Monday, May 19, 2014

How to Know You're Dating a Player

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Fran Creffield

A player is usually very deceptive and manipulative. When one enters your life you could be forgiven for believing that they are a gift from the gods – that is exactly what they want you to think. Sadly this thin veil of deception often hides low self worth, an inability to form secure attachments and inevitably heartbreak when the deception is exposed.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Trailer - Would You Pay $5000 To See JayZ and Beyonce ON THE RUN?

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Jay Z and Beyonce released the trailer for their summer tour which has been tagged RUN. The trailer is more of a short film, star studded, obviously big budget but filled with violence, car crashes and explosions. It is a Bonnie and Clyde story on which their up coming 'On the Run' tour is based.

Drawing Eyebrows On Babies is Funny and Disturbing At the Same Time [Photos]

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Babies, babies and more babies! Babies uusually look cute and adorable though sometimes their facial expressions can be hilarious. What happens when you add thick eyebrows to the mix? Some parents were quite imaginative, using different eyebrow designs, and even moustaches and beards to create strangely adult looks on the babies.

Couple Love - Damilola Adegbite and Chris Attoh Celebrate Joint Birthday

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Damilola Adegbite and Chris Attoh are engaged, expecting their first child together, and soon to be married. It turns out the couple also share birthdays that are very close to each other. Chris has his birthday on the 17th while Damilola's is on the 18th. Their friends in Ghana threw a joint birthday celebration for them at Accra's Casino Royale. More photos when you continue

Facebook Helps Reconnect Birth Mother and Her Adopted 23-year-old Daughter

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Colette Brasseur placed her daughter for adoption in 1991. She was enlisted in the Army and about to report to basic training when she learned she was pregnant. With little money or family support, she made the decision to find a better home for her baby using open adoption. She gave two pictures and several letters to Rosie and Don Bader, the couple she finally chose and through Facebook and the photo above, her daughter found her last December.

Marquel, The One Black Guy on The Bachelorette Show is Hunky!

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The Bachelorette show on ABC has released the pictures and bios of the bachelors who will be vying for Andi's affections in the upcoming season starting this Sunday May 19. They always tease us non-white fans with one or two black contestants who rarely last beyond the first couple of weeks. This time, the bachelor contestant is hunk Marquel. Check out his bio;

Ohio Man Banned From Impregnating Women Till He Pays Off Back Child Support

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LOL. Asim Taylor, is one of those men sometimes referred to as "deadbeat dads", men who have children with women and then fail to provide for the kid's upbringing. In January 2013 Asim Taylor was banned by Judge James Walther from having anymore children for at least five years until he could prove that he was financially providing for the four children he already had. By then, Asim was almost $100,000 in debt for child support.

What Kim Kardashian Did With The Wall of Roses Kanye Gave Her For Mother's Day

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Kanye West talked yesterday [read here] about the wall of roses he lavished Kim Kardashian for her first Mother’s Day celebration since giving birth to their daughter North last June. From giving her 1,000 roses for Valentine, this time, he gifted her a garden wall made up of roses, hydrangeas and peonies. So what did she do with it as the week begins to run out for the fresh flowers? Have a photoshoot! LOL...see the pictures below...

Frank Donga's Back - Real Business

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Everyone's favorite job seeker, Frank Donga, is back again but this time he is ready to step out on his own in the world of business. Will he be successful in taking this bold step? Watch and find out. Enjoy

Saturday, May 17, 2014

8 Ways to Show Your Love That Will Cost You Nothing

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OK, Maybe I should amend that title just a little bit, some of these tips I'm about to share on how to show love to your partner will cost you a little bit, just a little, I promise! Keep reading...