Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oscar Ready Jennifer Lawrence and Quvenzhane Wallis

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In the run-up to the #Oscars, the two youngest women nominees for Best Actress, Jennifer Lawrence (22) and Quvenzhane Wallis (9), have been picking up various other wins on the awards circuit. With nods, plaques and statues from the Critics Choice Awards, Screen Actors Guild, NAACP, Golden Globes, Independent Spirit Awards, among others, they've become shining stars.

I saw Silver Linings Playbook, loved it, and thought Jennifer Lawrence did an amazing job. She was also great in Hunger Games. I did not see Beasts of the Southern Wild, I've heard great stuff about it, and about Quvenzhane's role which was a major part of the movie.

As they prepare to know who gets the Oscar statue for Best Actress this afternoon, I wish them both good luck. Enjoy some of their lovely red-carpet photos below.

50Cent Tries To Kiss Erin Andrews at Daytona500

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#thatawkwardmoment when @50cent attempted to kiss @ErinAndrews as she went to interview him during the pre-race event at the on-going Daytona500. Erin Andrews must not be such a big fan of the rapper and actor because gave him the cheek. He took like a gentleman though Twitter went wild, shifting focus from Danica Patrick and the other NASCAR drivers to +50cent and +Erin Andrews.

 GIFs and videos have already been made to memorialize the event :)

Homeless Man Returns Diamond Engagement Ring

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Sarah Darling from Kansas City, Missouri, recently lost and found her, not inexpensive, diamond engagement ring. She removed it for a while, and dropped it off by mistake into a homeless man's collection pot. Fearing it was gone forever when she realized her mistake, she was amazed when the panhandler returned it a couple of days later. According to CNN,

She almost never takes it off, but it was giving her a bit of a rash so she did, zipping it in her coin purse for safe keeping. Later, she absentmindedly emptied the contents of that purse into the collection cup of Billy Ray Harris, who is homeless and often stays under a bridge in Darling's hometown.

It wasn't until the next day that she realized her ring was gone.

"It was horrible. It was such a feeling of loss," Darling said. "It meant so much to me beyond just the financial value."

She went back to look for Harris, but he was gone.

Our Cirque Du Soliel Experience - AmaLuna [Pictures]

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AMALUNA is Cirque du Soleil's latest creation and currently touring the Seattle area. We found out just before valentine and would have loved to make an anniversary event of it. However, that day's tickets were sold out. We saw it a couple of days ago, and even then, it was still sold out. Totally worth every penny of the ticket price, I loved it.

Cirque du soleil presents contemporary circus experiences, with the traditional jugglers, aerial performers, acrobats, dancers and clowns fused with modern music and a story. AmaLuna is a magical romance, inspired by Shakespeare's The Tempest, and takes place on an island where women (Ama) rule along the cycles of the moon (Luna).

"The daughter of Queen Prospera is undergoing the rituals of her coming-of-age ceremony when a group of young men is caught up in a storm and stranded on the island. Prospera's daughter falls in love with one of the brave sailors, but the two lovers must overcome many trials and setbacks before finding peace together."

Savory Fried Potato with Chili and Sausage

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I have a confession to make about these food blogs, and maybe you can guess. I didn't realize till Atala read some of it and demanded an apology. The truth is that we make most of the dishes together, and sometimes, like in this case, he makes a major part of the meal.

For this dish, we already had the chili [see recipe] but because he wanted some carbs, he fried the diced potatoes. BTW, the potatoes came pre-cut and frozen. Still he fried  them to perfection, and with the sausages and chili, they were very yummy :)

Good for any meal of the day, breakfast, lunch or dinner. Enjoy!

Vincent Enyema - February Man Candy #24

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Vincent Enyema is one of the finest and dedicated goalkeepers the Nigerian national football team has ever had, and he has been soaring for several years now. I became a fan of his when I was still following the local league and he played for Enyimba. His club won some good titles back then, and it's thanks to some of his fine work that Nigeria recently won the AFC.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Michelle Obama on the Evolution Of Mom Dancing

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First Lady, Michelle Obama was on the Jimmy Fallon show the other night and in promoting her "Let's Move" campaign for kids, she encouraged parents everywhere to support their children in keeping active by getting up and moving with them. As an example, Jimmy Fallon and Michelle Obama showcased some moves in the "Evolution of Mom Dancing." Hilarious stuff!

Old School PDA - Uduaghan and Wife Renew Vows

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Gov. Emmanuel and Roli Uduaghan kiss at their 25th Wedding Anniversary

The Governor of Delta State and his wife renewed their marriage vows as they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. The wife wore a sorta wedding dress which completely suited her, and the pictres are quite nice, they look serious and happy at the relevant places. The picture of them kissing caught my attention on FB, someone said "ewww...", I say good on them.

Happy Anniversary to the Uduaghans, and many more years.

Maybe if more married men showed off like this, there would be less single ladies after them. #justsaying #idontknowtheirstory #RTisnotendorsement.

Dear Myne - Should I Ask Him For A Date?

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I met this guy recently and we exchanged business cards. That same evening he asked for a date for the following day. Though I would have obliged, he said he would close late, which meant i will be waiting for him at my office, so I didn't. He asked for another date but it was always late and am wondering if there is no weekends. Am just thinking if i should suggest weekend to him or ask him for a date one of these days as he has not called me since i declined his last offer.

This came in on the Setting P 101 and this was my response. "I think you should call and ask, maybe he assumed you always rejected him cos you weren't interested. However, try to do some background check, for instance, is he married, or have a girlfriend who he reserves his weekend for?"

What do you guys suggest?

Should Single Ladies Date Married Men?

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A Nollywood actress made the news recently when in a recent interview, she advised single ladies this;

Let me explain something to you; where are the single guys? They are there and not ready to marry. If the single guys are not ready then the next available option should be taken. I believe one should go for whatever makes one happy. If a married man is the one that will make you happy, please go for it. I know married women would be angry with me but it is the truth of the matter".

I am not going to say much because one could misconstrue my comments as being influenced by my marital status. My question is, does she have a point? Knowing that a number of men spend more quality time with their mistresses than they do with their wives [Married Men Spend Valentine with Girlfriends], maybe the better question is, should married men ask single ladies out?