Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dear Myne - Our Different Religious Beliefs Are Almost Causing Us to Split Up

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Dear Myne, this post couldn't have come in at a better time. My boyfriend and I are so in love & we plan on getting married. The only recurring problem we have is on religion. He's a christian & I'm not. & NO! I do not plan to convert before or after getting married. We both knew that fact when we met, became friends & got into a relationship. He was cool with it, but lately it's been a serious issue that almost broke us up & it scares me so much that it will sooner or later.

A Bride and Groom-To-Be Get Creative with Horror-Themed Engagement Photoshoot

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Are you tired of the same old same old, cute and sweet engagement shoots, where the best you can do is an outdoor motion shots? Huff Post came across a couple and their photographer that decided to get more creative. The bride and groom-to-be, Alexandra and Chris, are big fans of thrillers and horror movies and so suggested to their photographer Laszlo Bodnar to have a "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" feel to their photoshoot.

Couple Love - Toke Makinwa and Fiance Maje Ayida at Alex Okosi's Birthday Party

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Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida were doing matchy-matchy in black over the weekend at the birthday party of MTVBase boss, Alex Okosi. Who was that who said something about Coke and Fanta, or was it Milk and Dark Chocolate about Yomi and Liz Black. These two have the same combo going on too...

Covers - Mo Abudu on TW Magazine

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Mo Abudu, who recently set up her own TV Channel EbonyLife TV, is on the cover of the latest Issue of TW Magazine and speaks about her fears and challenges and says to everyone who is looking to start a difficult project, “If you can see it, you can do it”. Nice one.

Magazine Covers - Agbani Darego on the Iconic Edition of Genevieve

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Agbani Darego won the Miss World Competition back in 2001 when she was still a teenager. Today, she has her degree, a career as a model and also has a fashion line. Kudos to her!

Quote of the Day - Positive Thoughts Attract a Positive Life

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Monday, September 9, 2013

George Zimmerman Detained by Police After He Pulls a Gun on His Estranged Wife and her Father

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George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering unarmed teen Trayvon Martin last month, but his woes seem to be just starting. In a movie I watched recently, a character says, "When you do something wrong, even though you may get away from the law, you keep paying". That seems to be the case with Zimmerman.

Atala and I Featured on MSN Living - Real Husbands: What I Love About My Wife

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Some of you may remember this post, 15 Things I Love About My Nigerian Wife, it is still one of the most appreciated posts on RML. I was contacted by an MSN writer who saw and loved the post and she wanted to connect to Atala and feature him, [and us] on a slideshow she was preparing to acknowledge husbands who appreciate their wives. I tabled it to Atala and he said Yes! LOL...

Tamar Braxton in Ebony Magazine, Talks About her Infertility, Abusive Relationships and Self Esteem

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Tamar Braxton and her new baby, Logan, are on the cover of the latest issue of Ebony Magazine where she talks about her painful struggle with infertility before getting pregnant and how she got her post-pregnancy body right. She also discusses past abusive relationships and how they have affected her self esteem, as well as having vitiligo. Here are some excerpts from the cover story.

The Meeting - Behind the Scenes and Interview With Midred Okwo, Rita Dominic and other Actors

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Rita Dominic's The Meeting remains one of the best Nollywood movies I've seen and a great romantic comedy for any audience. The producers are preparing to release the DVD version of the movie in the coming months and this promo of behind the scene snippets and interviews with some of the people involved in making the movie is a must watch.