Monday, July 29, 2013

Short Story - Love, Sex and Other Things

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By Kem Nathan-Gaul

Life wasn’t always like this and I haven’t always been this type of lady. Once upon a time I was young, innocent and calculated. Somehow, at some point, things changed. It was supposed to be a business meeting after work on a Friday night. Peter and I fixed an appointment to discuss how our two companies could work together. Since it was Friday night and also an informal meeting, I thought to pull Lisa along.

Diet Tips To Help You Prevent Cervical Cancer

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By Ify Ifeanyi-Ukaegbu

Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in the world and it kills nearly 200,000 women a year. As per the report of the National Cancer Institute, one-third of all cervical cancer deaths are associated with wrong dietary practices. Cervical cancer can be prevented with certain food types owing to their cancer-fighting properties and antioxidants. Foods with cancer-fighting ability nullify the effect of free radicals promoting cervical cancer development.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

More Pictures From Dotun Kayode and Taiwo Oyebanjo's Traditional Wedding

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Oladotun Ojuolape Kayode simply known as Dotun is an on-air personality at Coolfm and he celebrated his commitment to Taiwo Oyebanjo, the younger sister of D'banj in a traditional engagement ceremony yesterday in Sagamu, Ogun State. Congrats to the couple, and wishing them a happy married life.

Couple Love - Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida

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Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida have been dating for several years and engaged since last year. Looking forward to their wedding.

Bimbo Akintola and Toyin Oshinaike on Stage in A Husband's Wife

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“A Husband’s Wife” is a depiction of a hardworking married couple who suddenly find themselves wanting to do something new for the first time. The play provokes a consciousness that challenges the way people perceive the realities of their long-term relationships.This is definitely a riveting and soul-searching play that will keep the audience captivated

The Health Benefits of Red Palm Oil

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Did You Know…

… that red palm oil is healthier than olive oil and coconut oil and has been proven to reverse the symptoms of heart disease and protect against certain cancers? Move over olive and coconut—there’s a new oil in town proven even more effective at cutting the risk of heart disease and degenerative illnesses: red palm oil.

Kevin Lucciano and Mariah Mogoli's Traditional Wedding Pictures

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Kevin Lucciano-Gabriel of Questionmark Entertainment and his girlfriend, Mariah Mogoli, had their traditional marriage some months ago in their hometown, and shared these wedding photos on their Facebook pages yesterday. The white wedding holds in the UK next month.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

#WifeHerIf - Top Qualities of The Woman You Want to Marry

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So you're in a relationship with this amazing lady and lately the question has been coming up more often than before, will you get married to her? And that is where crowdsourced advice via Twitter comes in. Yesterday, the hashtag #WifeHerIf was trending and I found some of the tweets very pertinent. See more pointers below, some good, some hilarious, and some you should just overlook :)

It's still a huge deal for some men when the time comes to take that final step and commit to a lifetime with the women in their life. What would your own advise be?

Bananas Thrown At Black Italian Minister, Cecile Kyenge

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Italy's first black minister, Cecile Kyenge, has been a target of regular racist insults since her appointment in April, especially as she has made the issue of immigration reform in Italy one of her pet projects. Fellow politicians, who are anti-immigration, have called her an orangutan or said that she needs to be raped to understand the scourge of crime that immigrants bring into the country.

Rita Dominic Talks About A Special Nigerian Man

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I don’t believe in the statement that all men are the same. Human beings are influenced by the societies they live in so let me tell you something about the Nigerian man I know, especially ones who live in Nigeria.
When you find a good Nigerian man, the good feeling can’t be described no matter how you try. This is obviously why they are much sought after by women of many nations. Knowing one or two things about what drives the Naija man is very important to your relationship with them.