Thursday, June 20, 2013

Short Story - No Other Woman

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Ironically, James only went to the party because his wife had insisted that he honour Tony’s invitation. Tony was celebrating his latest promotion at work.  So he’d gone. And joked around with Tony and the guys. And had a couple of beers.

Running A Sex Accessory Shop in Nigeria

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I get quite a number of requests for the website mentioned in this post about a sex toy shop in Nigeria. Luckily the owner of that shop sent in a comment to the post with more details about how the business is run. They now run sex therapy and counselling sessions for the couples and ladies that need or ask for it, as well as training with buyers :)

The Foundation of any Relationship

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So according to the GraphJam chart, all relationships share more of the things they hate in common that what the couple both like. It is funny, but true in a sense too. Agree or disagree?

Serena Williams Apologizes For Insensitive Comments About Rape Victim

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Serena Williams has issued a full apology for saying that the 16 year-old victim of a gang-rape in Stuebenville last year was "lucky" and "shouldn't have put herself in that position". Serena's comments provoked a furious backlash on social media and from women's rights activists. In her apology, Serena Williams said;

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pastor Kumuyi’s Son, John Kumuyi, Marries His Love

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John Kumuyi, the second son of Pastor William Kumuyi, General Overseer of the Deeper Life Bible Church got married to Miss Love Odih last weekend, June 15. Pastor Kumuyi attended the engagement and church wedding with his wife Esther, as well as the bride's parents, who are also high ranking pastors in the Deeper Life Church. Happy married life to them.

TV Host Explains Great Sex Positions For Women

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K24 is a Kenyan TV station and their Connect program is for women and wives to learn and talk about the things close to their heart. One of the Connect hosts says a popular question is how to enjoy sex, which I have also answered on this blog [Read Post].

Being Unmarried is almost a Crime in the Nigerian Society

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Jane (not her real name or picture) is a beauty; a sight for sore eyes. In her thirties, Jane who comes from Imo State can boast of the modern equivalents of what Chinua Achebe described as ‘solid personal achievements’ in his novel THINGS FALL APART: a sound education, a well-paying job and lucrative private practice on the side; a de luxe apartment in Ikoyi and a car.

True Love That Lasts For A Lifetime

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Ron and Eileen Everest are celebrating their 70 years wedding anniversary but they've been together since they were born in the same maternity unit, 91 years ago. Their families remained close, posing them as “bride and groom” at a town carnival when they were 4 years old. At 21, they got married for real and are now celebrating their platinum wedding anniversary.

Mr and Mrs Smith - Joselyn Dumas and Lynxx

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Joselyn Dumas put up this picture on Instagram and captioned it, 'Mr and Mrs Smith'. I don't know if that means what many who have seen Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in the original movie, may think. But they sure make a cute couple, even if right now it may only be in the Fine Lady music video for Lynxx :)

Charly Boy Oputa on Marriage - Love and Respect Your Woman

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Charles Oputa a.k.a Charly Boy, who is 62years today, has been married to Diane 'Lady D' Oputa for over 30 years. In an appreciation note to celebrate his birthday, she writes, "...My Husband and Friend, our love shall never end, even when it goes through the fire, because you and only you are my true heart desire.... Thanks for being there for us, thanks for loving me and for all the beautiful memories you have given me so far. To my soul mate, lover and best friend…"