Thursday, March 22, 2012

Knowing When to Walk Away by Eddie Steeze

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I’m not a bad person. I’ve done bad things, but I’m not a bad person. My life has been pretty straightforward: I see what I like, I position and strategize myself, I go in for the kill and I win. I always win. In academics, business, money, relationships, romance…


I had a good rapport with females. I had lots of them coming at me in droves. And why not? I was young, funny, charming and generous (excuse me for sounding immodest). However, I never dated any of them. I did the occasional friends with benefits thing and nothing more. My friends thought I was weird. Just pick one, they would say. I tried explaining my reason for holding back, but none of them seemed to understand. So I bowed to pressure and dated a girl called Morenike. Worst mistake I ever made in the dating department.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I believe I can Fly - Jarno Smeets and Human BirdWings

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Do you believe someone could fly just by flapping their arms attached to wing-like material? Well, Jarno Smeets claims he did in the video below. There is some controversy on Gizmodo and The Register regarding whether it is real or CGI, but it makes for an interesting watch anyway.

What do you say, true or false? Can humans hope to fly like birds one day?

WA Romance Authors on why YOU should read Romance Novels

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Recently, One+TheOne called me out in her blog series about The Journey to THE ONE when she wrote; "Romance books can damage your sense of reality: Now, I am not against romantic novels or literature (Myne Whitman, I believe, I believe :-) but I would say that it is very necessary to not get lost in fiction and forget how to live in real life!"

I agree with her that readers should take fiction for what it is - someone's imagination. However I think it is wrong to blame romance novels for damaging a reader's sense of reality. In my opinion, the outcome of reading a romance novel depends on what lessons the personality of the reader leads them to choose from their fiction. I read thousands of romance novels from when I was like ten, and believe me, it only made me more choosy and perceptive. Well, apart from my own experience, I've gone further to get some reinforcements from my fellow Romance Writers of West Africa.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring into Books Hop - What does Spring mean to you?

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Welcome to the Spring into Books Hop hosted by eReading on the Cheap and Beck Valley Books. The hop lasts from March 20 - March 31st at 11:59 PM EST. Each blog participating has at least a $10 book related Prize. There will be two winners here,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Cleaning - Clearing Your Shelf Giveaway Hop

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This giveaway hop is hosted by I Am a Reader Not a Writer. Spring is upon us and some people usually take this time to clean out their space. Several bloggers are using this opportunity to pass on books on their shelf to new homes. My giveaway is OTHER by Karen Kincy

Dear Myne: He goes 3 weeks without talking to me?

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Yes, I decided to call this the Dear Myne column. I'm no psychologist, but maybe some of you out there are, and there is definitely wisdom among many. Thanks for your comments.

Please Myne I need ur advice on this. I’m so sorry about the long read. I just couldn’t pour my heart out to anyone like I just did now. Sorry for any errors I can’t even proof read. I’m so sad right now. Thanks.
Well, BF and I are having some issues. My BF is the weirdest person I’ve met so far in my life. Yea he’s just so weird. Since the early days of our relationship he just disappears from time to time. The first time, I didn’t hear from him for a month and I didn’t check on him either coz I knew nothing happened between us, I just kept wondering what the hell is wrong with him. Anyway when we finally started talking I asked what happened and all he could say was he wanted to know how long he could stay away from me. Seriously? Who does that??? Sigh.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Adele: Chasing Pavements - Romance Meets Music

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Beautiful of Pieces of Me (I prefer, Megababeextra) is back, and she says I make love look so sweet. I do love the sweet easy going love, but from my books, you'll realize that I know the road to happy-ever-after is usually rough and tumble. I also know that if you do meet the right person when the stars align, the bumps are smoothed out by the end.

However, it can be hit-and-miss at the beginning. Maybe someone likes you but you can't reciprocate, or you crush on someone and he is unavailable, just like Adele sings in Chasing Pavements.

Have a great day all, and Happy Mothering Sunday to those in Nigeria.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

When a relationship breaks down - Don Jazzy and Dbanj

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Don Jazzy, the guy who produced that song which got me rocking the dance floor on my wedding day tweeted  earlier todayabout the rumours of his split with Dbanj. I shook my head of course. I didn't miss the splash made in the media of Dbanj's gaffe in an interview. And because I watched the full clip of his interview with Sahara Reporters some weeks prior, I won't be surprised if he had actually misyarned. The guy is not all that. He's just an entertainer, like he said.

Now I don't also know Don Jazzy except when people I do follow retweet him or the rags carry his tweets, so I'm not taking sides. I read the following tweets first thing this morning from one of my BB contacts.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway - What's your Lucky Day?

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The Lucky Leprechaun giveaway hop is hosted by I Am a Reader Not a Writer and several blogs are taking part, with lots of amazing gifts, Check the full list of participants. There will be two winners here,

Ashley Judd in Missing - The ABC TV Show

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Who watched Missing - the ABC series with Ashley Judd yesterday? After seeing trailers ads on almost every other website including the large one here on my blog, I decided to give it a go yesterday. I didn't last more than 30 mins and I think that told me all I needed to know. I feel they rushed into the story, with the husband blown up in their first five minutes, and Ashley Judd fighting the baddies within 15 minutes. A slow build-up of both the character and story suspense would have worked better for me. As it is, I haven't really connected with the main character and I'm supposed to be cheering her on?

Already, from the promos on TV, I knew it was along the same plot lines as Taken, a movie with Liam Neeson where his daughter was kidnapped for sex trafficking in France. It turns out he's a CIA operative and he goes into action to rescue her. Missing is basically the same, except here, it is the mother that is an Ex-CIA agent and going to save her son in Italy. I have been wondering if such a movie-like story can be told in series and I don't have a positive answer at this stage. I will give it another try next week, but I don't know.