Friday, May 16, 2014

Wedding Photos - Olusegun Obasanjo's Daughter Damilola Marries Tope Borishade

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Damilola Obasanjo, daughter of former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, got married to Tope Borishade this past Saturday in Abeokuta, Ogun State. The bride was beautiful in blue for her engagement, and looked svelte in her wedding dress, an ivory lace gown. More pictures below...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

#Bossladies - Joke Silva, Ireti Doyle, Bimbo Akintola, Taiwo Ajai-Lycett Perform At Mushin Market

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Joke Silva, Ireti Doyle, Taiwo Ajayi-Lycett, Bimbo Akintola, Lala Akindoju, and Kate Henshaw are getting ready for ‘HEAR WORD’, a theatre production coming out this May 2014 at the Muson Centre. The play is directed by Ifeoma Fafunwa and in preparation, the women gave a teaser at Mushin Market.

31 Year Old Woman Arrested For Posing as 15 Year Old High School Student For Almost a Year

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Charity Johnson, a 31-year-old woman was arrested for posing as a Texas high school student for almost an entire year. Answering the name Charite Stevens, the woman claimed she was an orphaned 15-year-old girl before a family gave her a place to live and helped her enroll in a Texas high school.

Beyonce, Solange and Jay Z Release Joint Statement on Leaked Video of Elevator Fight

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Beyonce, Jay Z and Solange have said in a joint statement that they are moving on since a video was leaked earlier this week of Solange attacking Jay Z in a hotel elevator. The hotel had yesterday announced they have fired the person who recorded and sold the video [Read here].

Naked Couple Caught Having Sex in Public Next to Bank ATM

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A couple in Spain took off their clothes and got right down and dirty having sex in their local bank foyer next to the ATM. Some passers-by took selfies of themselves with the couple going at it behind them, while others simply took pictures of the couple.

'World's Ugliest Woman' Lizzie Velasquez Making Documentary on How to Deal With Bullies

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Lizzie Velasquez is only one of three people the world over who suffer from Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome, a condition that causes her to age faster than usual and lose fat from her face and body. Lizzie is also blind in her right eye.

[Please Advice] Do You Ever Worry About Meeting The Right Person For You?

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Dear Myne. I am going to be 36 later this year and still single and I'm beginning to get worried. Don't get me wrong, I am meeting lots of people, but no one I really want to date. The guys I like already have girlfriends or they are just not interested in me. The ones who pay me attention are the ones I know are so wrong for me.

Pictures - New Dad Outraged His Newborn's Mouth Was Taped Shut By Maternity Nurse For Crying

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A new dad from the Phillipines has sparked outrage in parents everywhere after he posted pictures on Facebook showing how his son, Yohannes, had his mouth celotaped shut by a nurse at the maternity hospital where the boy was born. The pictures show the poor little baby sleeping with the strip across his lips and taped to both his cheeks. In one picture the boy, at just five days old, as seen crying as the celotape is being taken off his face.

Love Never Felt So Good - Micheal Jackson Ft Justin Timberlake [Music Video]

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Micheal Jackson was a legend while he lived, and even now he's dead, he's still trending. This is one reason why creatives never die. Michael Jackson's posthumous album Xscape has arrived and came with the music video for its first single, “Love Never Felt So Good,” featuring Justin Timberlake.

Aisha Falode Seeks Justice For Her Son Who Died Suspiciously in Dubai

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Aisha Falode's 19-year-old son, Oloruntoba Oluwadamilola Falode (a.k.a Tyler Fray), passed away in Dubai on February 15th, 2014. The young student died in what appeared to be a fatal accident as he fell from the balcony of his 17th story apartment. However, Aisha Falode is accusing the Dubai police of protecting a suspect who according to her son's friends she had spoken to was the one that pushed Toba to his death.