Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Bachelor, Modern Family, DWTS and more Fall TV

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Am I the only one looking forward to the new shows on TV? ABC recently announced their new Bachelor as Sean Lowes, and while he was not my favorite on Emily's season, I know I'll be watching come January. I'm also a big fan of Modern Family and Dancing with the Stars which has started off by sending Pamela Anderson Home.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Remaining Celibate - For Young Singles and Couples

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This is one of the hot button topics for young people who either want to reach full potential in their study or career without sexual distraction, or who want to stick to their moral or religious ethics on the issue of pre-marital sex. In cases like in this post, when the reasons for celibacy are personal and well understood by the individual to benefit them, I am all for supporting and assisting to maintain that decision.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mrs Somebody - Claiming Prince Charming by Faith

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In this movie I watched over the weekend, a woman is desperate to get married and after a motivational talk from her pastor, she proceeds to buy her wedding gown, in anticipation that her boyfriend, or any prince charming for that matter, will propose to her. This got me wondering if this woman, or real women like her, are being deceived by their pastors or if is this real faith? Do you believe buying a wedding gown will bring your wedding day closer, when there's no fiance in the picture?

On Marriage - Loving Your Man Anyway

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 [You may want to skip this post if you are finicky, some grossity (new word) ahead]

Now, I'm not one for dwelling on the differences between genders in terms of behavior, personality, or expected roles, but there are some ways I agree that men in general differ from women. There was this book I read in university, my then roommate was in the must-to-marry before I graduate mode, and I was in the read-everything-I-find mode. One point stuck with me, it was a chapter under the heading - You Marry A Man.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Complicated - Hold Me Back (Nigeria) by Rick Ross

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Today's music video is not romance but more about the love-hate relationship most of us have for Nigeria, and for those outsiders who try to portray the country in any sort of realistic manner. From BBC documentaries, to comments by Oprah, a lot of us get riled up by this so-called "single story" of Nigeria. MI is one of the few rappers I listen to, and it was through him I found out about this video. I won't say I'm thrilled or overjoyed by it, but I never forget that indeed, up to 80% of Nigerians live that reality.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Should Husbands Pay Wives For Managing The Home?

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This is one question that keeps cropping up again and again. I was single when I read something along the same lines after an American survey some years ago and now I'm reading it as a housewife. This time, the Union Women and Child Development Ministry in India is preparing a draft Bill that would entitle housewives a monthly income from their husbands. Of course, all the debaters are out again in force.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Does Size Really Matter?

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When size is mentioned in romance and relationship issues, it is usually about the man's penis, this time we're talking boobs. Tiwa Savage said in the video, "I don't really think it is the size, it's how you work it". That made me laugh cos that's what we say too concerning men and size. I am a B-cup and I confess that as a young tween, it was a source of envy for me as my peers' grew bigger and rounder with each passing year. Of course, there was also talk of what men wanted. I was dying inside.

Dear Diary, Sometimes it gets too Hard - Febby

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Anita's Diary

Sunday, the 1st of July. 9pm
Dear Diary,

Faking it is getting really tiring!!! You’d think I’d have perfected the act by now, right? Well I haven’t. Instead of getting easier it’s getting more difficult to do. Lifting my hands in church, simple right? Not for me it isn’t, not when I know that my life has not pleased God in a long while. I look around me while I’m in church; everyone seems to be lost in the Spirit (not that you can tell who is faking it, I hope it isn’t easy to tell because mine is so not genuine).

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Short Clip from an Interview on TV

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So Afronuts was able to make a small recording of the show yesterday. It is not much and not of the best quality but I was very happy to see it. Some friends on Twitter also saw it, and gave me a shout out. Thanks to you all, and thank God it's Friday.

Bimbo Akintola on Relationships, Marriage, Children

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Sometimes you see someone who has decided to make up her own mind on relationship issues, who is happy with where she is and not afraid to tell it. Bimbo Akintola seems to be one of those people. Irrespective of the general consensus that all single women need to find a man ASAP, Bimbo states clearly in the interview below that she is doing OK on her own for now.