Friday, February 8, 2013

How to Cook Fried Rice 1

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Fried Rice may not be as ubiquitous as Jollof is in Nigerian households but it has its own place which is somehow classier, it is used for special occasions and parties. In prep terms, fried rice is barely cooked rice stir-fried into a vegetable and meat/seafood  mixture. For each making, even for myself, the ingredients and the method of preparation differs. On this occasion, I used diced cooked beef as the meat accompaniment to the chopped vegetables.

3 cups of long-grain rice
1 pack of Chicken drumsticks
3 ladles vegetable oil
1 pack of frozen mixed vegetable - defrosted
Cooked Beef - diced
2 small fresh tomatoes, chopped
1 medium size onion, chopped
2 Teaspoon of dry pepper
4 Knorr Chicken cubes
Salt and Spices to Taste



1. Wash the chicken, and put on the stove with just one cup of water.
2. Add salt, two cubes of knorr and spices to taste.
3. Set the heat to medium and cook for 20 mins. The Chicken is not fully done but that is OK.
4. Remove the meat from stock and set the liquid aside, that is your stock.
5. Put the chicken on a baking tray. Always remember to apply cooking spray to your oven-proof dishes.
6. Pop in the oven and set to grill/roast at low for 10mins.
8. Turn over once and remove from the oven when they are done.


1. Set 5 cups of water to boil, or enough to cover your rice twice.
2. When it boils, pour the rice in and allow to boil again.
3. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 mins.
4. Remove from heat and pour the rice into a colander with small sized holes.
5. Turn the rice into a container filled with cold water, and sieve again.
6. Repeat this, rubbing the rice lightly between your fingers until it feels starch-free.
7. Put the stock from A above in a large pot and bring to boil.
8. Add one knorr cube, salt, half the chopped onions, all the tomatoes, and then the rice
9. Do not add any more water, you don;t want the rice too soft.
10. When the rice is cooked - some know by sticking in a knife or listening to the bottom of the pot. If the knife is dry, or you can hear some pops from the pot, the rice is done - turn off the heat.


1. Heat your vegetable oil in the pot you'll use for cooking the Fried Rice.
2. Add the remaining chopped onions, the cooked and diced beef, and stir all together.
3. Add the 1 knorr chicken cube, salt and spices to taste. Stir for five minutes.
4. Start adding the rice by ladlefuls, stirring it into the eefb and vegetables mix. Continue adding until all of the ingredients are stirred into one dish.

Your Fried Rice is ready. Serve with the grilled chicken and a small side of vegetables. I used cucumber in the pictures above. Enjoy!


  1. I can almost taste this one. That drumstick is calling my name.

  2. Looks appetizing. I shall try this method...

  3. Myne o Myne on cooking spree I see..issorite

  4. Myne my love, sorry I've not been able to come here and say a Big THANK U for all your cooking tips. Thanks alot and please keep them coming. You are just too much.


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