Wednesday, October 2, 2013

[Web Series] Waiting... Episode 2

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I was so glad we were taking off and finally on our way to our vacation destination. I had had a stressful year with work and every other nonsense I had allowed into my life. I couldn’t help but think about Kola and everything he put me through that year. I had met Kola at a friend, Tolu’s birthday dinner, about a year and half ago. He was introduced to Tolu through another friend who lived in New York and since Kola was moving to Dallas, Tolu was helping him sort of settle in. We spoke for a bit since we were seated next to each other at the dinner and it was a big table. At the end of the night, he asked for my number and that was the beginning of my romance with him.

Magazine Covers - Rihanna For Glamour November 2013 Issue

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This Glamour photo shoot must have been done while Rihanna wore her short curly natural look some months ago. In the interview, Rihanna talks about getting real and being her true self, Robyn, when she goes home to Barbados. She also talks about old friends, her new TV show, and where her fearless attitude really comes from. See more pics and an excerpt below.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Uche Jombo Chats With Thecla Wilkie - Talks about Movies, Men and Marriage

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Bio - Uche Jombo is a Nigerian actress, screenwriter and film producer. Uche was born in Abiriba, Abia State, Nigeria. She is a graduate of Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Calabar, and Computer Programming from the Federal University of Technology Minna. She ventured into the Nigerian movie industry in 1999 in the movie "Visa to hell" and since then has over sixty movies to her credit.

Marriage Avowals - Kelechi Amadi-Obi and His Wife, Julia Amadi-Obi

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Kelechi Amadi Obi and his wife Julia have been married for over ten years, and they have four children. Kelechi Amadi-Obi was trained as a painter, and is now focused on artistic fashion photography and also the publisher of Mania magazine. Julia is an interior decorator. The couple granted this interview recently where they talked about how they met, their marriage and what has kept them this far...

First Official Trailer of Kunle Afolayan's 'October 1' Movie

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After just concluding prinicipal shooting just a couple of weeks ago, Kunle Afolayan and his production have been able to keep to their promise to release the first official trailer of the movie 'October 1' today being Independence day, October 1. According to the description on Youtube, the movie is "an African story told from African's perspective." I loved it, and think so far so good.

10 Annoying Things You Shouldn't Do When You Attend a Wedding

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by Renee Strauss

Maybe you think you know everything about wedding etiquette, but I guarantee that there are many offenses that guests don't realize they're committing when they attend friends' and family members' nuptials. To make sure you don't make a major snafu, heed this list of the worst social crimes a wedding guest can commit.

It's Been 53 Years, Happy Independence Day Nigeria?

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Over the years since I started blogging, I've either been very happy to mark the Nigerian independence on this blog or moved enough to join others in a blog round-up. This year, I'm feeling somehow apathetic. The last media chat President Jonathan had made things worse. But it's not just the leadership.

Quote of the Day - Never Demand

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Monday, September 30, 2013

Woman Killed By Oncoming Train While Doing The Sexy on Railroad Tracks

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An Ukrainian woman and her boyfriend were run over by an oncoming train after they topped to have sexual relations on the railroad tracks.  The woman died on the spot and the man had his legs cut off by the train. Gory, right? I am all for spicing up one's sex life but not so dangerously. Maybe we should just stick to the bed when conji strikes?

[Advice Corner] My Soul Mate Broke Up With Me, How Will I Ever Find Another?

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Please help. I am looking for advice especially from those already married. I turned 28 this year and am currently in a work contract that won't allow me to marry until just before my 30th birthday so I'm not rushing to be married but it's been over 2 years since I have been "in love" and I'm afraid it's because my last relationship ruined my perspective on love.