Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mercy Ngozi Alu - Guest Author (Halima)

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Our author interview today is with Mercy Ngozi Alu, and her first book is Halima.

Tell us about yourself:  I come from Afikpo, in Ebonyi State of Nigeria.  My local Afikpo (Ehugbo) name, is Ogerigwogo, which can be translated Ogechukwu(God's time is the best).  The original word means lady of song or composition and dance.  I believe naturally, I am meant to be creative and full of ideas.  My father was, and still is a professor, and I must say, he instilled some discipline in me.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is There Anything Like Caring Too Much In Your Relationship?

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CARE (meaning): Close attention; concern; responsibility; worry; upkeep.

When we care about each other in a relationship, we pay close attention to our partners, their emotions, their thoughts and their moods, which is nothing if not very normal. If we decide to rate the caring we give to our partners on a scale of 0-10, some people will rate at 8, some at 6, 4 gets my eyes rolling and 2 is evidently deficient but when we rate 12/10, should the partner remove their slippers, pick them up and run?

Monday, February 17, 2014

My Truth on Valentine's Day as Atala and I Celebrated 5 Years of Marriage

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I am a romantic, but I never thought marriage was easy, not even before I was married. When people say they were misled by romance novels into thinking relationships are a fairy tale, I say in mind, really? I've read thousands of romance novels and never had that delusion.

Mommy Time - Lupita Nyongo and Her Mother at the BAFTA Awards

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Lupita Nyong'o looked absolutely amazing in her emerald satin gown at the BAFTA Awards which held yesterday in London. And who did she take on the red carpet with her? Lupita's mother, Dorothy Nyong'o, was her daughters date! And isn't she so beautiful too?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chimamanda Adichie Talks About Relationships, Cooking, Dressing and Natural Hair

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In a recent interview by Elle, Chimamnda answers questions as diverse as her choice of dresses, what she expects from a relationship, whether she loves cooking, her writing routine, the characters in her books, feminism, and more. Enjoy...

Simon Cowell Shares First Baby Pictures of His Son Eric on Twitter

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Simon Cowell shared this picture of him tenderly cradling his newborn baby son on Twitter with the caption, “I never knew how much love and pride I would feel.” The proud dad welcomed his son, named Eric after Simon's father, on Friday and finally posted these pictures today with one close up of the tiny baby captioned, “Now you can see how very handsome little Eric is”.

Book Spotlight - Stolen Valentine Kiss by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku

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Stolen Valentine Kiss by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Publication Date: Feb 1st 2014
ISBN/EAN 13: 1495237931/9781495237935 (Paperback)
Genre / Categories: Fiction/Romance/Contemporary/Interracial/Multicultural

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Barack and Michelle Obama Show Sweet Valentine Love on Social Media

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Barack and Michelle Obama engaged in some social media PDA on Valentine's Day. Michelle Obama started the ball rolling by sharing the cute photo above. She posted the picture on Instagram yesterday with a loving message to her husband of 21 years. "Hey Barack, I'll always be your valentine! HappyValentinesDay –mo."

Friday, February 14, 2014

Obi Emelonye Marks Wedding Anniversary - He Met and Married His Wife Same Date

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Obi Emelonye shared this message a couple of days ago about why the date 12th of February is very significant for him and his wife, Amaka;

“My wedding anniversary; on the 12th of February 2001, I drove with T-Chidi Chikere to a location in Omole, Lagos for the film ‘Fire Dancer’ starring Genevieve Nnaji. When the gates of the huge house opened, I saw a young girl standing on the balcony upstairs. I turned around to T-Chidi and told him, pointing, that she was my wife.

Valentine's Day in Nigeria - President Goodluck and Dame Patience Get Their Groove On

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Reuben Abati, the special adviser on Media to the president, shared this picture of President Goodluck with the first lady Dame Patience, aka Mama Peace, on Twitter today. Along with the picture is the message that President Goodluck Jonathan wishes Nigerians a very happy Valentine's Day. The first couple of Nigeria are looking quite regal and romantic, yeah?

Check out their love story from Chapter Six of President Goodluck Jonathan’s authorized biography, Wind Of Hope.