Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Official Trailer for Weekend Getaway Movie

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Weekend Getaway is a Royal Arts Academy production starring Genevieve Nnaji, Ramsey Nuoah, Ini Edo, Monalisa Chinda, Uti Nwachukwu, Bryan Okwara, Alex Ekubo, Uru Eke, Beverly Naya, Imeh Bishop Umoh. Produced by Emem Isong, Monalisa Chinda & Ini Edo, the director is Desmond Elliot. Enjoy the poster and trailer below;

Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are

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Egg Noodles Pasta with Fish and Mushroom Sauce

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Pasta is a quick and simple side dish, and it offers loads of variety in the different forms it comes in. There's Penne, Macaroni, Spaghetti, and some even come in rainbow colors. I love all the types and usually have a selection available. For today's menu idea, it is simple boiled Egg Noodles Pasta and Fish and Mushroom Sauce.


1. Boil water in a large pot until it is in a roiling boil.
2. Put in a little salt for more flavor and a drop of oil. The oil helps the pasta not to stick to each other and the water not to boil over the pot.
3. Add your pack of egg Noodles pasta and stir immediately
4. Leave the pot open and stir every now and then.
5. There is usually cooking directions on the pasta package, but bite one after about 10 mins and remove from heat when you like the texture.
6. Strain immediately and if you want, run cold water over it. I'd rather eat like that.

Desmond Elliot - February Man Candy #10

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Desmond Elliot is a Nollywood actor and director.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Baby Who Loves Gangnam Style

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The baby sure loves the song, and can dance it too. Hilarious :)

Dear Myne - I am a Christian But He's Not

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I have a situation here and I am really confused. You know what, when people say when it comes to the matter of the heart you can't fight it, they def know what they are saying.

I met this guy some years ago and we started getting to know each other. At first, I just wanted to know how it will go and then we got closer. He introduced me to a  beautiful world, changed my view about men, he is smart, responsible etc. Our relationship was not perfect, but we found ways to deal with situations, spice things up and communicate. Communication is VERY key to me.

The closer we got, the more sure I was I wanted to be with him. That was also the time I drew closer to God (becoming a godly woman) and this guy is not a Christian. Around this time, I read some articles about marrying non-Christians, heard some sermons and I started to feel "somehow" in my mind. So I broke up with him. I was scared of how he would react, I was scared of hurting him, and hurting myself, I did not want to but I had to do what I had to do.

On Half Naked Women and Male Magazine Covers

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This cover has made it to most Nigerian blogs and it's easy to see why. The ladies on it are beautiful, hardworking and well known in the entertainment circles. However, this blog is not to call them hot chicks or exalt that "Nigerian Girls are getting bolder". While I'm usually not one to call out fellow women on the choices they make in their life and work, I just had to say this. Permit me.

I don't know the other two very well, but Toke I had sorta been following, she has a blog, also vlogs, and was campaigning against cancer the other day. I equally saw an interview she had with Ebuka Obi Uchendu not too long ago. In it, she referenced a small, or if you will, big, fall out with Linda Ikeji on who is and who isn't supposed to be a role model. And then I see her pimping herself in underwear on a male magazine cover?

Ihuoma Mambo Atanga's True Story of Nollywood

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Ihuoma Mambo Atanga is a young up and coming filmmaker of Nigerian/Cameroonian descent, and a member of the New York Women in Film & Television. She is also the producer of True Story Nollywood, a film documenting the opinions about the authenticity of the African narrative in Nollywood films (a fast growing African film industry thought to be losing itself to Western culture).

The film highlights various subjects of discourse surrounding the topic, among prominent Nollywood filmmakers and people based in her current city of residence, New York City including renowned Nollywood director Tunde Kelani.

True Story Nollywood examines the educated opinions, gossip, lies and truths behind the evolution and authenticity of Nollywood stories from the perspective of industry connoisseurs, Michael Nwaesi, Oliver Mbamara, and Tunde Kelani.

Prince Amukamara - February Man Candy #9

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Prince Amukamara is an Nigerian-American football cornerback for the New York Giants of the National Football League (NFL), and was a member of the Giants' Super Bowl championship team as a rookie. Prince's parents are Nigerian born and have royalty in their family line :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

How to Cook Fried Rice 1

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Fried Rice may not be as ubiquitous as Jollof is in Nigerian households but it has its own place which is somehow classier, it is used for special occasions and parties. In prep terms, fried rice is barely cooked rice stir-fried into a vegetable and meat/seafood  mixture. For each making, even for myself, the ingredients and the method of preparation differs. On this occasion, I used diced cooked beef as the meat accompaniment to the chopped vegetables.

3 cups of long-grain rice
1 pack of Chicken drumsticks
3 ladles vegetable oil
1 pack of frozen mixed vegetable - defrosted
Cooked Beef - diced
2 small fresh tomatoes, chopped
1 medium size onion, chopped
2 Teaspoon of dry pepper
4 Knorr Chicken cubes
Salt and Spices to Taste