a genuinely friendly person. Before a guy can develop the tactics to keep up with such a lady, if she is his girl, and her numerous male friends, he has to be certain if they are simply just her friends, or if they are his own rivals. And how do you ascertain that? Your girl's kind of person/personality, she falls in either of the following two categories:

Picture Postcards From Lagos - Danfo Hustle

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By Devesh Uba

Danfo is clearly the symbol of Lagos. I think these yellow buses resonate with the spirit of the Lagos city. These VW vans are always in a hustle, moving people from one part of the mega-city to another. The conductors are often standing out, feeling the Lagos wind on their faces. I have also heard the song 'I am a Danfo driver' and I quite like it. I have no doubts, if you look at Lagos from skies it will look all yellow :)

Man of The Week - Didier Drogba Covers GQ Magazine's Turkish Edition

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Listed as one of GQ's men of the year 2013, Didier Drogba is on the Turkish Edition of the magazine in a black tux and bow tie. Looking very eye candyish. Who is a fan of Didier?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Post Pregnancy Body - Amber Rose Talks About Taking Your Time and Losing Baby Weight Naturally

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Amber Rose may be referring to the rumors that swirled recently around Kim Kardashian's post baby body, or maybe not, but the new mom shared a picture of her much slimmer post baby body and urges new moms to shun surgery or other short cuts to losing the weight gained while pregnant.

#Bossladies - Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, Emma Thompson, Amy Adams, Octavia Spencer and Lupita Nyong'o on The Hollywood Reporter

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They are the star actesses whose roles in recent movies have got everyone saying they deserve the Oscars, and in the Actresses Issue of The Hollywood Reporter, Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, Emma Thompson, Amy Adams, Octavia Spencer and Lupita Nyong'o all open up about their critically acclaimed new roles, as well as their own personal struggles working as actresses. Great cover!