Wednesday, October 29, 2014

CCTV Video Shows British Man Paying Driver To Have Wife Killed During South Africa Honeymoon

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Shrien Dewani and his wife Anni Hindocha were visiting South Africa for the first time in November 2010 for their honeymoon and it ended in tragedy. New bride Anni was murdered when their taxi was hijacked by armed robbers, while the groom managed to jump out of the moving taxi. He returned to the UK alone as the investigation continued.

Book Review - Drowning by Jassy de Jong

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When the publishers of Drowning by Jassy de Jong sent me a request to review this book, what first got my attention in the synopsis was that it was set in South Africa, and it was romance/erotica with a love triangle. It's been a while since I read a really good romance - no I did not read the Shades of Grey novels - and I wanted to see what I was missing.

RML Woman: Chioma Obiekwe - IT Consultant And Youtube Reviewer

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Chioma Obiekwe is the second of five children with a BEng in Computer science and engineering from ESUST and an MSc in Information systems management from the University of Huddersfield UK. She currently works as an SAP consultant at an IT consultancy and also runs a YouTube channel were she reviews Nigerian made - and made for Nigeria- products and services. Please read her contribution to our RML Woman exclusive.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Man Breaks His Neck On A Roller Coaster, Now On Life Support

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A man riding on a roller coaster at the Blackpool Pleasure Beach has snapped his neck and is currently on life support. Many are amazed that he's even still alive!

Robert Sycamore, 58, was riding on the Grand National with his nephew's son when the freak accident happened, according to the Canada Journal.

Cartoon Network Censors First Gay Kiss - [Watch]

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Cartoon Network has drawn some controversy after they aired what’s believed to be its first openly gay couple on one of the network series, Clarence.

The writer of the show said that in the episode titled “Neighborhood Grill,” the two men who met for a date and proceeded to kiss on the cheeks was actually written to be a kiss on the lips. That kiss was censored by the network.

Robbie Williams Live Tweets Wife's Labor For Birth Of Second Child - Would You?

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Ayda Williams is either one very understanding wife or Robbie Williams is just one entertaining and fantastic husband and father. Robbie, formerly of boy band Take That, was one excited second time daddy as they awaited the birth of their second child.

School Boys From Senegal Called “Ebola” And Beaten Up In New York School

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Two brothers, 11 and 13 years old, have been beaten up by their fellow school mates in the playground after being bullied with calls of “Ebola.” Though they were born here, the boys emigrated to the United States from Senegal about a month ago, and were in the sixth and eight grade respectively.

#MarvelEvent - Black Panther & Carol Danvers Are First Black and First Female Movie Superheroes!

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Actor Chadwick Boseman, above, has been announced to play the first black super hero, Black Panther in a 2017 Marvel comics film of the same name. The actress to play the first female on-screen superhero Carol Danvers was not named, but she will be appearing in a Captain Marvel film, out in 2018.

Viral Photo - Angry Father Disciplines Daughter For Lying About Her Age & Dating Older Men

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Kevin Jones is not a happy father after he discovered that his 10-year-old daughter who is 5ft 9 has been lying about her age and dating older men through social media accounts she set up without her parent's knowledge or permission.

Couple Love - Cristiano Ronaldo And Girlfriend Irina Shayk at LFP Awards

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Portuguese and Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo has been dating Russian model Irina Shayk since May 2010 and he flew all the way from Spain to New York to propose on Valentine’s Day this year. While there have been rumors of splits, other women, and long distance frustrations, the couple are staying the course.